6:00 p.m. Closed Session– 2.2-3711.A. Citizens comments are included on each regular monthly meeting agenda. No prior appointment is necessary.


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Presentation transcript:

6:00 p.m. Closed Session– A

Citizens comments are included on each regular monthly meeting agenda. No prior appointment is necessary to speak during the citizen comments times. To speak on a particular agenda item, advise the attendant at the door. To place an item on the Board's agenda, please notify the County Administrator's Office at least ten days prior to the Board meeting. Any citizen concern can be communicated to the County Administrator by calling from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. weekdays. All citizen complaints are recorded and responded to as soon as possible. WHEN SPEAKING BEFORE THE BOARD, PLEASE COME TO THE PODIUM AND GIVE YOUR NAME.

BOARD AGENDA Regular Meeting PULASKI COUNTY January 28, 2008 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 7:00 p.m. APPROXIMATE PRESENTED BY TIME & ITEM 7:00 p.m. 1.InvocationRev. Randy Winn, First Christian Church

7:05 p.m. 2.Recognitions a.Presentation of Resolution to Eddie Hale

b.Featured Employees –The employees to be recognized at the January Board meeting and featured for the month of February 2008 have been selected from the Refuse Department and County Garage. The employees to be recognized are Arnold Johnson from the County Garage and Titus Arnold from the PSA Refuse Department.

7:15 p.m. 3.Additions to Agenda

7:20 p.m. 4.Public Hearings: The petition by Red Hill Asso LTD PTNS RLLP to rezone from Residential (R1) to Residential (R2) located at 5246 Wilderness Rd., (Rt. 611), Draper District – A public hearing has been scheduled to consider this request. The Planning Commission recommends approval.

Front View of Property December 19, 2007

East side of Property December 19, 2007

Rear View of Property December 19, 2007

West View of Property December 19, 2007

7:00 p.m. 5.Citizen Comments

7:40 p.m. 6.Highway Matters: a.Follow-up from Previous Board meeting: Review of Highway Matters Section of Key Activity Timetable (KAT) – An update has been requested from Mr. Clarke on the status of VDOT road matters.

b.Secondary Street Acceptance Regulations - – I have asked Shawn Utt and Dave Clarke to describe the possible impact of these changes on the County.

c.Citizen Requests: 1.Timberlane Subdivision- Supervisor Sheffey advises Ms. Simms of the Timberlane Subdivision is requesting the placement of white lines onto the shoulders of the roads leading into the subdivision. 2.Haven Street - Mr. Burley Henley of Haven Street near Cougar Express advises that the recent installation of a water line has caused gravel to be washed along the road. Supervisor Conner has requested this request be presented to VDOT at the January 28 Board meeting

d.Prohibition of Tractor Trailers on Little and Big Walker Mountains - Adoption of a resolution requesting that VDOT close Route 738 to tractor trailer trucks and vehicles over 35 feet in length is recommended.

e.Guardrail Request – McFall Hollow Road- Mr. Rusty Jackson is requesting guardrail on McFall Hollow Road. He advises that the lack of sunlight allows the road to remain icy and dangerous. He is concerned that school buses will slide over the embankment.

f.Citizen Concerns

g.Board of Supervisors Concerns

8:00 p.m. 7.Treasurer’s Report The Honorable Melinda Worrell, Treasurer

8:05 p.m. 8.Reports from the County Administrator and Staff: a.Key Activity Timetable (KAT)- Review of the Key Activity Timetable is requested.

b.County Property Mowing Options – The County staff recommends discontinuing current contracted mowing operations in favor of hiring four staff persons to be joined with six existing persons on the school board staff. The combined crew would mow county and school board properties with a year-end reconciliation based on actual time the crew spend on various properties. This option is initially more expensive than contracting. However, the overall costs will be less over a period of four years. Furthermore, this proposal is based on the County employing these individuals on a year-round basis with full benefits. We plan to

utilize this extra help in the winter months on various building renovation and other public works projects. Finally, this option provides the staff with more control over what properties get specific attention on any given week of mowing.

c.Broadband Network Participation Committee and New River Valley Wireless Authority – The formation of the Pulaski County Wireless Network is providing a needed though limited service to the residents of the County. One of the limiting factors of the local wireless authority is the need for “backhaul” connectivity between the existing cell on Peak’s Knob with the internet. The establishment of a regional broadband participation committee and a related regional wireless authority is recommended as a way of addressing connectivity needs between this and other locations within Pulaski County and the New River Valley. The

Broadband Network Participation Committee is proposed to be implemented as a separate participation committee under the overall structure provided by Virginia’s First Regional Industrial Facilities Authority. The purpose of the committee would be to fund the New River Valley Wireless Authority which under state code is the only public entity able to provide data connectivity services. Because the Wireless Authority could replace existing connections being leased by the County, existing lease costs could be applied to provide the local match for state and federal funding. The overall goal of the recommendation for the establishment of these entities is to expand the availability of

internet access and interconnection services using state and federal funding supplemented by existing expenditures currently spent on leased lines. Board members have been presented a draft resolution creating the New River Valley Network Wireless Authority as prepared by the Planning District staff. Should the Board wish to proceed with this proposed project, it is suggested that a public hearing be scheduled and that the proposed resolution be forwarded to Tom McCarthy for revision.

d.Safe Haven Child Visitation Centers of the NRV – Board members have been provided a request from the Safe Haven Child Visitation Centers of the New River Valley for the utilization of a portion of the former School Board office space on Third Street next to the Library as a location for the supervised child custody exchanges. Approval is recommended on a temporary basis pending the likely incorporation of this function in space proposed to be occupied by the Department of Social Services in the Maple Shade Shopping Center. It is my understanding that the ownership of this property is shared between the Board of Supervisors and the School Board, thus this request is being made to both boards.

e.Goal Setting Schedule – Establishment of a goal setting session by the Board of Supervisors is suggested for Monday, February 11th beginning at 6:00 p.m.

f.Relocation or Change of Boundary Line by Agreement - Shawn Utt and Tom McCarthy have been working to address a situation in the Dublin area where a proposed subdivision would result in lots being bisected by the existing Dublin corporate limits. Due to a variety of problems resulting from situations such as this (how do town taxes get applied, who responds to police calls, etc), the county Subdivision Ordinance prohibits the establishment of lots split by a municipal boundary. Options in addressing this situation are to require a redesign of the subdivision, modification of the ordinance to allow split lots, or revision of the Dublin corporate limits in the

area of the subdivision. Based on the topography of the subdivision, conformity with the ordinance is not very practical. Thus, it is suggested that a minor boundary adjustment be implemented to allow for the division of the property in a logical manner without having to modify the ordinance.

g. Presentation of Budget Goals – I would like to review the continuation of the following budgetary goals and request comment and guidance from the Board regarding any suggested changes as staff work begins on the budget process: 1.Reduce recurring operational costs, as much as possible, in order to be able to improve employee working conditions, fund Board goals, and meet other community needs on a pay-as-we-go basis;

2.Operate within current local revenues while funding critically needed capital improvements; 3.Invest to reduce future costs by maintaining roofs, improving energy efficiency, evaluating currently contracted services, replacing ongoing cost of data lines and internet access by installing fiber optic and wireless services owned by the community; 4.Adjust expenditures as may be necessary to accommodate additional debt service payments for the new Riverlawn Elementary School.

5.Consider selected special taxing districts to fund water, sewer and road improvements in new developments without affecting the general taxpayer; 6.Adjust building permit fees to more closely reflect the true cost of state mandated inspections and related permits; 7.Encourage new approaches to operational problems; and 8.Encourage continued collaboration and coordination between various organizations which may not be directly accountable to each other but all of which are paid for by the citizens of Pulaski County.

h.Appointments - Appointments are needed in the following agencies: 1.Building Appeals Committee 2.Industrial Development Authority 3.Public Service Authority 4.Planning Commission

i.Eddie Hale Award - As requested by the Board, the recognition committee met and recommends an annual award be given at the employee Christmas breakfast which would honor one of the featured employees who had been recognized at the monthly meetings from that year. The Recognition Committee, or any group of the Board’s choosing, would review the listing of employees who were recognized as Featured Employees throughout the year and then choose one employee and designate that employee as the recipient of the “Annual Eddie Hale Featured Employee Award”.

9:00 p.m. 9. Items of Consent: a.Approval of Minutes of December 17, 2007 and January 7, 2008 meeting & Correction to August 28, 2006 minutes b.Accounts Payable c.Appropriations and Interoffice Transfers d.Ratification and/or Approval of Contracts, Change Orders, Etc. 1.Training Mini Grant 2.Use of Savings from Commissioner’s Office to Pay for Local Subsidy 3.Application for Local Government Challenge Grants 4.Newbern TEA 21 Engineering Work 5.Cloyd’s Mountain Landfill Geologic Review Proposal

e.Personnel Changes f.Budget Calendar g.Purchasing Policy Revisions h.Application for VPSA Funding i.Hazardous Materials Emergency Preparedness Grant j.Personnel Policy Revisions k.Law Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Program Grant Application l.Fairview Home Generator m.Reassessment Photographs n.Hiwassee Fire Department Expansion o.Workmen’s Compensation Policy p.Use of Refunded Dental Insurance Premiums

8:40 p.m. 10.Citizen Comments

8:50 p.m. 11.Other Matters from Supervisors

12. Adjournment

a.Approval of December 17, 2007 and January 7, 2008 and Correction to August 28, 2006 Minutes Approval of the minutes is recommended, as is the revision to the August 28, 2006 minutes as described in a memo presented to the Board.

b.Accounts Payable – Approval of the listing of accounts payable is requested.

c.Appropriations & Interoffice Transfers – Approval of the interoffice transfers and appropriations is requested.

d.Ratification and/or Approval of Contracts, Change Orders & Agreements, Etc. – 1.Training Mini Grant – Pulaski County was one of 51 jurisdictions to be awarded a Training Mini- Grant in the amount of $3,001. This is a grant that was applied for on behalf of the County Fire Departments. It is for the purchase of a rescue manakin and fire, rescue and hazmat training videos. Ratification of the acceptance of this grant and approval of the related expenditure is recommended.

2.Use of Savings from Commissioner’s Office to Pay for Local Subsidy – The State Compensation Board has frozen the replacement of constitutional officer staff vacancies for a 90-day period as a way of reducing state expenditures. This 90-day freeze will have a direct impact on the Treasurer’s office. However, the Commissioner’s Office would not be impacted since the employee vacancy would be in a county funded rather than comp board funded position. In addition, the turnover in the Commissioner’s office will provide the County with a savings sufficient to fund the anticipated vacancy in the Treasurer’s office for a 60-day period using local funds. I would like to request ratification of administrative authorization to advertise and fill both vacancies based on these circumstances.

3.Application for Local Government Challenge Grants – Approval to submit an application a Local Government Challenge Grant on behalf of the Fine Arts Center is requested as a way of seeking a state match to the $11,000 in local funding for the Center anticipated for the FY budget based on current year expenditures.

4.Newbern TEA 21 Engineering Work- Approval of the contract with Anderson and Associates for the additional survey work behind the Holiday Inn is requested.

5.Cloyd’s Mountain Landfill Geologic Review Proposal – Approval of a short-form agreement with Draper Aden is requested. The work to be performed are related to file review and geologic mapping at Cloyd’s Mountain.

e.Personnel Changes – Board members have been provided an update from Ms. Spence of recent personnel changes.

f. Budget Calendar – Consideration and adoption of the budget calendar is recommended.

g.Purchasing Policy Revisions – Following revisions to the emergency purchases portion of the County purchasing policies at the October 22 Board meeting, it came to my attention that additional authorization allowing those who supervise critical functions (water treatment, water distribution and sewer collection, vehicle maintenance, and building maintenance) needed the authority to make emergency purchases. This authorization is included in the revisions as is a requirement for reporting emergency purchases to the County Administrator and subsequently to the Board of Supervisors via the weekly update. Adoption of these changes is recommended.

h.Application for VPSA Funding – The County staff is evaluating options for financing the remaining portion of the Riverlawn Elementary School. One option is the utilization of the Virginia Public School Financing Authority as was done for the Pulaski Elementary School. Since each funding option, VPSA, Virginia Resource Authority and VACo/VML Financing Authority have differing structures making direct comparisons difficult. At the time that the initial portion of the Riverlawn Elementary school was funded, other options appeared to be less expensive. However, I am placing this matter on the agenda in anticipation that the County may want to submit an application for funding depending on

continued research to be done during the next week in preparation for the Board meeting. We are also proceeding with the solicitation of a financial advisor to assist in evaluating these or other options in an effort to obtain the needed financing at minimum overall cost. Concurrence with this approach is requested.

i.Hazardous Materials Emergency Preparedness Grant – The State has $69,128 to distribute to localities to enhance hazmat planning and/or training priorities. This grant requires a 20% local match which can come in the form of in-kind salaries and other funding which the Board of Supervisors may already be spending. Authorization to apply is recommended.

j.Personnel Policy Revisions – Staff has begun the process of updating the County personnel policies. Board members have been provided proposed changes recommended for adoption at this time related to absences and the calculation of Family Medical Leave absences. In addition to other minor changes, it is anticipated that the Board will be requested to consider bringing the grievance policy in line with the current language contained in the state code.

k.Law Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Program Grant Application – Willie Richardson has found that Pulaski County and both the Town of Dublin and Town of Pulaski police departments are eligible for grants of up to $5,000 each for the purpose of purchasing personal protective equipment. Authorization to apply for these funds is recommended.

l.Fairview Home Generator – Board members have been provided information from Deborah Whitten-Williams providing details on the cost for the purchase of a generator for Fairview Home. Contribution of $6, by the County is recommended.

m.Reassessment Photography – Board members have been provided information from Commissioner of Revenue Trina Rupe providing specific details on the potential cost for having photos of parcels located in Pulaski County. Approval of this $47,000 expense is recommended as a way to increasing the accuracy of the appraisal process

n.Hiwassee Fire Department Expansion – Board members have been provided a spreadsheet prepared by Willie Richardson describing the various costs including a budgeted overrun of $41, depending on the amount of contingency funding which may be necessary (inclusion of contingency funding is required by Rural Development). Authorization to take all acts necessary to close the Rural Development loan and to proceed to construction is recommended.

o.Workmen’s Compensation Policy – Workmen’s compensation policies limit payment to employees injured as a direct result of their work for the County to two thirds of their current salary. While this two thirds is not taxable, the amount of taxes can often be less than the remaining third of their gross pay, particularly for those at the lower end of the pay scale. In consideration of this factor, staff proposes to allow employees to “cash in” two sick days per week to help off set income losses while being compensated through workmen’s compensation insurance.

p.Use of Refunded Dental Insurance Premiums – The County has received a refund of $ 15,092 excess dental health insurance premiums. This refund is due to the insurance rates being slightly higher than required. Unlike other insurance programs, the dental program is self funded with refunds result from better than anticipated experience. Staff suggests using the surplus for the combined purpose of upgrading the level of testing done at the health fair and significantly increasing the level of door prizes as a way of encouraging increased

participation. The thinking behind this approach is that a thorough completion of annual tests is a key to reducing long-term insurance claims and the resulting cost to both the County and employees.