THE HOLOCAUST The Holocaust was the systematic, bureaucratic, state-sponsored persecution and murder of approximately six million Jews by the Nazi regime.


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Presentation transcript:

THE HOLOCAUST The Holocaust was the systematic, bureaucratic, state-sponsored persecution and murder of approximately six million Jews by the Nazi regime and its collaborators. "Holocaust" is a word of Greek origin meaning "sacrifice by fire." KEY: Blue = test Dark Pink = EOC

HITLER AND HIS VIEWS  Hitler growing up was an adolescent child. He was rejected from art school and developed basic ideas in Vienna that he held onto forever: Racism Need for struggle Political parties use propaganda for terror Hitler’s Art School Class at age 10.

HITLER AND HIS VIEWS CONT.  He left and went to Germany to get into politics.  He joined the right wing extreme nationalist party in Munich. This party would eventually be under his control and be renamed National Socialist German Worker’s Party or “Nazi” for short.

RAQ #1 Why did Hitler immediately feel he need to get into politics in Germany after being kicked out of school and developing his three views?

RISE OF NAZISM  Hitler expanded his party to all of Germany in 4 years which became the largest party in Reichstag (German parliament)  He gained popularity by promising a “new” Germany and ending economic depression.  He soon took power from the president and created a new government under the Enabling Act.

ENABLING ACT  On March 23, 1933 two thirds vote of the Reichstag passed the Enabling Act which gave Hitler and the government the power to ignore the constitution for 4 years while dealing with the country’s issues.  Hitler used this to his advantage and set up a fascist state that had concentration camps for all those who opposed the new regime and made sure all heard him through controlling the media.  In 1934, Hitler became sole leader or Germany’s “Fuhrer”

RAQ #2 AND #3  Why would the German government pass the Enabling Act that would let Hitler ignore their constitution for 4 years?  Why did they feel like Hitler needed free reign to rule as he pleased to “fix” German problems?

HITLER’S CONTROL  Hitler got rid of books and people who questioned ruling (ex: teachers) and wrote his own book Mein Kampf*  He started to control the media and all propaganda “Jews are rude, Jews don’t share, Jews have all the money” “Jews are evil, Jews brought Germany’s problems, when Jews are gone things will be better.” “Jews are using up to much resources, Jews are rodents living off the hard working people”

German Aryan Race  Hitler loved the Aryan race. He believed the blonde hair blue eyed children where the perfect race. He wanted to mass produce this perfect race.

THREE STEPS TO FINAL SOLUTION  1. Segregated the Jews from Germans in public (Lebensraum)*  2. Sent Jews to Ghettos  3. Concentration camps turned to torturing and killing camps  Final solution = termination of ALL Jews, the disabled, gays, Jehovah’s witnesses, gypsies = Genocide Jewish ghetto Jewish camp VS.

RAQ #4  Why was Hitler’s harsh guidelines okay with the German people?  Propaganda was persuasive, Media was controlled so they didn’t know anything different, Economy was improving, Jews weren’t liked anyway, Camps = out of sight, out of mind, Jews were believed to be less than human.

CONCENTRATION CAMPS  Most camps were located in Germany and Poland. The intention was the wipe out the entire race.  Warsaw Ghetto- largest Jewish center 350,000 Jews in less than 2 square miles  Auschwitz = largest Nazi death camp with a black wall (execution center) and block 11 (severe torture center).  By 1942, 80% of the 6 million Jewish people had already died.

Types of Camps  Concentration camps vs. Termination (death) camps – (both were unbearable conditions and ended in death for thousands.) Concentration camps= work camps, torture camps, transit camps (deportation), POW camps (prisoner of war) Termination camps= mass murder of all Jews often through burning or gas chambers. Work Camp POW CampDeath Camp Gas ChamberBurning bodies

 Youtube: “Band Of Brothers Concentration Camp Clip”

WHY DIDN’T OTHER COUNTRIES HELP?  1943: Bermuda Conference- State Department had a conference about what should be done about the Jewish concern in Europe… Solution was that we (the US and UK) would win the war so nothing happened.  They didn’t know how bad it really was, all they knew were rumors.

RAQ #5 AND #6  What would be a consequence if another country tried to end the concentration camps?  Why didn’t the Allies, who were already against Germany, try and stop the torture of the Jews?

End of the Horror  In the last few months, SS guards moved camp inmates by train or on forced marches, often called “death marches,” in an attempt to prevent the Allied liberation of large numbers of prisoners.  The Allied forces began to encounter and liberate concentration camp prisoners, as well as prisoners en route by forced march from one camp to another. The marches continued until May 7, 1945, the day the German armed forces surrendered unconditionally to the Allies.