Digestion The Function of the Digestive System
Digestion The mechanical and chemical breakdown of food for use
ABSORPTION –The passage of digested food from the digestive tract into the circulatory system. ELIMINATION –The expulsion of undigested food or body waste.
MASTICATION Break food into smaller pieces SALIVA Lubricates and breaks down food TONGUE Forms food into a ball preparing it to be swallowed
ESOPHAGUS Food passes through the esophagus to the stomach by peristalsis STOMACH Flexible- expands when you eat. Continues to breakdown the food Stores food until it enters the small intestine Mixes gastric juices with the food while it continues the breakdown process Controls food entering the small intestine
SMALL INTESTINE Chyme enters the small intestine at the duodenum From the duodenum it is then passed to the jejunum The small intestine is lined with villi especially the jejunum Villi increases the surface area for increased food absorption Unabsorbed materials leave the small intestine and enter the large intestine ~LARGE INTESTINE (COLON) Absorbs water, vitamins, minerals and salts into the blood Eliminates undigested food
Liver Breaks down drugs and poisons into water soluble substances Excretes this substance into the bile
Gallbladder Releases bile into the duodenum to breakdown fat substances
Pancreas -Releases three digestive enzymes to breakdown food Trypsin ~ digests protein Amylase ~ digests carbohydrates Lipase ~ digests fats CARE FOR THE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM Eat a variety of foods Eat foods low in fat and high fiber Eat slowly Do not wash food down with liquid Drink plenty of water Avoid using food to cope with stress
Indigestion Eating too much Eating too quickly Eating certain foods Eating while stressed
Heartburn Stomach acid flowing into the esophagus
Diarrhea Food passing to quickly through the large intestine Changing eating styles Food poisoning Overeating Emotional turmoil Nutritional deficiencies Bacterial or viral infection
Constipation Food passes to slowly through the large intestine Lack of fiber Erratic eating habits Drinking to little water Lack of exercise
Gallstones Small crystals that form in the gallbladder when chemical composition of the bile is disrupted
Appendicitis Bacteria or foreign substances lodged in the appendix Fills with puss Pain and cramps lower right portion of the abdomen Fever Loss of appetite Nausea Vomiting Surgical removal of the appendix
Lactose Intolerance Sugar present in milk Lack of lactase enzyme to breakdown lactose Cramping, bloating, gas and diarrhea
Gastritis Inflammation of the mucus membrane that lines the stomach Irritation from foods, aspirin, smoke, tobacco, alcohol, or bacteria Pain in the upper abdomen, nausea and vomiting Medication to coat the lining of the stomach
Peptic ulcer Sore in the lining of the digestive tract Esophagus, stomach or duodenum Damage to the protective lining Aspirin, ibuprofen, anti-inflammatory medication, tobacco, infection.
Colitis Inflammation of the colon Bacterial or viral infection Diarrhea with blood and mucus, abdominal pain and fever
Hemorrhoids Swollen veins in the anus or rectum Constipation, sitting or pregnancy Exercise, fiber Tooth Decay