Agenda November 15 or 16 Journal Unit Outcomes Absolute Monarchies HW: Read Chapter 17 Section 1 Thru 4 and Complete the Key Terms and turn them into Journal: What is the definition of a “Revolution”? Give me an example of a revolution and explain why it fits your definition (you may not use the American Revolution). Why is it important to study revolutions?
Intro to Revolutions Unit: Unit Outcomes Analyzes change and continuity within a historical time period. – Examines how the French Revolution changed the experiences and influence of French citizens, while still preserving an autocratic government (from absolutism prior to the Revolution to dictator at the Revolution’s close). Analyzes how individuals and movements have shaped world history. – Examines how the philosophers of the Enlightenment helped shaped the revolutionary movements of America and France at the end of the 18th Century.
Unit Outcomes: Final Essay Questions Did the French Revolution produce radical social, economic, and political change in France? Confine your answers to the time period of “The French Revolution that took place in the 1700’s could not have happened with out the Enlightenment” Assess the validity of this statement
Process Create a positive and negative hypothesis. For Example: – Yes the French Revolution could have happened with out the Enlightenment because…. – No the French Revolution could not have happened without the Enlightenment because…. Figure out what you’ll need to know – The Enlightenment: Key people, Events, Philosophies – The time period before the French Revolution: What was happening – The Causes of the French Revolution – The Revolution itself: Key people, Events, Philosophies – Time Period After the Revolution: What was happening, key people, events. From the FACTS form an reasoned judgment – From what you’ve learned what do you think? – Create a thesis statement to present your reasoned judgment.
Process Continued Outline your argument ▫Choose the reasons your argument is correct ▫From your research select evidence that will support each of your reasons. Be sure that you have citations for each fact Write your paper ▫Follow the basic history paper structure and write away!
Research Process: Absolute Monarchy First Section: Read Chapter 21 and answer the following questions – What was the European structure like before absolute monarchy – What is Absolute Monarchy? – What were the causes of Absolute Monarchy? And who were the Monarchs for which countries – How did Absolute Monarchy effect European Structure and life Information Check (Final Outcome for Chapter 21): – Using what you have learned create a children's book that would teach young children about Europe during and the Absolute Monarchs
SSR: Chapter 21 The rest of the period you will be silent reading chapter 21. At the end of the chapter 21 answer the following questions (paragraph for each one) and turn them in to – What was the European structure like before absolute monarchy – What is Absolute Monarchy? – What were the causes of Absolute Monarchy? And who were the Monarchs for which countries – How did Absolute Monarchy effect European Structure and life?