Lion’s Natural Gifts and Talents Emphasis on Implantation
LION Administering policies – managing a course of action Allocating resources – designating resources for a specific purpose Attending to detail – paying attention to small items Collecting data – gathering information Coordinating – taking care or logistics for events or services Decision-making – bringing things to a conclusion Delegating – entrusting responsibilities to other people Establishing procedures – constructing a series of steps to be followed in accomplishing goals
Lion Cont. Guarding – Protecting or defending Maintaining Schedules – overseeing and designating for fixed or future times Managing – directing or conducting business Organizing – arranging things in a systematic order Paying attention to detail – looking for smaller details Regulating – governing or directing according to rule or law Serving – making a contribution for the welfare of others Supervising – taking responsibility for the work done by others
Golden Retriever's Natural Gifts and Talents Skills involve helping other people
Acknowledging others - recognizing and validating others Building self-esteem – helping others feel good about themselves Consulting – giving professional advice Coordinating – bringing people and activities together in a harmonious way Counseling – helping with their professional problems Enlightening – giving spiritual insight Expressing feelings – openly communicating feelings with other people
Fostering – nurturing; developing the potential in others Guiding – steering or directing people in a positive direction Healing – restoring health Helping others – improving the lives of others Influencing others – having an effect on the lives of others Motivating – acting for others emotionally Working as a team – bringing a group together to meet a common goal
Otter Natural Gifts and Talents Emphasis on Activity
Assembling things – fitting together parts of things Coaching – training intensively by instruction demonstration and practice Competing – challenging another for the purpose winning Constructing – building an effect on others Marketing – planning and strategizing how to present a product or service in the marketplace Negotiating – Conferring with another so as to arrive at settlement Performing – practicing an art that involves public performance Persuading – influencing others in favor of a product service or point of view Promoting – persuading people to see the value of an idea person, activity or cause Illustrating – providing visual features intended to explain or decorate
Beaver Natural Gifts and Talents Emphasis on Mental Activity
Analyzing – separating or distinguishing the component parts of something to discover its true nature Conceptualizing – forming abstract ideas in the mind Consulting – giving technical information or providing ideas to clarify or sharpen procedures Critiquing – analyzing, evaluating, or appreciating Designing – mental conceiving of a plan or product Developing – making something available to improve a situation Generating Ideas – brainstorming or dreaming up ideas Observing – examining people, data, or things scientifically
Problem Solving – identifying key issues or factors in a problem, generating ideas and solutions to solve the problem, selecting the best approach, and testing and evaluating it Reasoning – thinking Researching – investigating and experimenting aimed at discovery and interpretation of facts Synthesizing – integrating ideas and information Intellectualizing – using the intellect rather than emotion or experience Interpreting ideas – explaining the meaning of ideas