What’s in your blood?
Maryland Science Content Standard Recognize and provide examples that human beings, like other organisms have complex body systems of cells, tissues and organs that interact to support an organism's growth and survival.
Objective: Students will be able to: Identify the different components of blood. Describe the functions of the different components of the blood.
Notebook Title: What’s in our blood Date: 9/5/2015
Activity Describe the functions of the different components of the blood by filling out the table that is on the next slide? What are their role for maintaining homeostasis for the body? What is their individual role in cellular respiration and waste removal? What is the waste that is being deposited? Use your text book and the Give Blood Website to complete this activityGive Blood Website
Components of the blood Component of the blood FunctionDescription of component
Activity Identify the different components of the blood seen in the images below
Extend your knowledge Why must doctors know what “blood type” someone is if they are injured and need blood? –Discuss with your groups. –Read pages “Blood Types” to answer the following: What blood type is the universal donor? ?What blood type is the universal recipient?
Extend your knowledge If you were a doctor and a patient needed blood, do you think you would be able to give them the right type? What could happen if you were wrong? Click HERE to take the challenge.HERE
Closing In each of the following situations, write which part of the blood is most important. Explain why: –A runner almost out of breath after a race –A person with an infected splinter –Someone who just got cut –Carrying digested food to your cells