Building a care and support system we can be proud of Richard Jones Executive Director Lancashire County Council Oct 2011.


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Presentation transcript:

Building a care and support system we can be proud of Richard Jones Executive Director Lancashire County Council Oct 2011

Policy context Social Care Vision __________ Nov 2010 Law Commission Report __________ May 2011 Dilnot Commission Report __________ _ July 2011 Caring for our future - engagement _________ Sept - Dec 2011 Care and Support White Paper and progress report on funding _________ _ April 2012 Legislation Caring for our future brings together the recommendations from the Law Commission, Commission on the Funding of Care and Support with the Government’s Vision for Adult Social Care, to discuss with stakeholders what the priorities for reform should be. Slide courtesy of DH

The sector-wide partnership agreement launched in November Sets out our commitment to moving forward with personalisation and community-based support.

About the Partnership More than 30 national and umbrella organisations representing the broad interest in transforming adult social care across England Partners will work collectively to develop and share innovative practice so all citizens have more choice and control over the support they experience. Picks up where Putting People First left off but importantly represents a key shift from government-led to sector-led support. Will meet quarterly. Board oversees programme

What have we learnt and what needs to shift? Service users/clients --citizens Citizens as active participants, their own expert will help shape different responses to how they live their lives.. Service focus --- community focus Active communities are key to keeping people connected and independent

Shifts and learning 2 Competition collaboration Aligning partners and resources to a common set of outcomes Market intelligence, choice and quality Broken system of funding sustainable settlement Transformation needs resources in to the “care and support pot”

Leadership for change Engaged and open Accepting we responsibility for what has been created and delivered to date Building new conversations Sharing risk Passionate Focus on “ends” and not an obsession with “means”

Next Steps Priority work streams Co-production – chaired by Sue Bott and Bill Davidson with support from the National Coproduction Advisory Group Personalisation & self-directed support – chaired by Bridget Warr Cost effectiveness & efficiency – chaired by Richard Jones Information to the public – chaired by David Walden Community capacity – chaired by Alex Fox

Next steps Priority work streams Provider & workforce development Market Facilitation and Procurement Chaired by Miranda Wixon and facilitated by IPC Quality Assurance and Improvement Chaired by Des Kelly and facilitated by SCIE Developing Personalised Services Chaired by Sharon Allen and facilitated by Sam Bennett

Next steps – Making it Real Markers of progress –how do we hold to account delivery of real outcomes at a individual PB level, service level and system level? Set of citizen statements developed out of the experience of people who have used services and support others.

“What I want” – Citizen based statements Information and advice – having the information I need, when I need it. Active and supportive communities – keeping friends, family and place. Flexible integrated care and support – my support my own way. Workforce – my support staff. Risk enablement – feeling in control and safe. Personal budget and self-funding – my money

Latest resources Online hub of tools, information & advice from our partners. Developed with National Coproduction Advisory Group. Bringing together national & regional best practice. Share your successes with us and we’ll share it nationally.

Launched in 2011 Provider blueprint & diagnostic tools – best practice examples and help to understand and assess progress in delivering personalisation in adult social care Building Community Capacity – advice on evaluation and “making the case” National report on Personal Budgets from Lancaster University and InControl Information for self-funders on how they can obtain financial advice on paying for long-term care.

Coming Soon Advice on reducing bureaucracy through a new “lean” process for delivering adult social care Improving direct payment delivery Taking a different approach to support planning Plus a “stocktake” on where we are with personal budgets and how to move forward. All available online 21 October

Our offer Community of organisations publicly demonstrating commitment to personalisation and community- based support – soon via “Making It Real” markers of progress. Regular updates via monthly e-bulletin to 17,000 representatives across councils, providers, government departments and charities who share our interest and goals. New discussion forum– debate, discuss and share information about challenges to implementation.

Keep in touch National Children’s & Adults Services conference Oct – stand E9