What’s the Cause?Vocab How do we help? What is it? Miscellaneous
What’s the Cause? 100 Depletion of Ozone layer A: What is release of CFC’s that destroy ozone ? S2C06 Jeopardy Review
What’s the Cause? 200 A: What is runoff of fertilizers and animal waste? Dead zones S2C06 Jeopardy Review
What’s the Cause? 300 A: What is DDT in food chain ? Eagles laying eggs with fragile shells S2C06 Jeopardy Review
What’s the Cause? 400 A: What is burning fossil fuels puts nitrogen oxides and sulfur oxides in atmosphere ? Acid rain S2C06 Jeopardy Review
What’s the Cause? 500 A: What is increase in greenhouse gases caused by burning fossil fuels; methane from decomposition and animals; CFC’s? Global warming S2C06 Jeopardy Review
Vocabulary 100 A: What is deforestation? S2C06 Jeopardy Review Destruction of forests
Vocabulary 200 A: What is MONOCULTURE? Farming strategy in which large fields are planted with a single crop variety year after year S2C06 Jeopardy Review
Vocabulary 300 A: What is BIODIVERSITY ? The sum total of the variety of organisms in the biosphere; It is a measure of the health of an ecosystem S2C06 Jeopardy Review
Vocabulary 400 A: What is an INVASIVE SPECIES? Plants or animals that have migrated or been introduced into places where they are not native and for which there are no natural predators or parasites to control their population S2C06 Jeopardy Review
Vocabulary 500 A: What is BIOLOGICAL MAGNIFICATION ? Increasing concentration a harmful substance in organisms at higher trophic levels in a food chain or web S2C06 Jeopardy Review
How do we help? 100 A: What is Montreal Protocol reduced the production and use of CFC’s ? S2C06 Jeopardy Review Ozone depletion
How do we help? 200 A: What is “No-till” & contour farming; stop deforestation? Soil erosion S2C06 Jeopardy Review
How do we help? 300 A: What is reduce runoff from fertilizers and animal waste? Dead zones S2C06 Jeopardy Review
How do we help? 400 A: What is EPA, Greenpeace, National Wildlife Federation; Audubon Society; World Wildlife fund; Sierra Club... there are many more. Name an organization that helps the environment
How do we help? 500 A: What is Anything that reduces the use of fossil fuels (conserves water or conserves electricity)? There are millions of things we can do! GLOBAL WARMING S2C06 Jeopardy Review
What is it? 100 A: What is a law that bans trade in products that come from endangered species S2C06 Jeopardy Review Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES)
What is it? 200 A: What is ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY the governmental body whose job it is to monitor and enforce environmental regulations, provide education on environmental issues, conduct environmental research, and provide funding for environmental programs? S2C06 Jeopardy Review EPA
What is it? 300 A: What is a pesticide used to kill mosquitos which was banned after it was discovered that it concentrated in birds of prey and caused them to lay eggs with fragile shells? DDT S2C06 Jeopardy Review
What is it? 400 A: What is an atmospheric gas (O 3 ) that protects us from the sun’s ultraviolet rays? OZONE S2C06 Jeopardy Review
What is it? 500 A: What is desertification ? A process caused by a combination of poor farming practices, overgrazing, and drought that turns productive land in areas with dry climates into deserts S2C06 Jeopardy Review
Miscellaneous 100 A: What is a NONRENEWABLE RESOURCE? A necessity of life which can NOT be replenished by natural means; Ex: fossil fuels S2C06 Jeopardy Review Image from:
Miscellaneous 200 A: What is GLOBAL WARMING? Environmental problem the Kyoto Accord is aimed at helping S2C06 Jeopardy Review
Miscellaneous 300 A: What are biodiversity HOT SPOTS? S2C06 Jeopardy Review Unique ecosystems that are most threatened and where the concentration of money and efforts could produce the most results for our $
Miscellaneous 400 A: What are rabbits in Australia, Leafy spurge and zebra mussels in South Dakota? Give an example of an invasive species S2C06 Jeopardy Review
Miscellaneous 500 A: Who is Rachel Carson? Woman scientist who wrote “Silent Spring” which led to the ban of DDT and the start of the environmental movement in the 1970’s S2C06 Jeopardy Review