Activities in Project Axshya (GFR 9 TB project)


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Presentation transcript:

Activities in Project Axshya (GFR 9 TB project) Revised National Tuberculosis Control Programme Activities in Project Axshya (GFR 9 TB project) Voluntary Health Association of India The Global Fund Round 9 TB ACSM Project

Objectives Objective 1 Improve the reach, visibility and effectiveness of RNTCP through civil society support in 300 districts across 21 states by 2015 Objective 2 Engage communities and community-based care providers in 300 districts across 21 states by 2015 to improve TB care and control, especially for marginalized and vulnerable populations including TB-HIV patients

Initial Phase Initial district pre-planning preparatory activities Collect basic information on the district Structured collection of data on a format The format will have two components for data collection State level (to be filled by SRs who will be responsible for state level activities) Line list of master trainers, District level (to be filled by all SRs for each district) Map of the district, population, TU, DMCs, PHIs, ICTCs existing DOT provider network Performance of the district with respect key programme project indicators List of NGOs, CBOs, SHGs and rural providers Existing RNTCP master trainers Existing district TB forums, DLNs, Information on existing health staff, gaon kalyan samitis Etc..,

Description of key activity Dharti Sanstha, Morena

Sensitization and meetings with Gaon Kalyan Samities 10 sensitizations per month Purpose of these meetings Awareness generation, reduce myths and misconceptions Provide information about RNTCP diagnostic and treatment services Participants will be members of GKS, schools, women groups, SHGs and other CBOs at least 10 participants per meeting No/limited duplication between NGO activities Contents of these meetings Describe TB, RNTCP, address myths and misconceptions about TB and help symptomatic people seek care Documentation-a brief record containing venue, people attended with the ? Signatures and information on what is discussed.

Community awareness rallies Conduct community wide awareness programs through rallies, village announcements, articles in local dailies and road shows on World TB Day (local level) and International Women’s day in consultation with district program officers, Purpose – Create awareness about TB and to reinforce messages on TB and address misconceptions identified through community meetings Time and frequency – This event will be held twice in a year. The rallies will be organized on World TB day on 24th March. The other event can be organized on International Women’s day, World Health day or red ribbon day. Rally Participants – The participants can be school children, cured TB patients, DOT providers and community groups. Content - Advocacy and communication pamphlets

Sputum Collection Centers In consultation with the district TB officers, MOTCs and STS, identify areas in the district where sputum collection centers are required the case finding is low/ hard to reach areas, tribal areas DMCs non functional In rural practitioners clinics with high OPD Sputum cups and transport boxes will be requested from the DTOs/MOTCs Identify community volunteers Orient them in sputum transportation At-least 3 visits to the nearest DMC per week Information on the number of sputum samples transported will be collected

Re-tracing defaulters In consultation with district TB officers NGOs will undertake this retrieval activities as part of their community based activities Establish mechanism of passing information from the DOT Providers/STS/ STLS to the NGOs on patients who have missed 2 doses in IP and 1 week doses in CP Such patients list will be periodically provided by the programme once in 15 days. The NGO/NGO representative will visit the patient, DOT provider and provide counseling services to prevent default. Counseling will include assessing the life contingencies of patients making them to miss dose. Budget available for this Rs 2300 pm to cover transportation costs

Develop and Orient TB forums 1 forum at each district Composition: Cured patients, representative of marginalized communities, senior citizens, slums, … people spread across the districts, NGO representatives, CBO representatives, PLHA Purpose: To participate in meetings with DTOs/ CMOs/DMs and provide information on the community perspectives of the programme, interact with patients and bring community perspectives to TB programme They can also participate in community meetings organized by NGOs They can also act as DOT providers /community referrers They meet once a quarter