Living It Out: ASD Values MS Counselors, Kristin Wegner & Jen Hammonds
Enduring Understandings The values we believe in impact the choices we make and the people we become We must model the values we want our children to learn and live by Middle school students are redefining and relearning personal values during adolescence Values are both “caught” and “taught”. Parents should be intentional in teaching values.
Essential Questions What are the values that you believe in? How do they impact your choices? How do we model the values that we want our children to learn and live by? How do I develop and discuss the importance of values with my child? How can I be intentional in teaching my child about values?
What are Values? Values are principles, standards or qualities that an individual or group of people hold in high regard. Values guide the way we live our lives and the decisions we make. There are universal values, cultural values, school values, family values, individual values, which often overlap, but at times may conflict.
Learning Activity
Table Talk Where do values come from? Discuss at your table. With a partner, come up with at least two universal values, cultural values, family values, & individual values. Share these with your table. Use your handout on personal values to help you in your discussion. Share with the larger group some of the points of discussion & learning.
Values Teaching Tools Lifeline Thoughts Words/Actions Habits Character Life Choices & Opportunities
Values Teaching Tools Frame – Reframe See Feel Do Get
Values Teaching Tools Integrity Wheel
Table Talk Discuss the Teaching Tools that were shared. Provide ideas, resources, and strategies you use as a parent to intentionally teach values Discuss why the ASD Values are so helpful for connecting home & school How do I model the values I want my children to learn and live by?
Resources -- A website that provides online stories and read alouds for teaching values to children An organization that provides materials for intentionally teaching values (developmental assets) 7 Habits of Highly Effective Families by Steven Covey Book of Virtues by William Bennett
Resources tv-spots -- Great tool for family talking points tv-spots Children Learn What They Live by Dorothy Law Nolte Ph.D (also Teen version) Positive Discipline by Jane Nelsen, Ed.D Positive Discipline for Teenagers by Jane Nelsen and Lynn Lott Parenting with Love & Logic by Foster Cline, MD & Jim Fay