INTRODUCTION Preadolescent and adolescent years represent a development phase with the great risk for tobacco use commencement. Tobacco use usually begins in early adolescence, and almost all first use occurs before young people graduate from high school. If adolescents decide to be tobacco-free, they will likely remain tobacco-free for the rest of their lives Prevention of early smoking habit for young people is essential for death reduction and smoking related diseases
INTRODUCTION Tobacco use in adolescence is associated with a range of health-compromising behaviors, including being involved in fights, carrying weapons, engaging in high-risk sexual behavior and using alcohol and other drugs The need for tobacco use among adolescents involves the need for social acceptance and it is a transition sign into adulthood. It is very similar to the need for drugs and alcohol.
INTRODUCTION Influence of closeness is a strong factor for tobacco use commencement. Smoking advertisements, low prices, lack of legal framework to stop smoking in public places, lack of health promoting programs for teaching social effect management and lack of effective programs for helping stop smoking all contribute to high level of smokers in adolescents.
INTRODUCTION The opportunity to buy cigarettes clearly effects the use of cigarettes from adolescents. This can be regulated with the existence and implementation of the law which would prohibit the purchase from the minors. Parents model is a big role in smoking of cigarettes. Support from the smoking environment allowed at home, school and communities may effect the wrong perception of smoking and the inability to resist encourage smoking in adolescents.
AIM OF THE STUDY The aim of this study is to ascertain the tobacco use level among adolescents and to identify stirring factors, through interviewing a representative sample of adolescents. In particular we will try to understand:
AIM OF THE STUDY The role of attitudes and practices of parents, teachers and environment on adolescence smoking Impact of advertisements and regulations that prohibits or not smoking in specific locations Level of adolescent’s education regarding tobacco effects and the role and importance of doctor in this aspect.
METHODOLOGY Canvas methodology is used for implementation of this study. Questionnaire containing 25 questions has been designed and the survey was anonymous. In the survey were included total of 200 students of ninth and tenth grade from two high schools in Prishtina; “Xhevdet Doda” high school and medical high school “ Dr. Ali Sokoli
METHODOLOGY Statistical tables and graphs have been used for data processing and analysing. Structure index and HI square test have been determined.
Distribution of answers regarding tobacco use among friends of respondents
Distribution of answers regarding tobacco use among teachers
Distribution of answers regarding tobacco use of family members
Distribution of answers regarding negative effects of tobacco use
Distribution of answers regarding existing regulation on tobacco use prohibition
Distribution of answers regarding health promotion activities conducted by teachers and health care workers
CONCLUSIONS Even though 28% of adolescents have stated they have use tobacco at any point, only 4% of them stated they use tobacco every day. More than half of interviewees’ 64.5% answered that their friends use tobacco. Out of the total number of interviewees’, only 6% reported they use tobacco within school environment.
CONCLUSIONS It is disappointing fact that 47% of respondents stated teachers’ smoke in school and in front them. Around 52% of respondents have any family member who uses tobacco, and 11% cited that both of their parents smoke. With the fact that smoking can cause addiction agree 75% of adolescents, and that smoking causes cancer in total agreement are 77.5% of adolescents.
CONCLUSIONS Did not receive any education regarding tobacco negative effects from their teachers, 61% of adolescents gave affirmative response, and from the health care providers 74.5%. According to the 53% of interviewees’ in there were no messages against tobacco use placed in the schools walls, during the last two months.
RECOMMENDATIONS On a health level a national program should be established for treating of smoking adolescents. Identification, treating and follow up of the smoking adolescents needs to be focused on primary health protection based on the national program for treating smoking.
RECOMMENDATIONS Health promotion should also be within the primer health protection. This can be realized through routine doctors visit, by organizing seminars, lectures with target groups at schools, public presentations of science research on TV and Radio, publishing health columns on different newspapers etc.
RECOMMENDATIONS Smoking to be prohibited by law in schools for pupils, teachers and visitors. There should be posters and brochures on the walls of the schools. Within the educational program in schools there should be special classes with health educative subjects. In the health educative activities except pupils, the teachers and parents should be included.
RECOMMENDATIONS Smoking to be prohibit by law in all public places. Selling of cigarettes to minors to be prohibit. To reduce and to control the smoking advertising. To increase smoking taxes resulting in the higher prices of cigarettes.