Inhalant-related disorders Unless otherwise indicated, the answers are from DSM-IV-TR, p or American J on Addictions, 10:79-94, As of 12Sep08.
Chemistry Q. What are the chemical classification of these disorders?
Chemistry Ans. Aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons.
Inhalants - NOS Q. What inhalants are placed by DSM in the “NOS” category of substance-related disorder rather than “Inhalant-related disorders”?
Inhalants - NOS Ans. Includes: -- nitrous oxide -- ether -- amyl and butyl nitrates
Intoxication Q. DSM requires 2 of 13 signs of intoxication. List as many of the 13 as you can.
Intoxication - 1 Ans. 1.Dizziness 2.Nystagmus 3.Incoordination 4.Slurred speech 5.Unsteady gait 6.lethargy
Intoxication - 2 7] depressed reflexes 8] psychomotor retardation 9] tremor 10] muscle weakness 11] blurred vision 12] stupor 13] euphoria
Withdrawal Q. Status of “inhalant withdrawal” in DSM- IV-TR.
Withdrawal Ans. DSM-IV authors decided that there was insufficient evidence for such a disorder.
Huffing Q. What is “huffing”?
Huffing Ans. Soaking a rage with an inhalant and applying it to the mouth and nose and inhaling the vapors.
Bagging Q. What is “bagging”?
Bagging Ans. Placing the inhalant in a bag and breathing the vapors from the bag.
Common substances Q. Name some common substances that are inhaled relative to this disorder?
Common substances Ans. -- toluene -- benzene -- acetone -- tetrachloroethylene -- methanol
Found Q. Inhalants are found in?
Found Ans. The examiner’s questions are likely to include one of the following: -- cleaners -- typewriter correction fluid -- spray-can propellants -- glue -- solvents -- gasoline -- paint thinners
Hippuric acid Q. Hippuric acid in increased amounts in the urine suggests?
Hippuric acid Ans. Pt has used toluene.
Neurological findings Q. Speaking generally, chronic use of inhalants can lead to what neurological findings?
Neurological findings Ans. Both peripheral and central nervous system damages are found.
Prevalence - gender Q. Which gender predominates?
Prevalence - gender Ans. ¾ men.
Treatment Q. Treatment of inhalant-related disorders?
Treatment Ans. There is no specific treatment, so examiner’s expectations, should this be asked in any way, is the more general approaches to abuse and dependence. “Public education” or “patient education” can be included in the answer.