Drill Using the information gathered in yesterdays lesson, complete the following questions:
Quick Write You are a peasant living under the power of one of the absolute monarchs we learned about today. Select which monarch you feel is the best and include the following: Describe the policies and how they affect you What characteristics do you like? Dislike? Would you change anything? How would you change it?
Europe Developed Into Absolute Monarchies Feudalism had collapsed. National monarchies replaced. Intense competition for land and trade lead to many wars. Religious differences sparked civil wars. Absolute monarchy emerged to protect the nation and preserve order.
Yesterday What would be your palace’s main function: A fortress The place for the seat of authority Used to house the court (nobles) A place to entertain visitors
What qualities do you want people to associate with your rule: Military strength Wealth Political power Cultural Brilliance
Peter of Russia
Louis the 14 th of France
Frederick of Prussia
Phillip of Spain
Ivan of Russia
Gallery Walk Directions At each corner there is a poster of an absolute monarch. Complete a worksheet for each monarch, using the readings at each table. Summarize each section of the reading on the worksheet.
PHILIP II of SPAIN: Lifespan: Born 1527, Died 1598Reign: Domestic Policy Philip II ruled with an iron fist. His main focus in his country was politics. To ensure his absolute power, Philip centralized all royal power. Philip II micromanaged every aspect of the political system, meaning he told each person, even down to the lowest peasant what to do. He didn’t delegate at all to ensure he was in total control. Philip II called himself the most Catholic king and with good reason. Philip II claimed to rule through Divine Right. Divine Right means that god himself has chosen that particular person to rule and his actions were those of god’s working through man. His main focus for the people was to “culturize” Spain. He allowed for books and art pieces to be written and painted freely allowing his nation to culturally flourish. Foreign Policy Philip II basically stood on a mountain of gold and silver when it came to the economy. During his reign, towns were being set up in the Americas and all the wealth of the land was being sent back to Spain. Two continents worth of gold were being shipped to Spain for over 100 years making the country extremely rich. Philip II puts together the largest armada of ships up to that point. There were over 130 ships in his fleet and he used that armada to unsuccessfully attack England. Positive One of the best examples of an absolute monarch’s rule was Philip II of Spain. He made Spain the most powerful nation in Europe in the 1500’s. Under Philip II’s rule, enormous amounts of wealth came to Spain causing a boom in the economy. Philip II also redirected all power to himself including politics and religion. Negative Philip’s downfall came from two major failings. With the increased wealth and splendor that came to Spain, bankruptcies and inflation plagued Philip’s country. The second was the defeat of the Spanish Armada by the English, destroying Spain’s naval dominance. Personality As an administrator Philip II had all the vices of his type, that of the laborious, self-righteous man, who thinks he can supervise everything, is capable of endless toil, and jealous of his authority, and who will let none of his servants act without his instructions.
How was Frederick II different from the other absolute monarchs?
Quick Write You are a peasant living under the power of one of the absolute monarchs we learned about today. Select which monarch you feel is the best and include the following: Describe the policies and how they affect you What characteristics do you like? Dislike? Would you change anything? How would you change it?
Example: Frederick II Frederick II seems to be the best choice for my monarch. Frederick II has several policies that are really good that will positively affect me. First, his policy on the freedom of the press will allow me and my neighbors to express our views and feelings on issues. Second, Frederick allows all religions to practice their beliefs free of persecutions. This is perfect for me and my family because we are Jewish and don’t have to worry about discrimination. The last policy that is good for our country is Frederick’s policy on having a strong military. This allows us to feel safe and prideful in our country. A major thing that I like about Frederick II is that he has allowed the people to have some individual rights. Many other rulers do not allow their subjects rights and it has a terrible effect on their morale and wellbeing. I don’t like that Frederick II’s wars and strong military have increased the taxes in order to pay for them. I only have so much money. It is tough to say whether I would change anything or not because the conditions here in Prussia are pretty good under Frederick II. He has allowed the people to have certain rights and has abolished things like religious intolerance and torture. So, if I had to change anything, it might be that Frederick II is an absolute ruler. I think some other people should have some say in our country. A possible solution could be to create an assembly or parliament to create some checks and balances.
Homework: Create a caricature of your favorite King You must include in your portrait : Exaggerated features we listed during class At least 1 personality trait At least 1 policy At least 1 positive & 1 negative You must make him say something he would say or Write a match.com biography reciting the following: Looking for person who…. Describe yourself physically What are some of your best characteristics Be honest what is the worst thing about you