Measuring the impact of ICT on development WSIS, Tunis November 15, 2005 Richard Bourassa Industry Canada UN ICT Task Force WG on ICT Indicators and MDG Mapping
Education Goals 2 and 3 Economic Growth Goals 1 and 3 Health Goals 1, 4 5 and 6 Goal 8 Environment Goal 7 MDG Goals
ICT4D Correlation between ICT and Development Intuitive Anecdotal Part of a complex set of factors Part of the enabling environment at sector level Many studies UNDP WB/Infodev UN Regional Commissions Donors
Readiness: What appropriate and effective elements have been put in place to ensure the rapid adoption and widespread use of ICT? (Infrastructure, Policy Framework, Enabling Environment) Access: How widely diffused and accessible are ICT across all regions and sectors of society? (Infrastructure, Diffusion Real Access) Use: How are ICT being used by business, government and civil society? What innovative e-applications are being developed and used? ( Number of users, purpose of use, ICT uptake rate, user profiles) Impact: How are ICT an enabler for social and economic growth? What effects does ICT have on development? How is ICT enhancing development opportunities? What is the effect of ICT on development? How are ICT enhancing development opportunities at local, national and international levels? (Identification of enabling factors, Impacts on development) ICT Indicators: Use, Readiness, Access and Impact
Activity (input)OutputOutcomeImpact What is the purpose of the activity? What projected activities were completed? What transformations have taken place in activity area? How have these changes impacted development? What resources are needed? How many participated? How many are continuing to practice activity? What additional ICT abilities and practices have been developed and refined? How many are targeted/expected to participate? Resources spent? Effectiveness? Targets met? What is the rate of return on ICT investment? Outset3 - 6 months1 - 2 years5 -10 years A Framework
Education EDUCATION Level Activity (Input)OutputOutcomeImpact e-Learning Tools/Programs Regional Distance LearningNational ICT skills development Local
Education EDUCATION Level Activity inputOutputOutcomeImpact e-Learning Tools/Programs Regional Distance LearningNational # of students targetted # of students enrolled in the course/program # of students completing the course/program Improved test scores in subjects taught through ICT # of teachers involved # of hours teachers providing support teacher/student ratio % change in literacy rate $ allocated per capita # of hours of distance learning class time per student % change in total enrollment rate # and type of learning institutions targeted # of computers/distance learning centres available # of students using computers for distance learning Improvements in learning as compared to a control group ICT skills development Local
Health HEALTHLevel Activity inputOutputOutcomeImpact Regional Health Information Network Regional Remote diagnostics using hand held devices for data collection National HIV/AIDS Radio Soap Local
Health HEALTHLevel ActivityOutputOutcomeImpact Regional Health Information Network Regional Type of information provided # of health practionners with access to network User Accessment of Quality and relevance of content provided Health practictionners awareness of health trends, developments # of health services/practitionners targeted # of health practionners assessing network on monthly basis Frequency of info. downloads at health network locations # of interaction among health network members $ allocated per country Cost of access per practionner # of best practices shared Remote diagnostics and treatment National HIV/AIDS Radio Soap Local
Environment ENVIRONMENT Level Activity inputOutputOutcomeImpact GIS Regional Malaria Mapping Regional Disaster Warning System - Info Dissemination National Weather broadcasting Local
Environment ENVIRONMENT Level ActivityOutputOutcomeImpact GIS Regional Malaria Mapping Regional # of organizations/ individuals involved # of data users (heath and policy) average # of uses of data per person Metrics/trends on prevention # of countries targetted # of countries mapped # of correct assessments of malaria spread and treatment users perception of quality and relevance of data in preventing malaria $ allocated per country Total cost of malaria mapping activity per region # of countries implementing malaria prevention programs in accordance with GIS data regional comparisons of national disease spread rate Disaster Warning System - Info Dissemination National Weather broadcastingLocal
Economic Growth ECONOMIC GROWTH Activity inputOutputOutcomeImpact Grameen Phone Regional/ Local ICT sector transformation - manufacturing National SME ICT Integration Local
Economic Growth ECONOMIC GROWTHActivityOutputOutcomeImpact Grameen Phone Regional/ local ICT sector transformation - manufacturing National SME ICT Integration Local # and type of SME targetted # of entrepreneurs trained % of SME developing a web site # of business transactions conducted through internet # of sales to business; # of sales to consumers # of monthly sales attributed to online presence # of entrepreneurs to participate # of hours of training per person % of SME using internet for business purposes average value of sales attributed to an online presence Cost of Internet Connection per SME Average monthly cost of internet access to SME % of SME connected to internet Average revenue generated from ICT based marketing activities and sales per SME
Conclusion ICT4D is more than a concept Difficult to isolate impact of ICT in a given area/sector Much anecdotal evidence Needs further work Cannot wait for the hard data: need to develop and implement strategies, polices and programs