AutocracyOligarchyDemocracy Types of Governments 1 person has ALL the _______________ and makes the decisions 1.Dictatorship Examples: _____________________ _____________ 2.Absolute Monarchy- one king/queen in complete power Examples: _____________________ _____________ Only a few people in a small group of _____________, wealth, family, or military influence make political ________________for the people. 1.Communism – a small group controls all the economic ________________ and __________________. Examples: __________________, Cuba, ____________. The citizens have a say in their government by voting in elections. 1.Presidential Democracy- a government with 3 branches, people elect the president Examples: ___________ 2.Parliamentary Democracy- voters elect ______________________, parliament elects leader (usually Prime Minister) Examples: _______________________ _______________________ 3.Constitutional Monarchy- government has constitution and king or queen, but _______________________ runs the government Examples: _______________________ _______________________
Thursday, 2/16 Open to page 124 (Target Time). Write and answer the following question: – What is the difference between an unitary government and a federal government? (Hint: use your notes on page 125 from yesterday!)
AutocracyOligarchyDemocracy Types of Governments 1 person has ALL the POWER and makes the decisions 1.Dictatorship 2.Absolute Monarchy Only a few people have the power 1.Communism The citizens have a say in their government by voting in elections. 1.Presidential Democracy 2.Parliamentary Democracy 3.Constitutional Monarchy
Chart Topic (Oligarchy, Unitary, etc.) Definition (in your own words!) Examples (countries that have that type of government- can be from Europe, North America, OR Latin America) Scenario (Describe a country that would be considered your type of government. For example: The dictator of this country makes all the decisions. He does not consult anyone else…etc…..) Picture (to represent your type of government)