Injection Molding Technology Material From Dr. Piyawit Khumphong (MTEC)
Injection Molding System
Tpe of Mold for Injection Molding Two-piece mold Three-piece mold
Flow Channels for Molten Plastic Sprue Runner Gate Cavity Sprue Runner Gate Cavity
Cooling System for Injection Mold
Injection Molding Cycle 1. Filling 2. Repeat Filling (Packing) and Cooling 3. Mold opening 4. Product ejecting 5. Mold closing
Temperature and Pressure Setting Unmolten Temp (T) Pressure (P) Degrade Flash Short shot T g T m + 50
Temperature Setting for Injection Molding Machine Depending on Screw (Diameter, D) 1D 1.5D3D D Shot size Viscous heat ====> shear heating
Mold Filling Fountain flow Surface Center Skin - core morphology Birefringence microscopy of HDPE
Short Shot Discoloration Air traps Burn marks, Black specks-black streaks Brittleness, Fish Eyes Flow marks, Ripples Flash, Jetting, Silver Streaks, Sink Marks Shrinkage and Warpage Weld Lines and Meld Lines Overpacking Flow into thin section Defect Problems in Injection Molded Products
Air traps >>> Burn marks Problems that arrived from poor mold design Front View Top View
Burn marks Black specks-streaks Brittleness Fish Eyes
Flash Jetting Silver Streaks Sink Marks
Flow marks Ripples
Shrinkage and Warpage
Weld Lines and Meld Lines
Sandwich-Molding Overmolding Simultaneous Sequential 1. Coinjection 2. Gas assisted 1. Monosandwich 2. Airpress III 1. Core-Back-Technique 2. Sandwich-Overmoulding 3. Insert-Moulding* 4. Outsert-Moulding* 5. Textile-Overmoulding* 6. In-Mould-Labeling* 1. Turntable 2. Transfer 3. Overmoulding-Stackmould Single Cavity Multi-Cavity Multi-component molding
Sandwich molding
Viscosity ratio Viscosity ratio = viscosity 2nd melt / viscosity 1st melt Desired structure Sandwich molding
Simultaneous Technique
Sequential Technique core material (B) skin material (A)
Monosandwich molding core material (B) skin material (A)
core material (B) Monosandwich molding
Door Handle Monosandwich molding
Compatibility ABSPA6PPPEPSPETPC ABS+?--*++ PA6?+---?* PP PE PS* PET+?---++ PC+*---++ (- ) : No adhesion, (*) : Poor adhesion, (+) : Good adhesion, (?) : N/A or Depend on Condition
Depend on Chemical bonding Inter-diffusion >>>>Time & Temp PP-PP under 110 °C >>> Poor adhesion ABS-ABS under 130 °C >>> Poor adhesion Compatibility
Corrects: Warpage Shrinkage Section change Surface aesthetics Developments: Cold Gas Injection Water Injection Gas Assisted Injection Molding
Airpress III 12 34
Bottle Crades Airpress III
Overmolding can be... multi colour technique (e.g. buttons for key boards) multi material technique (hard and soft, e.g. for integrated seals) in-mold assembling (e.g. hinges, air vents...)
Core – Back Technique
Transfer - Technique ABS Tray with anti-slip TPE material Tooth Brush with soft-feel TPE material
TurnTable Technique Tube shoulder for thoothpaste with barrier layer from PET and over-molded skin from PP
Stack-Turning-Technique process phase 1process phase 2 preform Injection unit 2 Main injection unit
Stroke 3 2nd injection unit Stroke 2 Assembling Stroke 4 Demolding Stroke 1 1st injection unit Stack-Turning-Technique
Vertical turn with the Cube-Technique Production cost reduction about 25% 4 sides of the cube usable Siemens M35 Stack-Turning-Technique