Colons Unit 7
2 of 10 Unit 7 Colons After Salutations and Between Word Originator’s and Keyboarder’s Initials After As Follows and The Following in Independent Clauses After Introductory Independent Clauses Between Hours and Minutes Expressed in Numerals Before Quotations That Are Preceded by Independent Clauses
3 of 10 Unit 7 Colons After Salutations and Between Word Originator’s and Keyboarder’s Initials A colon is placed after the salutation in business letters when using mixed punctuation. A colon is also placed between the initials of the word originator and the keyboarder.
4 of 10 Unit 7 Colons After As Follows and The Following in Independent Clauses A colon is placed after as follows and the following when these words are part of an independent clause and are followed by an explanation or a list. Space two times after the colon. By October I must do the following: sign the lease, paint the apartment, and buy a refrigerator. Denise’s responsibilities are as follows: opening the mail, answering the telephone, and acting as receptionist.
5 of 10 Unit 7 Colons Tryout Sentences 1. The dog breeds entered in the show were as follows cocker spaniel, collie, golden retriever, and terrier. 2. I couldn’t decide among the following menu choices steak, salmon, veal, or lamb. 3. Sue Ellen is seeking a job with the following benefits a profit-sharing plan, a pension, and child-care facilities. 4. Available jobs in the new show are as follows stage director, lighting designer, and costume designer. 5. Be sure to include the following people on the guest list Domenico, Roslyn, Sunnak, and Smitty.
6 of 10 Unit 7 Colons After Introductory Independent Clauses A colon is placed after an independent clause when a clause or phrase that follows further explains the independent clause. Space two times after the colon. Steven sent a small donation: a check for $5. Laurie achieved her lifelong ambition: she started a business.
7 of 10 Unit 7 Colons Tryout Sentences 1. The explanation for his failure is quite clear he didn’t study. 2. I passed three of my friends as I was coming here Gamal, Hayden, and Lynette. 3. Heavy rains caused rivers to overflow in two states California and Washington. 4. My car stalled because of my negligence I forgot to fill the gas tank. 5. Dora won a cash prize for her entry $100.
8 of 10 Unit 7 Colons Between Hours and Minutes Expressed in Numerals A colon is placed between the symbols for hours and minutes when they are expressed in numerals. Do not space after the colon. The train departed at 9:35 p.m. and arrived at 1:10 a.m. My appointment is for 3:30 this afternoon.
9 of 10 Unit 7 Colons Tryout Sentences 1. I’ll see you at tomorrow morning. 2. We had breakfast at 6 45 and went to the 9 15 meeting. 3. The train departed at 2 20 p.m. and is scheduled to arrive in Detroit at 7 25 a.m. 4. Dan came over at 8 35 in time for breakfast. 5. The movie is shown at 12 05, 3 10, 6 15, and 9 20.
10 of 10 Unit 7 Colons Before Quotations That Are Preceded by Independent Clauses When an independent clause is followed by a quotation, a colon is placed after the independent clause. Space two times after the colon, and capitalize the first word of the quotation. The commuters heard the announcement: “All trains will be delayed.” A warning sign hangs over the checkroom: “All packages are checked at your own risk.”
11 of 10 Unit 7 Colons Tryout Sentences 1. The student asked the question “is it necessary for my parents to come?” 2. Upon his return from overseas, George made the statement “it’s good to be back.” 3. I was not happy to hear the conductor’s announcement “all trains will be delayed for one hour.” 4. Carlotta read the label on the bottle “take only once a day.” 5. Before submitting his entry, P. J. noted the contest rule “all entries must be postmarked before March 15.”