Digestive System Chapter 38 Section 2
Types of Digestion 1)CHEMICAL DIGESTION Digestion done using enzymes and acid; purpose is to break food into tiny microscopic building blocks, so they can be absorbed into the blood stream. 2)PHYSICAL DIGESTION breaking food into smaller chunks—uses teeth, and stomach grinding *aka=mechanical digestion
Organs of the Alimentary Canal: (the “tube” that food passes through) 1.Digestion begins in the mouth. Back of throat is the epiglottis tissue flap that separates the trachea from the esophagus.
Organs of the Alimentary Canal: (the “tube” that food passes through) 2.Esophagus: tube connecting the mouth and stomach
Organs of the Alimentary Canal: (the “tube” that food passes through) 3.Stomach: j shaped pouch that uses enzymes (pepsin breaks down proteins) and acids that digest food into building blocks ***lined with mucus a hole in mucus layer = ulcer.
Organs of the Alimentary Canal: (the “tube” that food passes through) 4.Small intestine: contains small finger-like cells called villi, which absorbs (sucks up) the small building blocks amino acids; fatty acids & monosaccharides ***your s.i. is feet long; it’s held together by a membrane called the mesentery.
Organs of the Alimentary Canal: (the “tube” that food passes through) 5.Large intestines: absorbs water and makes/stores feces ***feces is stored in the rectum (last part of the l.i.) ***feces is expelled out of the body through the anus ***the non-functioning organ called the appendix is located at the junction of the s.i. and the l.i.
ACCESSORY ORGANS OF DIGESTION: (food does not pass through these organs) 1.Liver: makes bile to help digest fats; has 3 lobes ***largest internal body organ ***covers the stomach, pancreas, and top of the l.i. ***located below the diaphragm ***brown in color ***the liver dumps its bile into the s.i.
ACCESSORY ORGANS OF DIGESTION: (food does not pass through these organs) 2.Pancreas: the enzyme factory of the body—makes enzymes used in chemical digestion ***dumps its enzymes into the s.i.
ACCESSORY ORGANS OF DIGESTION: (food does not pass through these organs) 3.Gall Bladder: stores extra bile from the liver.
1.Salivary gland: Chemical digestion— breaks down starch using amalayse 2. Esophagus—moves food to stomach 3. Stomach: physical and chemical digestion occur 4. Pancreas: aids S.I. in chemical digestion 5. Liver: aids S.I. in chemical digestion 6. Gall bladder: stores bile 7. Large Intestines: absorbs water and stores feces in rectum 8. Appendix: no longer functional 9. Rectum/Anus: store and expels waste 10. Small Intestines: Chemical digestion and absorbs nutrients 11. Mouth: Teeth and Tongue help move food around—physical digestion