Key Features and Results Benefits
XLSTAT-MX functions
Preference Mapping (PREFMAP) Build decision making maps to: • Improve or develop products • Position products in comparison with competitors’ products • Reach a target market Preference mapping = a powerful tool to optimize product acceptability. XLSTAT-MX offers several regression models to project complementary data on the objects maps: • Vector model, • Circular ideal point model, • Elliptical ideal point model, • Quadratic ideal point model.
Preference Mapping (PREFMAP) 10 commercial samples of potato chips 99 consumers satisfaction from 1 to 30 Consumers are segmented into 9 clusters
Preference Mapping (PREFMAP)
Generalized Procrustes Analysis (GPA) GPA is pretreatment used to reduce the scale effects and to obtain a consensual configuration.
Generalized Procrustes Analysis (GPA) GPA compares the proximity between the terms that are used by different experts to describe products.
Multiple Factor Analysis (MFA) MFA is a generalization of PCA (Principal Component Analysis) and MCA (Multiple Correspondence Analysis). MFA makes it possible to: Analyze several tables of variables simultaneously, Obtain results that allow studying the relationship between the observations, the variables and tables.
Multiple Factor Analysis (MFA) 36 experts have graded 21 wines analysed on several criteria: Olfactory (5 variables) Visual (3 variables) Taste (9 variables) Quality (2 variables)
Multiple Factor Analysis (MFA) MFA groups the information on one chart
Multiple Factor Analysis (MFA) MFA groups the information on one chart
Multiple Factor Analysis (MFA) Wine 13 is in the direction of the two quality variables and is therefore the wine of preference.
Multiple Factor Analysis (MFA) The olfactory criteria are often increasing the distance between the wines.
Penalty analysis Identify potential directions for the improvement of products, on the basis of surveys performed on consumers or experts. Two types of data are used: • Preference data (or liking scores) for a product or for a characteristic of a product • Data collected on a JAR (Just About Right) scale
Penalty analysis A type of potato chips is evaluated: By 150 consumers On a JAR scale (1 to 5) for 4 attributes: Saltiness, Sweetness, Acidity, Crunchiness. And on an overall liking (1 to 10) score scale
Mean of Liking for JAR – Mean of Liking for too little and too much Penalty analysis Mean of Liking for JAR – Mean of Liking for too little and too much
Semantic differential charts The semantic differential method is a visualization method to plot the differences between individuals' connotations for a given word. This method can be used for: Analyzing experts’ agreement on the perceptions of a product described by a series of criteria on similar scales Analyzing customer satisfaction surveys and segmentation Profiling products
Semantic differential charts 1 yoghurt 5 experts 6 attributes: Color Fruitiness Sweetness Unctuousness Taste Smell
Semantic differential charts
TURF analysis TURF = Total Unduplicated Reach and Frequency method Highlight a line of products from a complete range of products in order to have the highest market share. XLSTAT offers three algorithms to find the best combination of products
TURF analysis 27 possible dishes 185 customers "Would you buy this product?" (1: No, not at all to 5: Yes, quite sure). The goal is to obtain a product line of 5 dishes maximizing the reach
TURF analysis
Product characterization Find which descriptors are discriminating well a set of products and which the most important characteristics of each product are. Check the influence on the scores of attributes of: Product Judge Session Judge*Product All computations are based on the analysis of variance (ANOVA) model.
Product characterization 29 assessors 6 chocolate drinks 14 characteristics: Cocoa and milk taste and flavor Other flavors: Vanilla, Caramel Tastes: bitterness, astringency, acidity, sweetness Texture: granular, crunchy, sticky, melting
Product characterization
DOE for sensory data analysis Designing an experiment is a fundamental step to ensure that the collected data will be statistically usable in the best possible way.
DOE for sensory data analysis Prepare a sensory evaluation where judges (experts and/or consumers) evaluate a set of products taking into account: Number of judges to involve Maximum number of products that a judge can evaluate during each session Which products will be evaluated by each of the consumers in each session, and in what order (carry-over) Complete plans or incomplete block designs, balanced or not. Search optimal designs with A- or D-efficiency
DOE for sensory data analysis 60 judges 8 products Saturation: 3 products / judge
DOE for sensory data analysis
DOE for sensory data analysis
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