“The Holocaust-Through the Years” 1934-Triumph of the Will “There will be no other revolution in Germany for the next 1000 years!” -Hitler at a Nazi march.


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Presentation transcript:

“The Holocaust-Through the Years” 1934-Triumph of the Will “There will be no other revolution in Germany for the next 1000 years!” -Hitler at a Nazi march

1934 Events  “Twenty-five Points of the German Religion” issued in Germany  Christ was not a Jew but put to death by Jews  Hitler youth groups encouraged to intimidate others  Participation mandatory in 1939  Membership rose to 8.9 million  Nazis remove Jewish holidays from the official German calendar  January 1934

1934 Events  Pro-Nazi rallies held in Queens, NY and at the Madison Square Gardens in NYC  March and May 1934  “The Night of Long Knives”  Hitler’s purge of radical Storm Troopers (SA)  SS rapidly rise in power in the Nazi state  June 1934  Nazi persecution of homosexuals and gypsies  Many sent to concentration camps  5,000-15,000 homosexuals perished during the Holocaust  220, ,000 (20-50% of gypsy population) killed  Approximately 23,000 gypsies sent to Auschwitz- Birkenau alone

1934 Events  Heinrich Himmler, leader of the SS (Hitler’s personal bodyguards and the Nazi Party police)  Quarter of a million men in the SS by war’s end  Assumed responsibility for the “Final Solution”  Hitler secretly orders a quick buildup of the German Army and Navy, and the creation of an air force  October 1934

1934 Events

1934 Pictures  Nazi Youth at a Nazi Rally  Pro-Nazi rally at the Madison Square Garden in NY  Himmler with the SS  Prisoner Classification Chart