QOD 2.1: Please Read Beginning the Story with Prince Henry pg )Why would finding a sea route to the Indies help the Portuguese in their trade with Asia? 2)Why do you think Prince Henry never joined the voyages? 3)Why do you think sailors agreed to go on voyages of exploration? 4)Answer Reading Maps questions on page 39 Start a “New” QOD paper
I) Trading Empires of Africa
A) For the most part, Europe had been cut-off from the rest of the world
1) They were surprised to find flourishing cultures in Africa
A) For the most part, Europe had been cut-off from the rest of the world 1) They were surprised to find flourishing cultures in Africa 2) In fact, Africa had a long history of trade since the time of the Egyptians (3100 BC)
B) East African Trade 1) Zimbabwe was an important trading center
B) East African Trade 1) Zimbabwe was an important trading center a. Traded gold, ivory, and precious stones to Asia
B) East African Trade 1) Zimbabwe was an important trading center a. Traded gold, ivory, and precious stones to Asia b. Received: porcelain, spices, cloth and jewels
C) Western African Trade 1) The major exports of the West were gold and salt
C) Western African Trade 1) The major exports of the West were gold and salt a. They would trade primarily w/ the Middle East for spices
C) Western African Trade 1) The major exports of the West were gold and salt a. They would trade primarily w/ the Middle East for spices 2) Because of trade w/ North Africa and the Middle East the religion of Islam spread to Western Africa
C) Western African Trade 1) The major exports of the West were gold and salt a. They would trade primarily w/ the Middle East for spices 2) Because of trade w/ North Africa and the Middle East the religion of Islam spread to Western Africa a. In the 13 th century, the capital of Timbuktu became the center of Muslim study
C) Western African Trade 3) Slave trade a. Prisoners of war, criminals, and debtors were often sold into slavery
C) Western African Trade 3) Slave trade a. Prisoners of war, criminals, and debtors were often sold into slavery b. Over time, Europeans would exploit slave trade and take slaves to the New World
II) West African Culture A. Most made their living by farming
II) West African Culture A. Most made their living by farming 1) However, land belonged to the village and not to the people
B) While many had converted to Islam, most still followed their traditional religions 1) There was one high god
B) While many had converted to Islam, most still followed their traditional religions 1) There was one high god 2) W/ many lesser gods who controlled daily life
B) While many had converted to Islam, most still followed their traditional religions 1) There was one high god 2) W/ many lesser gods who controlled daily life 3) Greatly respected the spirits of dead people
C) Art was generally religious 1) Enjoyed sculpture, music, dance, public speaking and story telling
D) Today, our culture has many elements of the West African culture 1) The rhythms of popular music today are heavily influenced