The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria 5 th Replenishment Update May 6, 2015 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 1.


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Presentation transcript:

The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria 5 th Replenishment Update May 6, 2015 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 1

Update on resource mobilization Additional pledges and opportunities in progress 2 4 th Replenishment resulted in $12 bn in pledges from over 25 countries, private foundations and corporations. Additional public donor pledges since 4th Replenishment launch amount to $130 Mil. and continuous work over to secure additional pledges. Additional private sector pledges amount to $42 Mil with further opportunities in pipeline from private sector donors. Amended policy on restricted financial contributions and publication of UQD register also generating interest Total raised $12.35 bn to date for the 2014 to 2016 period

5TH REPLENISHMENT CONTEXT Pivotal time for global health and development with landscape changing quickly Unprecedented advances in global health Partner countries in different stages of development Move to SDGs Resource mobilization context also changing Increasing challenging as a result of the world’s economic downturn Increasing competition for limited external resources with new priorities associated with the SDGs New and emerging powers making important strides in global health Private sector financing and expertise now a significant source to broaden the donor base Increasing domestic financing essential for sustainability 3

5th Replenishment Strategy Strong investment case –Evidence of results & impact of programs Broader & longer term perspectives for the GF repl. –Collaborate with partners on needs assessment –GF priorities in the broader health and development agenda post-2015 Enhanced Partner focussed strategy –Focused on voluntary contributions from all sectors – development partners, implementing countries, private sector, new and emerging powers and –Focus on strong African leadership via champions & demonstration of increased domestic financing for health –Highlight PS contributions beyond financial resources: innovation, knowledge, technology solutions to challenges facing implementers –Continued strong support and leadership from major donors for 5 th Replenishment

Replenishment strategy overview Lead the world in building sustainable financing for health by starting with AIDS, TB and malaria 5

5th Replenishment Key Themes  Strengthen health systems to maximize impact  Increase effectiveness by placing women and girls at the center of efforts  Expand coverage for key populations and strengthen human rights  Increase private sector and domestic funding for health  Lead advances in procurement, supply chain management, financial and program management for greater impact  Focus resources on highest burden countries with least ability to pay  Improve flexibility and agility to deliver programming in challenging environments

5th Replenishment milestones September 2015 (TBC)High-level event in the margins of the United Nations summit for the adoption of the post-2015 development agenda, NYC 17 December 2015 Preparatory Meeting for the Fifth Replenishment, Tokyo preceded by UHC Conference organized by JCIE/JICA and partners Q2/ (TBC) Replenishment Launch Event (TBC)

5th Replenishment – Implementing Country Engagement  Focus on results  Become Global Fund Champions  Work with public sector donors to advocate for resources for the 5 th replenishment  Increase domestic financing for health  Work with domestic private sector and HNWIs to increase partnerships and support  Partner with new and emerging donors to encourage co-investment, TA and regional approaches  Participate in replenishment events