Nutrition Cluster - South Sudan Nutrition Cluster Coordination Meeting WHO conference hall am pm
Nutrition Cluster - South Sudan Agenda Welcome and introductions (Victoria) (3 min) Approval of the provisional agenda (Victoria, 1 min) Review of the action points from the previous meeting (kirathi, 5 min) Prioritization of counties (Anna, 5 min) UNICEF-WFP meeting update (WFP, 10 min) Surveys technical working group meeting update, including ACAPS project (Kirathi, ACAPS, 10 min) Rapid Response Team missions (UNICEF, 10 min) IYCF-E presentation (UNICEF, 10 min) AOB (10 min)
Nutrition Cluster - South Sudan Action pointsFocal point/agencyTimeline Include anthropometric and other medical supplies in the pipeline update and upload to the website. Also include expiry dates for RUTF UNICEFBy 1 st of April 2014 To produce an analysis of respective partners contribution to the CRP targets.IMO/NCCBy 11 th April 2014 Nyauma to share with all partners the plans for assessments, which some partners have shared with the coordination team NyaumaBy 1 st April 2014 IMO to share updated 3W with the partnersIMOBy 22 March 2014 Partners to update 3W Partners who have not done so on 24 th of March By 26 March 2014 To update the monthly reporting tool as agreed and to share with the partners.IMOBy 28 th of March Partners to report on a monthly basis utilising the updated reporting tool starting from March All implementing partnersBy 5 th of April To share the weekly reporting tool with the partnersIMOBy 28 th of March Partners to report on a weekly basis utilising the new weekly reporting tool starting from 1 st of April. All implementing partners First reports should be submitted by 7 th of April To discuss with Health Cluster, Inter-Cluster IM working group and OCHA the possibility of keeping the reporting week as Monday to Sunday. IMO/NCCBy end of the week To develop a content of summary of survey for validationSurveys YWGBy 11 th of April Partners to share survey protocols with the cluster for guidance prior conducting any survey PartnersBefore each assessment Partners to share (make presentation of) survey results with stakeholders at county level PartnersAfter each assessment validated by Surveys TWG
Nutrition Cluster - South Sudan Prioritization of Counties
Nutrition Cluster - South Sudan
Progress towards CRP targets (January - March 2013)
Nutrition Cluster - South Sudan Progress towards CRP targets
Nutrition Cluster - South Sudan Partners contribution to SAM treatment target
Nutrition Cluster - South Sudan Partners contribution to TSFP targets
Nutrition Cluster - South Sudan Partners contribution to BSFP targets
Nutrition Cluster - South Sudan Planned Assessment vis a vis Priority counties.
Nutrition Cluster - South Sudan
Nutrition Cluster - South Sudan Outline for the report we expect from ACAPS Pre-crisis Nutrition situation and key risk factors 1.Anthropometric indicators 2.IYCF indicators 3.Vitamin A supplementation and measles vaccination coverage 4.Health services availability and major health indicators 5.Food security situation and market analysis 6.Hygiene practices and access to safe water 7.Education (% of men and women finished primary/secondary school) 8.Trends in GAM/SAM rates over the years and pre/post-harvest 9.Correlation of the prevalence of malnutrition and IPC classification. 10.Correlation between GAM/SAM/MAM burden and admissions to CMAM programmes. Analysis of the key contributors or risk factors (basic, immediate and underlying) for malnutrition as relative to the prevalence of malnutrition in the current crisis – Same outline that for the pre-crisis (1-7) – Projected situation for 2014 (for 8-10) Challenges, constraints and opportunities for collecting quality data and providing and scaling up provision of services to increase reach/coverage
Nutrition Cluster - South Sudan AOB
Nutrition Cluster - South Sudan Reporting rate
Nutrition Cluster - South Sudan
Thank you