Please do not talk at this time Oct. 21 HW: Finish your Causes of the French Revolution Packet Questions and Graphic Organizer. Cornell Notes for Chapter 7.1 (Pg 39A) due Tuesday also. Binder Pages collected Thurs/Friday also Causes of the French Revolution DBQ- Pg 40A-D Please get a French Revolution DBQ packet. Each Person gets their own! You will write an Essay based on what you discover. Please do this assignment carefully! ALSO: Wednesday is a Monday Schedule. Come to school at 8am!
I will collect these Binder Pages on Thurs/Friday Absolute Monarch Cornell Notes pg 35A Social/Political/Economic- Pg 36A Louis XIV Cornell notes- Pg 37A The Players of the French Revolution- Pg. 38A 39A- Chapter 17.1 Cornell Notes Pg 42A- French Revolution Timeline
I will collect these Monday Pg. 40A-D Causes of the French Revolution DBQ Pg 41A French Revolution Essay
French Revolution DBQ With your partner, Read each document carefully and answer the questions. Feel free to underline or highlight quotes or statistics you think might be helpful to answer the question: “What caused the French Revolution?” Then fill out the chart on the back of the assignment.
Q1: What kind of a ruler is Louis XVI Q1: What kind of a ruler is Louis XVI? Q2: Why might the people of France be angry with King Louis XVI?
Q3: What conclusions can you draw about the relationship between the percentage of the population in each estate and the percentage of land owned by that estate? Q4: What unfair conditions existed in pre-revolutionary France?
Q5: List three observations this traveler made about the life of the peasant in France between 1787 and 1789. Q6: How might France’ participation in the Amer. Rev help spread the ideas of the enlightenment?
Q7: What did Lord Acton believe caused the French revolution Q7: What did Lord Acton believe caused the French revolution? Q8: What Enlightenment idea is the Comte D’Antraigues expressing in this quote?
Q1: What kind of a ruler is Louis XVI Q1: What kind of a ruler is Louis XVI? Q2: Why might the people of France be angry with King Louis XVI?
Q3: What conclusions can you draw about the relationship between the percentage of the population in each estate and the percentage of land owned by that estate? Q4: What unfair conditions existed in pre-revolutionary France?
Q5: List three observations this traveler made about the life of the peasant in France between 1787 and 1789. Q6: How might France’ participation in the Amer. Rev help spread the ideas of the enlightenment?
Q7: What did Lord Acton believe caused the French revolution Q7: What did Lord Acton believe caused the French revolution? Q8: What Enlightenment idea is the Comte D’Antraigues expressing in this quote?
Q1: What kind of a ruler is Louis XVI Q1: What kind of a ruler is Louis XVI? Q2: Why might the people of France be angry with King Louis XVI?
Q3: What conclusions can you draw about the relationship between the percentage of the population in each estate and the percentage of land owned by that estate? Q4: What unfair conditions existed in pre-revolutionary France?
Q5: List three observations this traveler made about the life of the peasant in France between 1787 and 1789. Q8: What Enlightenment idea is the Comte D’Antraigues expressing in this quote? Q7: What did Lord Acton believe caused the French revolution?
Please do not talk at this time Oct. 22 HW: Causes of the French Revolution Essay due Monday! Quiz on Chapter 7.1 on Thursday/Friday! Binder Pages Collected Friday also. Please get out Causes of the French Revolution DBQ (Pg 40) and your 7.1 Cornell Notes (pg 39) Please get a French Revolution Essay Assignment (Pg 41A) Please also get 2 pieces of paper! ALSO: Wednesday is a Monday Schedule. Come to school at 8am!
I will collect these Binder Pages on Thurs/Friday Absolute Monarch Cornell Notes pg 35A Social/Political/Economic- Pg 36A Louis XIV Cornell notes- Pg 37A The Players of the French Revolution- Pg. 38A 39A- Chapter 17.1 Cornell Notes Pg 42A- French Revolution Timeline
I will collect these Monday Pg. 40A-D Causes of the French Revolution DBQ Pg 41A French Revolution Essay
Q9: What three changes did the Third Estate demand be made in the French government? Q10: What is significant about the fact that the king rejected these demands?
Q11: According to this document, what are the natural rights of man Q11: According to this document, what are the natural rights of man? Q12: How might a belief in these ideas lead the French to start a Revolution against their king?
You will use this chart to write your essay! Do it carefully! Causes- Claim Evidence Quote Explanation Peasant Hardships- What problems did peasants face? What were the short and long term effects of these hardships/ problems? Why would these hardships make people take action to change their government? (how is this a cause of the French Revolution?) Enlightenment Ideas- What Enlightenment ideas did the people of France know about? How did they find out about them? How did it change the way they felt about their government? You will use this chart to write your essay! Do it carefully!
Q9: What three changes did the Third Estate demand be made in the French government? Q10: What is significant about the fact that the king rejected these demands?
Q11: According to this document, what are the natural rights of man Q11: According to this document, what are the natural rights of man? Q12: How might a belief in these ideas lead the French to start a Revolution against their king?
Q9: What three changes did the Third Estate demand be made in the French government? Q10: What is significant about the fact that the king rejected these demands?
Q11: According to this document, what are the natural rights of man Q11: According to this document, what are the natural rights of man? Q12: How might a belief in these ideas lead the French to start a Revolution against their king?
Causes of the French Revolution Essay Prompt: What caused the French Revolution? 1. Thesis Statement: Use the sentence stem or craft your own thesis statement. The French Revolution was caused by ____________________ because it led to ________________ which forced the people of France to revolt in order to _____________________________________________. 2. Evidence: Use the chart on the back of your Causes of the French Revolution DBQ to select appropriate evidence to support your claim. Include quotes in your answer. 3. Explanation: Say HOW your evidence proves your claim. Answer: How do you know your cause was responsible for making the French Revolution happen?
Causes of the French Revolution Essay Prompt: What caused the French Revolution? 1. Thesis Statement: Use the sentence stem or craft your own thesis statement. The French Revolution was caused by ____________________ because it led to ________________ which forced the people of France to revolt in order to _____________________________________________. 2. Evidence: Use the chart on the back of your Causes of the French Revolution DBQ to select appropriate evidence to support your claim. Include quotes in your answer. 3. Explanation: Say HOW your evidence proves your claim. Answer: How do you know your cause was responsible for making the French Revolution happen?
Causes of the French Revolution Essay Prompt: What caused the French Revolution? 1. Thesis Statement: Use the sentence stem or craft your own thesis statement. The French Revolution was caused by ____________________ because it led to ________________ which forced the people of France to revolt in order to _____________________________________________. 2. Evidence: Use the chart on the back of your Causes of the French Revolution DBQ to select appropriate evidence to support your claim. Include quotes in your answer. 3. Explanation: Say HOW your evidence proves your claim. Answer: How do you know your cause was responsible for making the French Revolution happen?
Scoring Rubric- C Grade Thesis Statement Thesis statement responds to the prompt. Evidence 1 Detail/Specific 1 Explanation Writing is Clear and Organized following the Model Grammar is correct Uses complete sentences Typed, size 12 font Double spaced 1 paragraph, Less than 1 page
Scoring Rubric- A Grade All of the Proficient criteria Thesis is a Level 2 Thesis Additional Evidence Additional details and specifics for Evidence Use of quotes or specifics as part of Evidence Explanation connects all pieces of evidence together and to the claim Uses formal academic language Uses proper writing language to indicate cause and effect, examples, explanation and so on.(such as, in order to, etc) Uses complex sentence structure and vocabulary Makes a below the surface connection or an inference. For a B grade on this assignment, do all the C work and some of the A work.
Don’t forget Transition Words! Making a claim words: Because On account of Cause/Effect Words: for this reason when...then is caused by so therefore led to resulted in consequently Explanation Words: because of the reason for in order to so that Referring to a quote: _________(name of author) said in the ________ (name of document), “____________.” This proves…. According to __________(author), “_____________” This quote illustrates ... The chart/picture titled __________ shows____________. This is evidence of …. Snap a picture of this slide with your phone!
Look at your 7.1 Cornell Notes Do you have your Name and Period? Do you have a Title? Do you have the following Vocab Words underlined with Definitions? Chpt. 7, Sec. 1 Old Regime Estate Louis XVI Marie Antoinette Estates General National Assembly Tennis Court Oath Great Fear
Look at your 7.1 Cornell Notes Do you have Key Words like these: Privileged Estates 3rd Estate Enlightenment Ideas Economic Troubles A Weak Leader Revolution Do you Notes on these: Crushing Debt in France Crop Failures Tennis Court Oath Storming the Bastille Great Fear Women March on Versailles
Have you made questions yet and written them on the left? You need at least 1 Question: A who, what, when, where question How to make Questions: Look at the notes you took. What do they say? Now make up a question that can be answered by reading your notes. Write that question on the left, next to the notes.
Have you Identified Social, Political and Economic? Pick 3 colors right now and color in the boxes at the top of your page…one color for each category. Now look for examples of each one in your notes. Highlight the economic things with the color for economic and so on. This helps you think about the info in a new way and gets it into your brain!
Have you written your Summary? The summary comes at the end of the notes It should cover 5-7 important things from the notes you have taken. This helps you think of the information in a new way and gets it into your brain. To get an A on your Cornell Notes, you can do an analysis in your Summary. A list of options to make A notes is on the next slide.
Advanced- A grade All of proficient standards are met Key information in the right side of the notes has been highlighted/underlined after notes are taken. Information is organized into Social/Political/Economic categories (through color coding and/or labeling) One of the Following to be completed AFTER all notes are taken: Left hand side includes at least one below the surface How/Why question with the answer on the right side of the notes. Analogy with an explanation of how it connects to the information in your notes in the Summary. A Venn Diagram showing how two things compare and contrast in the Summary A metaphor in the Summary
Causes of the French Crisis Cartoon On the back of your 7.1 Cornell Notes (or an extra piece of paper if you do not have room): Draw a cartoon (stick figures ok) that illustrates the main problems leading to revolution in France. What are the peasants unhappy about?
You may work on your Essay Rough Draft now!
Please do not talk at this time Oct. 23 HW: Causes of the French Revolution Essay due Monday! Quiz on Causes of the French Revolution (Chapt 7.1) on Thursday/Friday. Timeline due Thursday/Friday also. Please get a book and a French Revolution Timeline (pg 42A) Get out your Chapter 7, Sec. 1 Cornell Notes too! ALSO: Thursday/Friday are Half Day Block Schedules for Parent Teacher Conferences. Enlightenment/American Rev Retest in the Tutorial Center until Monday.
I will collect these Binder Pages on Thurs/Friday Absolute Monarch Cornell Notes pg 35A Social/Political/Economic- Pg 36A Louis XIV Cornell notes- Pg 37A The Players of the French Revolution- Pg. 38A 39A- Chapter 7.1 Cornell Notes Pg 42A- French Revolution Timeline
I will collect these Monday Pg. 40A-D Causes of the French Revolution DBQ Pg 41A French Revolution Essay
Consider these events: Enlightenment Philosophers American Revolution Crushing Debt in France Crop Failures Tennis Court Oath Storming the Bastille Great Fear Women March on Versailles Define each one for your partner…. Now add to your Cornell Notes as we look more closely at three of these….
Taking the Tennis Court Oath 1st 3rd 2nd Taking the Tennis Court Oath Actors portray the three estates and get interviewed about why they have decided to overthrow the French Government. BSQ: Why would the king want to give the 3rd Estate ONLY one vote? Why do you think many members of the First and Second Estates joined the National Assembly?
A Great Fear Sweeps France Storming the Bastille- 5:26 Peasants in Paris, starving and unemployed, hear a rumor that the King is sending soldiers to kill them. They gather knives and pitch forks, break into the Bastille, kill the guards, free the prisoners, and take the weapons and gunpowder. Later they find out no soldiers were ever sent. Now a national holiday: Bastille Day, 7/14 Great Fear- This is the beginning of the French Revolution. All over France, Peasants rise up and attack their lords, steal their goods and set their houses on fire. Violence reigns.
The King Comes to Paris March On Versailles: 3:00 Women of Paris, starving and watching their children freeze to death, take up knives and sticks and march to Versailles. They kill nobles there, stick their heads on poles, force the king to give them food and make him return to Paris to do the work of Government. The King and his Family are killed before they can return to Versailles again.
Now on your Timeline… Start by illustrating the events of the French Revolution. Stick Figures are OK! Then, on the back…. For each event, say how it helped the French people decide to take their power back from the king. Some events might serve as an example, others might be a reason to take power back, still others might be practice at taking power. You decide! Please explain each one.
HW: Causes of the French Revolution Essay due Monday. Please do not talk at this time Oct 24/25 HW: Causes of the French Revolution Essay due Monday. Revolution: Please do a Vocab Word Map for Revolution on pg. 43A 1. Glossary Def: a complete overthrow and replacement of an established government; 2. Examples 3. Related Words 4. Your Definition 5. Graphic Pg 43A
Pg 43A Revolution: Does yours look like this? How does this word capture the situation in France? 1. Glossary Def: a complete overthrow and replacement of an established government; 2. Examples American Revolution French Revolution Industrial Revolution Internet Revolution “Revolution” by the Beatles 3. Related Words Great Change New ways of doing things New Ideas Instability 4. Your Definition To get rid of a government and replace it with new and different government. 5. Graphic Pg 43A
Please gather these pages from your binder, Take a minute to review them for your quiz. Absolute Monarch Cornell Notes pg 35A Social/Political/Economic- Pg 36A Louis XIV Cornell notes- Pg 37A The Players of the French Revolution- Pg. 38A 39A- Chapter 7.1 Cornell Notes Pg 42A- French Revolution Timeline
Now staple them together and turn them in. Get out a piece of paper for your Causes of the French Revolution Quiz.
French Revolution Quiz!
I will collect these Monday Pg. 40A-D Causes of the French Revolution DBQ Pg 41A French Revolution Essay
Index so far Pg 39A- Chapter 17.1 Cornell Notes Pg. 40A-D Causes of the French Revolution DBQ Pg 41A French Revolution Essay Pg 42A- French Revolution Timeline Pg 43A- Revolution VWM