Putting People First. Devon’s vision… Our Putting People First overall vision… Our aim is to build strong communities in which everyone can play an active.


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Presentation transcript:

Putting People First

Devon’s vision… Our Putting People First overall vision… Our aim is to build strong communities in which everyone can play an active role and take control of their lives. We want to promote independence and choice and provide support and protection to the most vulnerable.

Devon’s vision… Our staff must be able to: support independence and well-being support choice and give people a say in the services they receive provide high quality care to people with high levels of need provide services in local communities closer to people’s homes.

Devon’s vision… The people we support must be able to: stay healthy and safe in their own home enjoy a good quality of life through access to leisure and social activities make a positive contribution to their community through employment, volunteering and involvement in decision making maintain personal dignity and take control of their lives by exercising choice realise a sufficient income to meet their needs and participate in community life have equality of access to services and protection from discrimination and harm.

Why? Changing context: –Demographic pressures –Financial pressures –Changing expectations Changing priorities: –Develop capacity of people in their communities –Universal services; use what’s available to all –Targeted services; focused but not means- tested.

Population structure in Devon Devon’s population is older than the England average

Population comparison Devon’s population is older than the England average and the comparator group

Assessments: years We assess more Physical and Sensory cases than comparative authorities, but it’s more stable

Assessments – Older People We assess more people than the England average and comparator authorities and this is rising This takes into account our age profile as it is per 1000 of the population We are efficient at assessing people, but assess too many and need to be meeting needs in other ways - info/advice, prevention, early intervention and reablement.

Working together We consult and discuss Putting People First developments with: Our User led Organisation Fusion, they take part in all the Theme Board meetings Service User and Carer reference group Provider reference group Operational Staff Reference group And will be engaging with the Devon Consortium.

Updates from each of the Putting People First (PPF) themes… Progress – November 2010 Putting People First update – November 2010

We want people stay healthy and living independently for as long as possible, ensuring people have the choice and control over their own planning and support. Choice and Control Theme Putting People First update – November 2010

Market Position Statement launched. Framework Agreements We are planning to change the way services are purchased and the arrangements for contracting with suppliers. Read the more online: Market Shaping Putting People First update – November 2010

The conference - Care Is Our Business - on 28 September let care providers to think about the role of social care services across the county and how they might respond to changes to the way the Council provides services. Read the more online: Market Shaping event Putting People First update – November 2010

“ Direct Payments allow you to be more creative about the kind of things you purchase with your Personal Budget. For example, you could attend an adult learning course or a social club rather than a traditional day care centre.” Direct Payments Putting People First update – November 2010

A factsheet Personal Budgets (FS7) contains more information about this new way of workingfactsheet Answers to frequently asked questions are online: Personal Budgets Putting People First update – November 2010

Sandra, 26, from Tiverton is disabled with two young children under three years old. Her personal budget includes seven hours support from an enabler to help her to get her children up, dressed and ready for the day, do some housework and push their buggy to nursery. She is also getting a one-off ‘direct payment’ to buy a computer and have a phone- line installed so that she can do her shopping online. Personal Budgets Putting People First update – November 2010

“ On my support plan I put down things I couldn’t do, but I had to do that to identify what I had to change. It is something to go through that gives me a better outcome. My support plan gives me my four hours of enabling. I like to use that to get out and about in town.” Simon from Mid Devon Simon has flexibility now Putting People First update – November 2010

The consultation is now closed: We are offering Personal Budgets to eligible people, following an assessment. Charging Policy Putting People First update – November 2010

We could use this telephone service to monitor agency carers employed through Direct Payments and Personal Budgets. The project is on hold at the moment for further approval. Electronic Home Care Monitoring Putting People First update – November 2010

Front-line staff have completed 'Putting People First Practically' training. We must signpost callers to good quality advice and information which they make use of themselves. Staff training Putting People First update – November 2010

Transport, leisure and education as well as information, advice and advocacy Universal Services Theme Putting People First update – November 2010

We are revising leaflet 1 ‘Social Care for Adults’ An interim version is available now with added information on personal budgets and other changes to the way we work: Care Direct now take all adult calls. Public Information Strategy Putting People First update – November 2010

Care Direct Putting People First update – November 2010

The tender process started for a web-based local information system – currently the public- facing Community Directory. By January 2011 and have the system in place by April We are also working with Libraries and Adult & Community Services to promote a social care presence. Online Community Directory Putting People First update – November 2010

Helping people early enough and in the right way, so that they stay healthy, recover quickly and maintain their Independence. Early Intervention & Prevention Theme Putting People First update – November 2010

“The reablement worker encouraged me to do it for myself, she watched to see how I managed, let me do what I could and helped with the things I couldn’t. It’s different to homecare that went on before... we interact much more together.” Social Care Reablement Putting People First update – November 2010

22 retailers in Eastern Locality Prescriptions for simple equipment are being issued in the East. Accreditation Panel now in place. Look out for the ‘Trusted Provider’ logo in shops! Map on next slide… Community Equipment Putting People First update – November 2010

Devon’s vision…

Staff should ‘Be aware – think Telecare’ when offering any care. Examples could include bed sensors and movement sensors. Telecare is an alternative to ‘traditional care services’ providing independence at home. Telecare Putting People First update – November 2010

Care homes transfer to be extended The Council is reviewing the tender process in order to clarify the areas bidders have been uncertain about, and to ensure all the interested bidders receive the same updated information. This is expected to be completed by mid January Residential Care Transfer Putting People First update – November 2010

Making sure everyone has the opportunity to be part of a community and experience the friendships and care that can come from families, friends and neighbours and community groups. Social Capital Theme Putting People First update – November 2010

We have developed a Joint Engagement Strategy which has been jointly developed by Devon County Council Adult & Community Services, Children and Young People Services and NHS Devon in partnership with LINk Devon, Fusion and Young Devon. Find it online: Joint Engagement Putting People First update – November 2010

Contact us For further information, or to talk to someone about our services, just call Care Direct More information on how Devon is working to put people first can also be found on our website: Putting People First update – November 2010