Warm Up Introduction to the Brain and Nervous System by Jennifer Kenny Answer both questions on the back in complete sentences
Nervous Systems
The nervous system also allows you to react to a stimulus. A stimulus is a change in the environment. Example: A hot stove Or… tripping over a rock
Importance helps you move, feel, see, hear, taste, smell, learn, form memories and emotion
Parts of the Nervous System Brain Spinal Cord Nerves
Parts of the Nervous System Brain = Computer Spinal Cord = Central Cable that carries messages to and from computer Nerves = Keyboard, Mouse connect to spinal cord, carry messages to every part and also back to the brain
Stop and Think Why is the brain like a computer?
Kids Health Video
Remember AXIAL and APPENDICULAR Skeleton? Just like the Skeletal System, the Nervous System is divided into 2 parts as well Central / Autonomic & Peripheral
Central/Autonomic Nervous System
The Central / Autonomic Nervous System * Controls all of the body’s activities and movement. * The Central/Autonomic Nervous System is made of two main organs. 1. The brain 2. The spinal cord
The Spinal Cord * Function: carries messages between brain and nerves around body
The Spinal Cord Importance: connects the brain to the rest of the nervous system, without it brain couldn’t get messages to body
The Vertebrae * The vertebrae are the many bones that protect the nerves in the spinal cord.
Stop and Think Why is our spinal cord inside our vertebrae?
The Brain * The brain controls/manages everything in the body. The brain is made of more than 10 billion nerves and weighs about 3 pounds * The brain is divided into three parts and is protected by the skull.
The Three Main Parts of the Brain * The Brain has three main parts… 1. The Cerebrum 2. The Cerebellum 3. The Brain Stem
* Largest part of the brain. The top half The Cerebrum * Largest part of the brain. The top half The cerebrum controls 1.thinking & emotions 2. memory 3. speaking. 4. movement
* Below and to the back of the cerebrum. The Cerebellum * Below and to the back of the cerebrum. controls 1. balance. 2. posture.
The Brain Stem * The Brain Stem connects the brain to the spinal cord. * The nerves in the brain stem control all involuntary movements like your heartbeat, breathing, and blood pressure.
The Brain Diagram
Brain Independent Practice / HW TextBook 107B, answer 1-3. Write Questions! The Nervous System The Brain
Exit What role does the brain play in the nervous system? What do you think life would be like if your spinal cord did not connect to the rest of your body?
Quiz Return 19 – 18 = A 17 – 16 = B = C 14 = D Below 13 = F
Warm Up – put hw on desk to be checked Answer the questions below. 2 and 3 must be answered in complete sentences The cerebrum controls Thinking Speaking Movement All of the above 2. What 2 organs make up the central nervous system? 3. Why is the vertebrae important?
2. What 2 organs make up the central nervous system? Brain Spinal Cord 3. Why is the vertebrae important? The vertebrae protects the spinal cord.
Goals Central Nervous System - what does that mean? - What does it do? What parts are in it? Brain > function and location of each part
Parts of Brain & Functions Cerebrum > thinking, emotion, memory, speaking, movement *SENSES sight, taste, touch, hear, smell Cerebellum > balance and posture Brain Stem > all involuntary movements - Heart beat, heart rate, breathing, blood pressure
Video Brain = http://www.brainpop.com/health/bodysystems /brain/ Spinal Cord = http://www.brainpop.com/health/bodysystems/s pinalcord/
2 “parts” of the nervous system Central / Autonomic = Brain & Spinal Cord Function = controls all of the voluntary and involuntary movement in your body
Brain & Spinal Cord Activities The Nervous System – Brain handout (cross out #7) What are the Parts of the Brain? handout The Brain Poster Your Nervous System – Ready for Action Article and Questions Brain Origami * After finishing an activity you must check for correctness before moving on If answer are wrong, try again If correct move on to next assignment
Exit Ticket You are memorizing vocab words for a quiz, which part of the brain is working for you to memorize? Your heart is beating, which part of the brain controls that?
Warm Up Put yesterday’s HW on desk Copy the sentences and fill in the blanks. The 3 parts of the brain are the ___________, __________ and _________. Balance and posture are controlled by the _____ The Central Nervous system is made up of the ____________ and _________
The Peripheral Nervous System
Peripheral Nervous System Made up of the nerves/neurons that come from the brain and spinal cord
Peripheral Nervous System * and the sense organs. Eye Tongue Ear Nerves Skin
Function To connect the central nervous system to the limbs (arms & legs) and organs all around the body
Neuron What is it? A nerve cell, it is one of 2 main types of cells found in the nervous system. Function Carry messages to and from the brain through the spinal cord to every part of the body
Types of Neurons Motor neurons – work with muscles to make movement possible Sensory Neurons – bring messages from senses to our brain
Other info - human body is made of billions of neurons - Neurons connect to other neurons to make pathways or tracts for messages to travel down
What does a neuron look like?
Myelin Dendrites Cell Body Axon
Functions of Neuron Parts Dendrite = part of the neuron that receives messages from other neurons Axon = receives messages from the cell body and send the messages to dendrites of other neurons Cell Body = Controls whether a message is sent to the axon Myelin = fatty substance that covers/protects the axon
Messages are sent through Neuron chains Synapse = gap between the axon of one cell and the dendrite of another
Dendrite Cell Body Axon
Sense Organs Sense organs carry messages about the environment to the central nervous system.
What are sense organs? The organs in your body that allow you to sense Eyes Ears Nose Tongue Skin
Vision is your ability to see. *Optic nerves in the eye carry the image from the back of the eye to the brain
When a sound is made, the air around the sound vibrates. Hearing vibrations travel inside head and turn into signals. *Vestibular nerves in ear send signals to the brain and a message telling us what the sound means is made
All of your movements are controlled by balance and muscles. The Ear and Balance *The liquid in your inner ear works with the brain to control your balance. All of your movements are controlled by balance and muscles.
The sense of touch is located in the skin. The sensory receptor nerves in the skin allow us to feel texture, pressure, heat, cold, and pain.
The nose is able to smell 80 different kinds of smells. *Sense Receptors in the nose control your sense of smell. Smell The nose is able to smell 80 different kinds of smells. Scientists don’t understand anything about how our sense of smell works !!
Your sense of taste comes from the taste buds in the tongue. *Taste buds (small lumps of sensing tissue) are the parts on the tongue that allow us to taste. The four kinds of taste buds are sweet, sour, bitter, and salty.
What type of neuron deals with the senses? Sensory Neurons
Exit. How many parts does a neuron have? What is the job of a neuron? If the brain wants your big toe to move, how does that message get to your toe?
Warm Up – put HW on desk Copy the sentence and fill in the blank The peripheral nervous system is made up of _____________ and _____________. The 4 parts of a neuron are the _________, __________, _________ and _________. 3. The 2 types of neurons are ______ and _____.
The peripheral nervous system is made up of Nerves/Neurons and sense organs. The 4 parts of a neuron are the DENDRITE, AXON, CELL BODY and MYELIN. 3. The 2 types of neurons are SENSORY and MOTOR
Warm Up Take out both nervous system packets, copy and answer the following questions. No talking!!!!!!! The parts of the body that make up the Peripheral Nervous System are the _______ and __________. A _____________ has 4 parts and carries message sent from the brain all over the body. A __________ is the part of a neuron that sends the messages to the next neuron.
The parts of the body that make up the Peripheral Nervous System are the NERVES/NEURONS and SENSE ORGANS. A NEURON has 4 parts and carries message sent from the brain all over the body. A AXON is the part of a neuron that sends the messages to the next neuron.
Today’s Agenda Leveled Curriculum Due = Monday at the start of class Your grade depends on how much work you do D = not all level C finished C = all of level C finished B = all of C and B finished A = all of C, B and A finished Rules / Guidelines WORK ON YOUR OWN, NO COPYING Copying = F After completing an entire level, raise your hand for Ms. Stoker to check your answers and sign off If all answers are correct, move on – if not try again
Layered Curriculum * The Nerve Cell Article and Questions = back of Peripheral Nervous System Packet
Independent Work Means on your own! Before you ask for help, you must READ THE DIRECTIONS on handout and project sheet Look through your packets and try to find that answer Ms. Stoker will not give you the answers… EVER
Nervous System Stimuli Neurons Cell Body Dendrites Axon 8. Synapse 9. Sensory 10. Motor 12. Brain 13. Spinal Cord 14. Central 15. Cerebrum 16. Brain Stem 17. Peripheral
Warm Up Put leveled curriculum work on desk - Ms. Stoker will staple when she collects it *Study packets for your quiz! You will have 5 min to study silently
Quiz Eyes on own paper No talking
Researching Nervous System Disorders Independent project on Nervous System disorder of your “choice” Using research article, you will read about disorder to determine Cause Symptoms / Affect on body Treatment Facts (at least 4) *info must be written in complete sentences!! Two Part Project Handout w/ research questions answered in complete sentences Poster Description of disorder Causes Symptoms Treatment 4 Interesting facts Pictures Color Due Monday, can be turned in today if finished