Types of government Politics and Law 2A
Types of Government There are two broad categories: Liberal democratic AND Traditional/authority based (Non-democratic)
Democratic government Two types- Direct- All citizens are leaders, involved in decisions and often chosen by lot. Examples- Ancient Athens In-direct- Vote for representatives to make decisions. Examples- Australia, UK, USA
Democratic government Free and fair elections Representative parliaments Accountable executives Open participation Just and equitable legal system
Democratic government Leader- limited power, right to rule comes from the people as they are chosen and removed by them. People- Individuals are citizens, with human rights(ie/ legal, political and social).
Democratic government The Law-basic principle of the rule of law, law is supreme and there is formal equality before the law. (pg469). Communication and change-open and society is dynamic.
Non-democratic government The leader- Unlimited power, not accountable to anyone. Right to rule based on- physical power, birth or religious authority. The people- Individuals are subjects, position in society decided by birth not merit, limited human rights.
Non- democratic government The law- Law is at the will of the leader. Different laws for the rulers, they were above the law. Communication and change- information controlled, and society static.
Examples Absolute monarch- power based on hereditary right. Saudia Arabia, Monaco (most countries used this system before democracy) Aristocracy- power is held by an elite section of society. Pre-revolution France
Examples Oligarchy-modern term for aristocracy, often generals and the wealthy, ie South America and Burma.
Examples- Dictatorships/ Autocratic Negative connotations- allows no opposition and rule is unfair/unequal. Two types- Authoritarian-ie Zimbabwe’s Mugabe Totalitarian systems- want control on all aspects of life. Ie- Nazi Germany, Soviet Russia, current North Korea. Read pgs 22/ 23 together.