Neuromuscular Fatigue Muscle Physiology 420:289
Agenda Introduction Central fatigue Peripheral fatigue Biochemistry of fatigue Recovery
Introduction Fatigue Common definition: Any reduction in physical or mental performance Physiological definitions: The gradual increase in effort needed to maintain a constant outcome The failure to maintain the required or expected outcome/task
Mechanisms Difficult to Study Many potential sites of fatigue Task specificity Central vs. peripheral factors Environment Depletion vs. accumulation Interactive nature of mechanisms Compartmentalization Training status
Potential Outcomes of Fatigue Muscle force: Isometric or dynamic Peak force and RFD reduced Rate of relaxation: Reduced Figure 15.6, McIntosh et al., 2005 Adopted from Garland et al. (1988)
Potential Outcomes of Fatigue Muscle velocity and power: Peak and mean reduced McIntosh et al., 2005
Potential Outcomes of Fatigue EMG Increases with fatigue (submaximal load) as CNS attempts to recruit more motor units Power frequency spectrum shifts to left FT MUs fatigue resulting in greater stimulation of ST MUs (lower threshold lower frequency)
Brooks et al., 2000
Brooks et al., 2000
Gandevia, 2001
Potential Outcomes of Fatigue Ratings of perceived exertion Rate of fatigue Fatigue index Wingate Time to fatigue
Mechanisms of Fatigue Fatigue can be classified in many ways: Psychological vs. physiological Neuromuscular vs. metabolic Central vs. peripheral
Agenda Introduction Central fatigue Peripheral fatigue Biochemistry of fatigue Recovery
Central Fatigue - Introduction Central fatigue: A progressive reduction in voluntary activation of muscle during exercise Difficult to study however strong indirect evidence
Central Fatigue - Introduction Central fatigue may manifest itself in several ways: Emotions and other psychological factors Afferent input (pain, metabolites, ischemia, muscle pressure/stretching) Intrinsic changes of the neuron (hyperpolarization of RMP)
Bottom line: Central fatigue causes neural inhibition greater voluntary effort to drive any motor unit Figure 1, Kalmer & Cafarelli, 2004
Evidence of Central Fatigue Reduced motor unit firing rate and ½ relaxation time Suggests less central drive
Figure 12, Gandevia, 2001
Evidence of Central Fatigue Concept of muscle wisdom Decline in MU firing rate does not correlate well with decline in force As MU firing rate declines ½ relaxation time increases (prolonged contractile mechanism) Prolongation steady force maintained with lower MU firing rate Increased efficiency? Eventual fatigue is imminent
Evidence of Central Fatigue Best evidence: Improvement in performance with severe fatigue Sudden encouragement Last “kick” at end of race
McIntosh et al., 2005
Gandevia, 2001
Gandevia, 2001
Agenda Introduction Central fatigue Peripheral fatigue Biochemistry of fatigue Recovery
Peripheral Fatigue Potential sites include (but not limited to): Impulse conduction of efferent neurons and terminals Impulse conduction of muscle fibers Excitation contraction coupling Sliding of filaments
Efferent Neurons and Terminals Impulse conduction may fail at branch points of motor axons Unusual Branch point diameter < axon diameter Evidence: Krnjevic & Miledi (1958) Zhou & Shui, 2001
Krnjevic & Miledi (1958) Rat diaphragm motor nerve Motor end plates of two fibers within same motor unit observed Fatigue One fiber did not demonstrate motor end plate depolarization with stimulation Conclusion: Branch point failure
Normal branch point propagation
Branch point failure
Efferent Neurons and Terminals Note: “Dropping out” of muscle fibers in single muscle fiber EMG studies is very rare More research is needed
Efferent Neurons and Terminals ACh release from axon terminals? ACh is synthesized and repackaged quickly even during repetitive activity Safety margin: Very little ACh is required to stimulate AP along sarcolemma At least 100 vescicles released/impulse Not considered a site of peripheral fatigue
Peripheral Fatigue Potential sites include (but not limited to): Impulse conduction of efferent neurons and terminals Impulse conduction of muscle fibers Excitation contraction coupling Sliding of filaments
Impulse Conduction Muscle Fibers The ability of the sarcolemma to propagate APs will eventually fail during repetitive voluntary muscle actions Attenuation is modest Mechanism: Leaking of K+ from cell hyperpolarization of RMP
Figure 15.6, McIntosh et al., 2005 Adopted from Garland et al. (1988)
Peripheral Fatigue Potential sites include (but not limited to): Impulse conduction of efferent neurons and terminals Impulse conduction of muscle fibers Excitation contraction coupling Sliding of filaments
Excitation-Contraction Coupling Potential sites of fatigue: Tubular system: T-tubules Sarcoplasmic reticulum
ECC Fatigue T-Tubules Mechanism: Inability of AP to be propagated down t-tubule Due to pooling of K+ in t-tubule (interstitial fluid) Recall: Muscle activation causes: Increase of intracellular [Na+] Decrease of intracellular [K+] Na+/K+ pump attempts to restore resting [Na+/K+] Na+/K+ pump is facilitated by: Increased intracellular [Na+} Catecholamines
ECC Fatigue T-Tubules T-tubule membrane surface area is small Less absolute Na+/K+ pumps Pooling of K+ in t-tubules hyperpolarizes t-tubule RMP Time constant for movement of K+ from t-tubules = ~ 1s Does 1 s of rest alleviate fatigue? More mechanisms!
ECC Fatigue Sarcoplasmic Reticulum Several potential mechanisms: Impaired SERCA function Reduced uptake of Ca2+ prolonged relaxation? Impaired RYR channel function Reduced release of Ca2+ less crossbridges? General rise in intracellular Ca2+ Increased uptake of Ca2+ by mitochondria reduced mitochondrial efficiency?
Peripheral Fatigue Potential sites include (but not limited to): Impulse conduction of efferent neurons and terminals Impulse conduction of muscle fibers Excitation contraction coupling Sliding of filaments
Sliding of Filaments Troponin: Two potential mechanisms of fatigue Decreased responsiveness: Less force at any given [Ca2+] Decreased sensitivity: More [Ca2+] needed for any given force
Agenda Introduction Central fatigue Peripheral fatigue Biochemistry of fatigue Recovery
Biochemistry of Fatigue Metabolic fatigue Depletion Accumulation Metabolic depletion and accumulation is related to central and peripheral fatigue
Metabolic Depletion Phosphagens Glycogen Blood glucose
CP is most immediate source of ATP due to creatine kinase Phosphagen Depletion Phosphagens include: ATP Creatine phosphate CP is most immediate source of ATP due to creatine kinase Rate of ATP: High Capacity: Low
Phosphagen Depletion Pattern of CP/ATP depletion CP and ATP deplete rapidly CP continues to deplete task failure ATP levels off and is preserved
Brooks, et al., 2000
Phosphagen Depletion ATP depleted why task failure? Down regulation of “non essential” ATP utilizing functions in order to maintain “essential” functions Free energy theory
Phosphagen Depletion Bottom line: CP depletion results in fatigue during high intensity exercise CP supplementation delays onset of task failure
Metabolic Depletion Phosphagens Glycogen Blood glucose
Glycogen Depletion Recall: Glycogen is storage mechanism for CHO in muscle Highly branched polyglucose molecule
Glycogen Depletion Glycogen depletion is associated with fatigue during prolonged submaximal exercise Glycogen depletion is fiber type specific depending on intensity of exercise Bottom line: Glycogen depletion impairs ability to generate ATP at relatively fast rate task failure at moderate intensities Supercompensation?
Metabolic Depletion Phosphagens Glycogen Blood glucose
Low Blood Glucose High intensity exercise increased blood sugar due to liver glycogenolysis The rate of glycogenolysis does not match the rate of glycolysis lower blood glucose Bottom line: Duration of exercise depends glycogen stores CHO supplementation?
Brooks, et al., 2000
Biochemistry of Fatigue Metabolic fatigue Depletion Accumulation
Metabolic Accumulation Inorganic phosphate Lactate and H+
Pi Accumulation ATP ADP + Pi (HPO42-) Effects of intracellular accumulation Inhibition of PFK Reduction of ATP free energy ADP and Pi accumulation Inhibition of Ca2+ binding with Tn-C
Lactate and H+ Accumulation Recall
Two possible fates for pyruvate: Lactic acid Mitochondria
Lactate and H+ Accumulation When LA production > LA clearance Accumulation At physiological pH LA dissociates a proton (H+) As [H+] increases, pH decreases pH = -log of [H+]
H+ Lactate C3H5O3 CF_lactosorbSE_DE.shtml
Lactate and H+ Accumulation Effects of intracellular H+ accumulation Inhibition of PFK Inhibition of Ca2+ binding of Tn-C Pain receptor stimulation afferent inhibition Nausea and disorientation Inhibition of O2-Hg association Inhibition of FFA release Decreased force/crossbridge Reduced Ca2+ sensitivity Inhibition of SERCA function
Lactate and H+ Accumulation Lactate accumulation is beneficial: Lactate liver glucose via gluconeogenesis
Agenda Introduction Central fatigue Peripheral fatigue Biochemistry of fatigue Recovery
Recovery - Intro Recovery oxygen: Amt of O2 consumed in excess of normal consumption at test EPOC: Excess post-exercise oxygen consumption Duration of recovery depends on: Intensity of exercise Duration of exercise Training status Mode of exercise
Short Term Recovery Two main components: Fast component Slow component
ST Recovery: Fast Component Time: 2-3 minutes VO2 declines rapidly Related to intensity of exercise Not related to duration of exercise
ST Recovery: Fast Component Elevated metabolic rate during fast component has many functions: Resaturation of myoglobin Restore blood O2 Provide O2 for energy cost of ventilation Provide O2 for energy cost of cardiac activity Replenishment of ATP-PC stores
ATP-PC restoration dependent on blood flow
Short Term Recovery Two main components: Fast component Slow component
ST Recovery: Slow Component Time: ~ 1 hour Attenuated decline in VO2 Related to intensity and duration of exercise
ST Recovery: Slow Component Elevated metabolic rate during slow component has many functions: Reduce core temperature Provide O2 for energy cost of ventilation Provide O2 for energy cost of cardiac activity Decrease catecholamine levels Replenishment of glycogen Removal of lactate
Glycogen Repletion Full repletion of glycogen requires several days Glycogen depletion is dependent on: Type of exercise (continuous vs. intermittent) Dietary CHO consumed during repletion period
Glycogen Repletion Glycogen repletion after continuous exercise 2 hours: Insignificant repletion 5 hours: Significant repletion 10 hours: Greatest rate of repletion 46 hours required for complete repletion with high CHO intake CHO vs. PRO/Fat diet
High CHO diet PRO/Fat diet
Glycogen Repletion Glycogen repletion after intermittent exercise 30 min: Significant repletion 2 hours: Greatest rate of repletion 24 hours needed for complete repletion with normal CHO intake
Glycogen Repletion Reasons for differences b/w continuous and intermittent exercise: 1. Total glycogen depleted -Twice as much depleted with continuous -Same amount synthesized in first 24 h 2. Availability of glycogen precursors -Ex: Lactate, pyruvate, glucose -Less precursors with continuous 3. Fiber type activation -Glycogen resynthesis faster in Type II
Supercompensation Glycogen repletion levels can be greater than pre-exercise levels with CHO loading
ST Recovery: Slow Component Elevated metabolic rate during slow component has many functions: Reduce core temperature Provide O2 for energy cost of ventilation Provide O2 for energy cost of cardiac activity Decrease catecholamine levels Replenishment of glycogen Removal of lactate
ST Recovery: Lactate Lactate is removed during the slow component of short term recovery 30 min - 1 h Possible fates Urine/sweat excretion (minimal) Lactate glucose Lactate protein Lactate glycogen Lactate pyruvate Kreb’s cycle CO2 + H2O