بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم Ministry of Ministers Central Bureau of Statistics CBS The Base of a Sound Decision.


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Presentation transcript:

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم Ministry of Ministers Central Bureau of Statistics CBS The Base of a Sound Decision

Gender Statistics and Millennium Goals Somaia Khalid Elkhair Director of Field work Operation Fifth Population Census Somaia Khalid Elkhair Director of Field work Operation Fifth Population Census Presented by:

Sudan Population Density Population Density 1993 Area of Sudan600 mio Feddan Agricultural Land200 mio Feddan Non- Agricultural Land180 mio Feddan Forests220 mio Feddan Population density 26.5 Population density 26.5 person/km² respect to Agricultural Land) (respect to Agricultural Land) Largest Country in Africa2.5 mio km² Population25 mio person Average population density9.8 person/km² Density: Krt State 169 person/km² Northern State3 person/km²

Age distribution of Population 3 Age groups:1. Childhood (0 – 14 years) 2. Youth (15 – 60 years) 3. Elderly (> 60 years) Significant increase in the % of population 1. Childhood: 41.5% ( out of total population ) [ Total Fertility Rate 5.6] Needs specific strategies for: Health & Education 2. Youth:54.4% (out of total population) 3. Elderly:4.06 % (out of total population) Life expectancy:male: 52.5 years females: 55.5 years

60.7% of Labor force from the Northern States:Agriculture HuntingForestry Urban population are working in Agriculture 12.4% Rural Area population are working in Agriculture 81.5% Agriculture: 41.3% from GDP Economically active working in Agriculture:males 53.5% females 79.7% Service Sector 2 nd : 13.8% 4 th Census 1993 Occupational Distribution Normal for 1993

3 rd Millenium Development Goals Sudan NDGs Report 2004 The Report covered the 8 Goals of the Millenium 6 Goals were directly concerning the status of women Sudan signed the Millenium declaration among 189 countries (2000)

According to MoH Malnutrition:Sudan 26% North 19.5% South 32.4% Ministry of Social Affairs supports certain population sectors:Women OrphansStudents Through:El Zakka Productive Family Programm Supervised by:Savings & Social Development Bank National Programm for Graduates Self Employment Goal 1 Eradication of extreme Poverty & Hunger

Goal 1 Eradication of extreme Poverty & Hunger Cont. Information about Poverty in Sudan Knowledge of poverty level in Household Detailed Knowledge of Income & Expeditor Survey StudyHousehold Budget Survey 1978 [Conducted in Northern States] Poverty line survey 1992Poverty Line Poverty Indicators (Food, Drinking, Housing, Clothing, Transportation, Education, Health)

Family Sector: 12% are female Headed Household Widows & Divorced: Widows : Widowers 14 : 1 14 : 1 Divorced Women : Divorced Men 2.5 : : 1 Women constitute:Labor Force: 36% Admin. & Managerial Jobs 5% Clergical Jobs70% Sectors that need special Attention Goal 1 Eradication of extreme Poverty & Hunger Cont.

Goal 2 Achieve Universal Primary Education Ensuring completion of basic education for both sexes [2015] Education (10 years):1956:Males: 23% Females: 4% 1993:Males: 66% Females: 42% Increase in Education for both sexes:57% (1998) 59.6% (2004) Difference between sexes decreased

Goal 3 Promoting Gender Equality & Empowering Women Eleminating Gender Disparity in Education at all levels Women in Parliament:4.9% (1980) 9.7% (2004) Most important Recommendations: Enhanced Women Education Strengthening Women’s economic capacity Enhance & provide women Health Services

Goal 4 Reducing Child Mortality Reduced by 2/3 from Decrease in Infant Mortality (10 years): 77 Deaths/1000 Life Births (1989North) 68 Deaths/1000 Life Births (1999 North) 150 Deaths/1000 Life Births (2001 South) Decrease in < 5 year Mortality:134 Deaths/1000 Life Births (1989 North) 105 Deaths/1000 Life Births (1999 North) 250 Deaths/1000 Life Births (2001 South) Attention should be paid to:Primary Health Care Hospital Based Care

Goal 5 Improve Maternal Health Attention should be paid to 3 Indicators: Maternal Mortality Family Planning Increase in Professionally Assisted Labor

First Indicator: Maternal Mortality Goal 5 Improve Maternal Health ↓ Maternal Mortality (10 years): 537 Deaths/100,000 Life Births (1989 North) 509 Deaths/100,000 Life Births (1990 North) A Study estimated Deaths/100,000 Life Births (south) Another Study estimated 1,700 Deaths/100,000 Life Births (south) Millenium Goals for 2015 ↓ to:140 Deaths/100,000 Life Births (2015) Actual Expectations in Sudan:250 Deaths/100,000 Life Births (2015)

Women at reproductive age (15 – 49) using contraceptive methods: North: 7% Current users 21% ever users South:< 1% Reduced use of contraceptive methods High Total Fertility rate (5.9) Family Planning 1999 Goal 5 Improve Maternal Health

Increase in Professionally Assisted Labor Goal 5 Improve Maternal Health Save Motherhood survey 1999 (North) Place of delivery: Public Hosp. & Primary Healthcare Centers12.2% Private Hospitals & Clinics1.3% Home86% Delivery Facilitator: Untrained Midwives44% Trained Midwives31% Relatives20% Traditional Birth Atendants 6.8% Doctors5.8%

SMS 1999: Ever heard of HIV/AIDS (W.15-49)43% Females (15 – 19) ever heard of AIDS30% Rural Population heard about AIDS28% Urban Areas heard about AIDS71% Women in Krt heard about AIDS82.7% West Darfur heard about AIDS13% HIV/AIDS Availability of treatment:47 Teaching Hospitals Pts treated per year:36,000 patients Sexually Transmitted Diseases Goal 6 Combat HIV/AIDS, Malaria & Other Diseases

Patients with malaria7.5 mio Deathes due to Malaria35,000 No problems in treating malaria pts in Hospitals Treatment in private sector needs improvement Malaria Goal 6 Combat HIV/AIDS, Malaria & Other Diseases

Sudan 3 rd after Pakistan & Afghanistan TB pts:North:180/ 100,000 population South:325/ 100,000 population South:325/ 100,000 population TB constitutes:12% of Hospital Pts TB pts that have AIDS: 6% Tuberculosis (TB) Goal 6 Combat HIV/AIDS, Malaria & Other Diseases

By ensuring:Fertile Agricultural Land Securing Drinking Water Proper Removal of Manufacturing Wastes Sanitation Facilities Recommendations: 50% ↓ of population without acess to safe drinking water (2015) Water pipes inside Houses23.3% Water supply outside Houses10.7% Water from Wells44.8% Improvement of living conditions of people living on illegal grounds 1993 Goal 7 Ensuring Environmental Sustainability Preservation & Management of Forests & Wildlife Resources

We Have to: Deal with the Dept Problem Adapt new Technologies Provide acess to affordable essential Drugs (Local production of 75% of essential Drugs[5 years] Encouraging Medicinal Plant Research Goal 8 Global Partnership in Development

Final Report 4 th Census 1993 (CBS) Population Projection 2005 (CBS) Sudan Report for Millenium Goals (Dec. 2004) Save Motherhood survey 1999(CBS) Poverty Line survey 1992 (CBS) Source of Data