Into Their Shoes Stepping 2
Be The Quarterback 3
A Leader Is: An individual… who establishes direction by developing a vision, then they communicate this vision to people and inspire them to overcome obstacles. 4
Leader Traits 5
Self Confident Trustworthy Assertive Emotionally Stable Humorous Charismatic Self Aware Intelligent Emotionally Intelligent Passionate Enthusiastic 6
Roles of Leaders Co-Learner Resource Model Problem Solver Trouble Shooter Advocate of Collaborative Learning 7
The leader wears many hats to “increase group development and performance, build trust, autonomy and authority of team members as well as constructing an environment that fosters collaborative learning. 8
Keys To Leading A Team 1. Continually refocus the team on its purpose; the leader must keep them on task 2. Encourage frequent team self-assessment 3. Encourage questions and differences of perspective 4. Watch for opportunities to promote participation and involvement…make everyone feel a part by giving everyone a role 5. Don’t hog the limelight; spread credit among team members 6. Reward and celebrate successes….even the minor ones 7. Know the members of your team, find out their needs, their strengths, and their weaknesses” 9
Habits Of Leaders 1.“Focus on their team more than themselves 2.Create a space where people can trust one another 3.Focus on strengths, not weaknesses 4.Push for a higher standard 5.Drive toward results and keep their team focused on the end picture” 10
Effectiveness 11
1. Coach, don’t demonstrate: Taking over by saying "let me show you how, in order to just get the work done, destroys the member’s motivation and will likely require guidance thereafter. He/she may be hesitant to make decisions or take action without checking with you first. 2. Provide constructive criticism: Communicate the bad and the good when providing feedback, as well as clear suggestions on how to improve. 3. Back off: Prove to the members that you believe in their abilities and talents giving them a fair chance to demonstrate what they can do without interference. 4. Try to be positive: Listen to what the team has to say, provide direction, if motivation and output levels decrease, have a discussion and really HEAR their voices. 5. Value your group’s ideas: If you’re overly critical of ideas or immediately discount the ideas of others, your group will hesitate sharing anything. After all, for every twenty mediocre suggestions, there’s bound to be at least one stellar idea. 12
L.E.A.D. Lead with a clear purpose, set realistic goals and publish them. In order to maintain the right direction, set milestones. Empower team authority (power) to act on established goals, to follow through, participate in decisions, consideration, attention, encouragement, listen, positive reinforcement, appreciation. Aim for consensus, find the approach that best meets the needs of the organization and team members, general agreement. Direct the process, does not mean ordering the team around, utilize methods and practices that help members work well together and complete the work L.E.A.D.ing Teams. 13
References EffectiveMeetings.com. How to be an effective team leader. Retrieved January 23, 2010 from: Franz, N., Druskat, V., Ensuring successessful work teams. Retrieved January 23, 2010 from: Jeffrey, S Five habits of highly effective team leaders. Retrieved January 23, 2010 from:
References L.E.A.D.ing Teams. The L.E.A.D. Model. Retrieved January 23, 2010 from: Becoming an effective leader. Retrieved January 23, 2010 from:mgtclass.mgt.unm.edu/DelCampo. O’Bannon, M., Keys to leading a team. Retrieved January 23, 2010 from: berlingassociates.com. 15