Office of Strategic Planning Timothy E Wanamaker, Executive Director 1 City of Buffalo’s Annual Action Plan Public Hearing Gloria J Parks Community Center 3242 Main Street Monday, February 7, 2005 Anthony M. Masiello, Mayor
Office of Strategic Planning 2 Agenda Purpose Budget/Category Review Citizen Comment Period Annual Action Plan Public Hearing-City of Buffalo
Office of Strategic Planning 3 Purpose The purpose of this hearing is to exhibit and receive comment on the proposed plan that is to be submitted to the U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD). All comments received tonight or during the 30-Day Comment Period, will be included within the plan, which will be forwarded to HUD. Verbal Comments: Tonight’s hearing is being audio taped and a transcript will be included within the plan. Written Comments: Handwritten notes, mailed letters and s will be accepted through March 10, – Mailings: Office of Strategic Planning, Attn. Len Tempestoso, 65 Niagara Square 313 City Hall Buffalo, NY – Annual Action Plan Public Hearing-City of Buffalo
Office of Strategic Planning 4 Anticipated Allocation Annual Action Plan Public Hearing-City of Buffalo Community Development Block Grant* $22,858,224 HOME Investment Partnership Program* 5,285,056 Emergency Shelter Grant 715,093 Housing Opportunities for Persons With AIDS 456,000 American Dream Downpayment Initiative 121,698 $29,436,071 *Figures include anticipated program income. CDBG: $18,058,224 entitlement; $4,800,000 program income HOME: $5,035,056 entitlement; $250,000 program income
Office of Strategic Planning 5 Budget/Category Review CategoryAmountPercent Acquisition Activities$ 111,861 (less than 1%) Disposition Activities 744,9833% Public Facilities & Improvements 4,116,14714% Clearance Activities 1,954,0977% Public Services 2,166,9867% Homeownership Assistance 2,398,2228% Rehabilitation Activities 5,743,13620% Code Enforcement 983,7453% Commercial/Industrial Improvements 167,2751% Direct Economic Development 6,304,54721% Planning & Administration 4,745,07216% $29,436, Annual Action Plan Public Hearing-City of Buffalo
Office of Strategic Planning 6 Public Facilities & Improvements [Improvements to public or private nonprofit facilities, except buildings for general conduct of government, which include acquisition, construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation and/ or installation.] $ 50,000 Broadway Market (Energy Conservation) $ 100,000 Computers for KIDS (Building Renovation) $ 210,000 Goodwill Industries (New Building Construction) $ 100,000Livable Communities Block Club Grants $1,100,000Public Improvements-Streets/Sidewalks Annual Action Plan Public Hearing-City of Buffalo
Office of Strategic Planning 7 Clearance Activities [The demolition of buildings, removal of demolition rubble or other debris, physical removal of environmental contaminants or treatment of such contaminants and movement of structures to other sites.] $1,361,295 Demolition-Housing/Commercial $ 60,000Remediation-BURA Owned Sites Annual Action Plan Public Hearing-City of Buffalo
Office of Strategic Planning 8 Public Services [Services which include child care, health acre, job training, recreation programs, education programs, public safety survives, fair housing activities, senior services, drug abuse counseling and treatment, energy conservation counseling and testing, and homebuyer downpayment assistance.] $2,166,986 for 37 Agencies Average allocation of $58,566 per agency Anticipated to provide programming and services for... 25,000 youth/children 3,000 fair housing clients 2,000 senior citizens 1,000 individuals with transportation needs Annual Action Plan Public Hearing-City of Buffalo
Office of Strategic Planning 9 Homeownership Assistance [Assist perspective homeowners with purchase subsidy, finance cost of property acquisition, mortgage insurance, closing and down payment costs.] $ 121,698American Dream Downpayment Initiative- 1st Time Homebuyers $1,000,000Hickory Woods Acquisition Subsidy $1,111,750New Construction Housing Subsidy Annual Action Plan Public Hearing-City of Buffalo
Office of Strategic Planning 10 Rehabilitation Activities [Provide funds to rehabilitate public or privately owned residential, commercial and/or industrial properties.] $1,920,000Emergency Loan Program (Single/Multi)-Citywide $1,300,000Rehabilitation-Loan Program (Owner Occupied)-Targeted $ 755,258CHDO Rehabilitation Projects (RFP Process)-Targeted Annual Action Plan Public Hearing-City of Buffalo
Office of Strategic Planning 11 Code Enforcement Activities [Concentrated code enforcement inspections in our 11 targeted areas which will with coincide with our CHDO activity.] $945,000 Code Enforcement Annual Action Plan Public Hearing-City of Buffalo
Office of Strategic Planning 12 Direct Economic Development [All endeavors aimed at sustaining or increasing the level of business activity.] $1,100,000CARE Program-Loan/Grant/Matching $ 300,000CARE Program-Technical Assistance $ 975,000Commercial Loan Program $ 75,000Economic Development Group (Employment/Training) Annual Action Plan Public Hearing-City of Buffalo
Office of Strategic Planning 13 Citizen Comment Period 1. Please state your name. 2. Make comment. Comments can be made on specific or general rating of planning performance both favorable and unfavorable and any desired improvements that can be made. Some examples include Planning Priorities 2. Budgeting 3. Planning Process 4. Access to Information 5. Citizen Participation 3. Please make comments brief to allow for others to make theirs Annual Action Plan Public Hearing-City of Buffalo
Office of Strategic Planning 14 Information/Comments A full version of the plan is available for review. You may review it through the city’s website or during regular business hours in room 313, City Hall (3 rd Floor). Comments are encouraged and can be made through the city’s website or postal mail at: City of Buffalo-Office of Strategic Planning Attn: Len Tempestoso 65 Niagara Square-313 City Hall Buffalo, NY If you have any question regarding the process or information discussed at tonight's public hearing, please call Annual Action Plan Public Hearing-City of Buffalo