August 2012 June 2011
Describe what was going on before the technology was developed and what the technology was. Discuss the impact that the technology had
Before: Hand copied books Invented by Gutenberg Influenced by Chinese use of block printing Rapid spread of knowledge and ideas Increased literacy and supply of books Individuals challenged authority Contributed to the spread of Protestant Reformation
Before: Goods made at home and by hand Goods began to be made in factories Started in textile industry First developed in England Increased supply of goods Goods made faster and cheaper Child labor Pollution Led to urbanization as people moved into cities
Describe what was going on before. What did the person do? What was the person’s impact?
Before: Catholic Church was dominate religious force in Europe Before: Religious unity in Europe Luther was angered by corruption in Church and sale of indulgences Wrote the 95 Theses Challenged Church’s authority Ideas spread by Printing Press Led to the Protestant Reformation Lack of Religious unity in Europe Other forms of Christianity formed Religious wars in Europe broke out
Before: India was controlled by Britain British killing of unarmed protestors at the Amritsar Massacre increased calls for Indian independence Gandhi became leader of the Indian independence movement Supported peaceful, civil disobedience Non-violent protest Use of boycotts Salt March Homespum movement Helped gain independence for India Influenced civil rights and independence movements around the world
August 2009 June 2008
What were the key beliefs? What impacts did the belief system have?
Religion started in India No single founder Caste System Reincarnation of the soul Karma Dharma= religious and social obligations of your caste Ultimate goal is to reach Moksha Ataman (soul) + Braham (universal spirit) = Moksha Caste System became the social class system of India Untouchables were discriminated against
Philosophy developed in China Developed by Confucius Wrote The Analects The Five Relationships – Ruler to Subject – Father to Son – Husband to Wife – Older Brother to Younger Brother – Friend to Friend Following the Five Relationships would create social order and harmony Filial Piety
Valued education over punishment Influenced Chinese Civil Service Exams Valued good government – Allowed for social mobility
Provide some background on what was going on when the idea was developed? What were the ideas? What influence did the idea(s) have?
Before: Absolute monarchs ruled without the consent of the people Before: Scientific revolution began to challenge traditional ideas Enlightenment philosophers began to use reason to understand natural law Wrote the Two Treatises on Government Believed all people born with natural rights Life, liberty, property Governments needed to rule with the consent of the people People had the right to overthrow gov’t that didn’t protect natural rights Influenced leaders of American, French, and Latin American Revolutions
Apartheid in South Africa segregated Blacks from Whites Apartheid was created to keep Whites (Afrikaners) in power in S. Africa only Whites could vote Blacks forced to live in reserves or poor urban areas known townships Nelson Mandela became the leader of the African National Congress – Fought to end apartheid – Was arrested and held in prison for 27 years Mandela Became the symbol of the fight against apartheid
International sanctions led by Bishop Desmond Tutu began to hurt S. Africa F.W. de Klerk released Mandela from prison and allowed Blacks to vote Apartheid ended Mandela elected President of S. Africa
Provide some background on events that contributed to the event? What happened? What attempts were made to correct the violation or hold people responsible
Hitler and Nazis scapegoated Jews for problems faced by Germany after WWI Hitler discussed his anti-Semitic views in Mein Kampf German Anti-Semitism led to Kristallnacht – Night of the Broken Glass – Jewish businesses and homes attacked and vandalized Hitler passed the Nuremburg Laws to take away rights of Jews in Germany
Hitler and Nazis developed the “final solution” – Planned genocide of European Jews Established concentration camps to kill European Jews Holocaust resulted in the death of 6 million Jews Nuremburg Trials placed Nazi officials on trial for human rights violations and genocide for the first time – Sent message that individuals would be held responsible for war crime and genocide
Before: Apartheid in South Africa segregated Blacks from Whites Before: Apartheid was created to keep Whites (Afrikaners) in power in S. Africa Before: only Whites could vote Police kill protestors during Sharpsville Massacre Nelson Mandela became the leader of the African National Congress Fought to end apartheid Was arrested and held in prison for 27 years Became the symbol of the fight against S. Africa
International sanctions led by Bishop Desmond Tutu began to hurt S. Africa F.W. de Klerk released Mandela from prison and allowed Blacks to vote Apartheid ended Mandela elected President of S. Africa Truth and Reconciliation Commission to deal with abuses during apartheid
Enlightenment Ideas Economic problems caused by Louis 14 th spending – Built the Palace of Versailles Weak leadership of King Louis XVI Social Inequalities – 1 st and 2 nd estates controlled wealth and paid almost no taxes – 3 rd Estate paid all the taxes and was 97 % of the population
Food shortages and inflation sparked protests Storming of the Bastille Meeting of the estates general called 3 rd estate made the Tennis Court Oath – Refused to leave until a new gov’t was created Declaration of Rights on Man ended the monarchy & established a republic
Execution of King Louis 16 th and Queen Maria Antoinette Robespierre led the Reign of Terror – Attempted to purge France of “enemies of the revolution” – Thousands violently killed in the guillotine Influenced Latin American revolutions Increased nationalism in France Spread of democratic ideas Led to the rise of Napoleon