In your groups complete the following packet on the trends of migration at various levels. You will have 2 days to complete this packet.. First -- define these 3 terms: International migration = ______________________________________________________ Interregional migration =______________________________________________________ Intraregional migration = ______________________________________________________ On the map below draw the net international migration trends between regions of the world as shown on Page of Contemporary Human Geography. Use a different color for each region’s emigration line(s) and then fill in the charts for the trends of each region. If possible, list regions with highest numbers first as shown below with the US. United States and CanadaLatin/South AmericaAfrica Coming from: Going to: Coming from: Going to:Coming from: Going to: 1. Asia AustraliaEurope/RussiaAsia Coming from: Going to: Coming from: Going to:Coming from: Going to: Name__________________________ Use pages of Contemporary Human Geography.
As you look at the map on pages one, write down at least 5 things you notice about global migration patterns: Look at the Asia region, there is a central Asian country there that has tremendous immigration compared to the surrounding blue emigrating countries. Explain what that country is and why this may be happening: In which state is the population center of the US located? __________________________________ Describe the directions (2) that the population center of the US is moving in since our country was born and explain some reason why that has occurred: Has interregional migration grown or slowed in the United States over the last 20 years?________________ What is the primary cause of this?____________________________________________________________ Define these terms in your own words, try to use as few words as possible: Urban: Rural: Suburban: Explain the primary push and pull factors of each type of intraregional migration: Rural to Urban SuburbanizationCounterurbanization According to the Net Migration by US County map --- circle the three state regions of the US that are seeing growth in their net migrations by county: MidwestSoutheast Northeast/New England Mountain WestPacific Northwest
On the diagram below draw and label the intraregional migration pattern in the United States from the year Draw arrows to show direction of migration and label arrows with number of migrants. Label the areas as Urban, Suburban, and Rural as well. You should have 6 arrows drawn and labeled. What intraregional pattern was the greatest in 2010? ____________________________________ Which intraregional migration pattern showed the smallest amount of movement?_____________________ Final step ---- in your groups, pick one concept/topic/vocabulary term from these pages and discuss how you could represent that idea in a drawing. You can not use the drawings from the packet or book, but it mustbe your own original thought. Be prepared to have one member of your group come to the board to draw that idea and have the other students in class guess what concept/topic/term is being drawn.