GAFSP in the Kyrgyz Republic The Union of Water Users Associations of Kyrgyzstan Bali, May 2014
The Kyrgyz Republic (Kyrgyzstan) Area: 199,951 km 2 Population: 5,776,500 (65% -rural) 2013 Growth: 10.3% 2013 GDP: $5.920 billion GDP per capita: $1,070 Poverty: 36.7% Agriculture: 23.5 % of GDP 10.6 ml ha of farm lands 1.3 mln ha - arable lands (1 mln –irrigated 9.3 mln – pasture lands 300,000 farmers ≈ 3 ha² 40% of population
The Union of Water Users Associations of Kyrgyzstan Founded in members from all sever provinces of the country Vision: UWUA is an experienced competent and reliable partner of the Government in sustainable inclusive development of the agricultural sector providing high-quality services on integrated water resource management resilient to climate change, preventing conflict and improving rural livelihoods. Mission: UNWUA is a professional organization promoting interests of its member on the national and local levels, protecting their rights and providing effective and innovative solutions to respond the emerging issues for progressing development. Goals: – Effective assistance to WUA development; – Coordination of joint WUA activities for synergy and economy of scale; – Mediating and protecting the rights of WUAs with other entities and courts; – Developing capacities of its members for resource-efficient management and high quality services provision and financial sustainability; – Contributing to favorable enabling framework for the sustainable development.
World Bank was selected as supervising entity $37.0 million allocated to fund an Agriculture Productivity and Nutrition Improvement Project (APNIP) to rehabilitate irrigation and drainage systems, build the capacity of water user associations (WUAs), and provide agricultural extension services. GAFSP funds aim to increase agricultural productivity and food security of rural households in selected areas nationwide. This will be achieved through rehabilitation of drainage and irrigation infrastructure at farm level, improved water management by WUAs and farmers, increased agricultural advisory services, and a scaling up of key nutrition interventions. Project in Kyrgyzstan
Project objective To increase agricultural productivity and food security of rural households in selected areas nationwide.
Project components I.Rehabilitation and modernization of physical irrigation and drainage (I&D) infrastructure II.Institutional development and capacity building III.Agricultural advisory services IV.Scaling-up Nutrition interventions and social protection V.Project management
Project Beneficiaries 48,000 smallholder farmers, i.e. 216,000 people, including 20% women led households 55,000 ha of arable lands with rehabilitated drainage and irrigation systems managed by 40 Water Users’ Associations (WUA). Agriculture Advisory Service providers consulting 140 WUAs and 168,000 small farms. Food security and nutrition will be improved for 325,000 people (72,000 households) with focus on women and children. Crop and livestock production will be diversified on 70% of above lands benefitting 51,000 households
Status of the project The project proposal of $42 mln. was sent to GAFSP in March 2012 by endorsement letter signed by Ministers of Finance, Agriculture and Health. And support Letters from WB, FAO, WFP, ADB, Aga Khan, DFID, Eurasia Development Bank, SDC, UNICEF. In May 2012, it $16 mln was approved by GAFSP. In September 2013, another $21 mln was approved after the second request of the Kyrgyz Government. Since it these are credit funds it will undergo Parliament ratification in the Parliament. At the moment implementation is expected to start in 2015.
UWUA Involvement Project design and project proposal promotion – Project localization and beneficiaries identification – WUA s and communities awareness raising – WUA networking for inclusion Participated in the peer review of the project proposal documentations – Contributed to interviewing and arrangement of meeting for the missioners Lobbying for Parliament project ratification
Issues: – Low awareness on the UWUA capacities on the national and local level – Some gaps in technical expertise (didactics, methodology, comprehensive training programme) – Lack of training facilities on the provincial and local level – Insufficient communication and PR activity Needs: – Fostering communication activities on the national, provincial and local levels through more close cooperation with media – Partnering with relevant advisory and consulting providers for joint tendering and project proposals development – Partnering with educational institutions through engagement of professors to training programs development – Develop capacities and expertise inside UWUA also on the field level through – Enlargement of the UWUA Board including new members from educational and civil society institutions – Fostering networking of the members through outsourcing and involvement of the WUA- members into project implementations – Resource mobilization on capacity development activities and publicity Issues and needs for more meaningful engagement
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