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Row 1, Col 1 When did Muslims first conquer northwest India? Eighth century, A.D.
1,2 To what company did Elizabeth I of Britain give trade rights in 1600? East India Company
1,3 Who was the great leader of India’s independence movement? Mohandas Gandhi
1,4 When did Turkish Muslims attack India and replace the Arabs? 11th Century, A.D.
2,1 What group agreed to be ruled by Britain in 1818? Rajputs
2,2 What method did Gandhi use to fight for independence? nonviolence
2,3 What do you call a Turkish emperor? sultan
2,4 What colonies did Britain take posession of in 1796? Sri Lanka (Ceylon) and Maldives
3,1 What is the name of the Muslim nation carved from the colony of India? Pakistan
3,2 What do you call Muslim Turks from what is now Turkistan? Mughal
3,3 What countries in the region never became colonies of Britain? Afghanistan, Nepal, and Bhutan
3,4 What British colony became independent in 1948? Sri Lanka
4,1 Whose reign began the Mughal Empire? Babur
4,2 What were some innovations brought to India by the British? Railroads, telegraph, steamships, new irrigation methods, British legal system
4,3 What British colony became independent in 1965? The Maldives
4,4 Who was the Mughal ruler who made India a place where Hindus and Muslims could both live? Akbar
5,1 What was formed in 1885 to provide a forum where Indians could discuss their problems? Indian National Congress
5,2 By what title did the Indian people call Mohandas Gandhi? Mahatma
5,3 In what year did the Mughal empire collapse? 1707
5,4 What did the Muslims form in 1906 to discuss their problems in India? Muslim League