Zambia Active Parasite Detection Campaign 2011 Welcome!!
APD 2011 Training and participating in a household survey to measure burden of malaria through active parasite detection and subsequently treat all positive cases. We will spend –1 week training, –1 week attached to a facility and then will spend about –4 weeks testing and treating all individuals of all ages in selected facilities in your district
National Malaria Strategic Plan A malaria ‘free’ Zambia Scaling up for impact –Focus on prevention during scale up –Improving diagnosis and care Effective program management Empowering individuals and communities Commitment to M&E
Priority malaria interventions Case management –with ACTs (Coartem©) as first line treatment and improvements in diagnostic services using microscopy and RDTs Prevention –Insecticide-treated mosquito nets, now exclusively LLINs –Indoor residual spraying (IRS) in 15 mainly urban districts, expanding to 22+ in 2008 –Prevention of malaria in pregnancy, including IPT(SP) and ITNs
Priority malaria interventions Active Parasite Detection –Reduce the parasite pool: test everyone for malaria in an identified area, and treat those who are confirmed to have the disease. If you only treat everyone who is sick you will miss asymptomatic individuals. – Introduce better surveillance
Reminder: Targets and Goals National Strategic Plan establishing five (5) malaria-free zones by 2015 Approach: In lower malaria areas, directly target the malaria-causing parasite, the reservoir of the disease.
Background Zambia APD objectives: –Work with districts and local communities in areas of ongoing malaria transmission to develop a comprehensive strategy to actively test and treat individuals with malaria parasite infections through intensified community outreach –Indentify and train community health workers; and health facility staff in malaria parasite infection testing and treatment in their communities –Implement a systematic active malaria parasite detection campaign strategies at the rural health center level. –Strengthen the capacity of the NMCC and local agencies in implementation of APD.
Tools/Techniques Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs) –Household listing (already done) –Questionnaires Malaria parasite testing –Rapid Diagnostic Tests (RDTs)
PDAs / GPS Two critical advantages –Time saving –Highly efficient at data processing One important disadvantage –If the programming is not correct, BIG potential source of error FYI: gadgetry, importation, available pool of PDAs, software development, lessons learned (Windows Mobile 6, VB vs. Visual CE)
Logistics Training: November (Sinazongwe), 5 – 9 December (Gwembe) Facilitated by NMCC, MACEPA, HSSP Field work: December, January Teams will include: Gwembe District 52 CHWs and 14 HW Sinazongwe district - 21 CHWs and 6 HWs
Research Ethics Approval University of Zambia PATH (for MACEPA) Consent for participation
Sensitization MoH, CSO, partners MoH Province Districts facilities CHW chiefs/headmen communities Community radio stations