TERMS OF REFERENCE Resolution #2 An RPF technical group should be formed to investigate the development of a national guideline / code of practice on asphalt reinforcement. Proposed members: –CSIR Transportek, –University and Technikon, –Clients, –Industry, –Producers
MEMBERS CSIR, (Wynand Steyn) University (Emile Horak) Technikon (Chris de Jager) Clients (Mias Wiese, Enrico Fletcher) Asphalt Industry (Julian Wise) Consultants (Philip Joubert, Rob Brown, Joe Grobler) Producers (Marco Pauselli, Garth James, Cobus Venter)
SCOPE Asphalt Reinforcement, against cracking, rutting and strengthening All types of interlayers, not fibres Asphalt, not surfacing seals (TRH3) southern Africa
NEED To enhance the transfer of technology on upgrading of damaged roads To have best practice documented To have as guides part of the toolbox To assist new entrants in design/construction field
TYPE OF DOCUMENT Immediate need is for guidelines Develop into Code of Practice later Not Agrément or PPGS route at present
GUIDELINE DOCUMENT Do not re-invent the wheel Investigate available international guides Europe, USA, Australia
COST 348 action Reinforcement of Pavements with Steel Meshes and Geosynthetics Duration: 3 years; due to be completed in Jan 2005 One of the actions supported by the COST Research part of the European Commission – Research (16 Countries)COST Research Each of four working groups will produce a Deliverable Report Will be promoted on the Internet.
COST 348 action To enhance the process of material assessment and design To develop appropriate structural design methods and measurement techniques to reach the status of a generally accepted alternative. Enhance reinforcement technologies Stimulate contacts and transfer of knowledge Produce material testing methods
PROJECT DATA BASE Get SA ducks in a row What are success or failure factors? Collect essential information in structured way Add usefull information where available Develop southern African project database Add overseas info where appropriate
Y-Max BLI Case Studies PRODUCT X: OVERLAYS > 50 MM < > 600 < > 130 A,B,C D,E F,G,H
Base Layer Index MESA PRODUCT X: OVERLAYS > 50 MM Already Cracked Not Yet Cracked
ACTIONS Compile Project Info Requirements (Feb 04) Complete international guideline review and recommend most appropriate if any Include 5 th RILEM International Conference on Cracking in Pavements (5-8 May 2004) (COST 348) Draft contents for guideline document Contributions invited on any of above