Updates on the MDGs Needs Assessment Process in Ethiopia By Getachew Adem Head, Development Planning and Research Department (DPRD) & National Coordinator for the PRSP and MDGs, Ministry of Finance and Economic Development (MOFED) Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia March 2, 2006 Dar es Salaam Tanzania
Outline of the Presentation Background; Study to Localize the MDGs; The MDGs Needs Assessment Study; Scope of the MDGs Needs Assessment Strudy; The MDGs Needs Assessment Synthesis Study; The Formulation of the PASDEP ; Where are We Now?
Background Formulation of Ethiopia’s First PRSP entitled SDPRP; SDPRP anchored in Existing Government Policies Strategies and Programs; Preceded by I-PRSP issued in November 2000; Issued in August 2002; Ethiopia reached Decision Point in September 2001; Ethiopia Reached Completion Point in March 2004;
Study to Localize the MDGs Linkages between the PRSPs and MDGs: Vehicle towards reaching the MDGs; Linkages between policies,strategies, and programs; Adapting the Indicator Systems; Indicative Budgets based on ICOR; Refocus the Organizational Structure to facilitate the MDGs Process(Coordination between line ministries);
The MDGs Needs Assessment Study Preparation to launch the Study Started from January 2004; The Study officially launched in July 2004; Technical Backstopping to line ministries through support from UNCT, DAG, UNDP, UNICEF, WHO, World Bank; Sect oral Needs Assessment Study Commenced in September 2004; Methodological Workshop conducted in the presence of all stakeholders including the World Bank and IMF; The Draft Study completed in October 2004; Workshop on the Draft MDGs Needs Assessment Conducted from November 29 bto December ;
Scope of the MDGs Needs Assessment Study Social Sectors (Education, Health, HIV/AIDS, Water supply and Sanitation); Growth Enhancing Sectors (Agriculture and Rural Development, Roads, Urban Development, Power, Telecom, Small and Medium scale Irrigation); Cross-cutting Issues (Gender and Development, Population and Development;
The MDGs Needs Assessment Synthesis Study Brings all the Sect oral pieces together in to a consistent Macroeconomic Framework; Analyze the Financing Strategy based on the Sect oral Needs Assessment studies; Analyze the Implications of Implementing the Ethiopian ten year MDGs Investment Plan; Link Ethiopia’s Second Generation PRSP (Ethiopia: A Plan for Accelerated and Sustained Development to End Poverty (PASDEP)), the first Fiver phase of the MDGs Plan to the MDGs Investment Plan;
The Formulation of the PASDEP The PASDEP builds on the four SDPRP Pillars: ADLI, Decentralization and Empowerment, Capacity Building, Justice and Civil Service Reform; Linked to the MDGs Plan with Front loaded infrastructure investment; The PASDEP now considered as a National Development Plan; Poverty Reduction and its ultimate eradication seen as an integral part of the Five Year Development Plan (2005/ /10)
Where are We Now? The MDGs Investment Plan Finalized and Issued; The PASDEP has been discussed by the Council of ministers and endorsed in its broad terms but to be further refined based on feed backs from non-state actors; The PASDEP is being augmented and refined and is in its final stage and will be approved by the Parliament with in the coming month;
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