Sources of Government in Nebraska
Hammurabi’s Law Code First Law Code Just, if not fair If you break his law, You break god’s law c b.c.
Sources of Government in Nebraska Hammurabi’s Law Code
Sources of Government in Nebraska The Ten Commandments: ca 1300 b.c. Hebrew Sacred texts
Sources of Government in Nebraska The Roman Twelve Tables
Sources of Government in Nebraska The Magna Carta A.D. “…here is a law which is above the King and which even he must not break.” --W. Churchill
Sources of Government in Nebraska The Mayflower Compact Agreement to form a government and abide by its rules-1620.
Sources of Government in Nebraska The Northwest Ordinance Plan for creating territories (5,000 pop.) /new states (60,000 pop.)
Sources of Government in Nebraska U.S. Constitution Article IV Sect. 2--The citizens of each State shall be entitled to all Privileges and Immunities of Citizens in the several States. Sect. The U.S. shall guarantee to every state…a republican form of government; …protect them against invasion; and against domestic violence.
Sources of Government in Nebraska The Nebraska Bill of Rights
Sources of Government in Nebraska The UN Charter 1945/ Declaration of Human Rights 1948 “Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world,”
Sources of Government in Nebraska The Nebraska Constitution of 1866 Replaced original constitution of 1865 after it was amended to remove clause that limited voting to only White Persons. Nebraska became a state, March 1, 1867.
Sources of Government in Nebraska The Nebraska Constitution of 1875 Greatly amended in 1920; additional amendments since. Preamble; Bill of Rights; Distribution of Powers; Legislative Power; Executive; Judicial; Education; Revenue; Public Service Corporations; Municipal Corporations; Miscellaneous Corporations; State, County, and Municipal Indebtedness; Militia; Miscellaneous Provisions; Amendment; Schedule; Term Limits on Congress.
Sources of Government in Nebraska The Nebraska Constitution of 1875 Distribution of Powers-- powers of government divided into three distinct departments--legislative, executive, and judicial; and no person may hold powers in two or more departments.
Sources of Government in Nebraska The Nebraska Constitution of 1875 Distribution of Powers-- legislative -- a unicameral with 49 senators (1934). George Norris considered “father of the Unicameral.” 4 year terms, 2 term limit.
Sources of Government in Nebraska The Nebraska Constitution of 1875 Distribution of Powers-- executive. Governor, Lt. Governor, Secretary of State, Auditor of Public Accounts, State Treasurer, Attorney General, heads of other executive departments. 4 year terms, 2 term limit. Dave Heineman, Gov.
Sources of Government in Nebraska The Nebraska Constitution of 1875 Distribution of Powers--Judicial. A supreme court, an appellate court, districts, county courts. Supreme court made up of seven justices. May remain in office subject to the approval of the voters after the first three years in office and every six years thereafter.
Sources of Government in Nebraska The Nebraska Constitution of 1875 Suffrage-- 18 y. minimum, citizen, serviceman, privileged from arrest going to or returning from voting, secrecy of ballot will be maintained.
Sources of Government in Nebraska The Nebraska Constitution of 1875 Education: free education for all persons between the ages of five and twenty one; provide for Department of Education, state colleges and universities.
Sources of Government in Nebraska The Nebraska Constitution of 1875 Revenue--State cannot levy a property tax, only an income tax plus other fees and revenues including state lottery.
Sources of Government in Nebraska The Nebraska Constitution of 1875 Counties--93 Counties with local country government over roads, rural building permits, etc.
Sources of Government in Nebraska The Nebraska Constitution of 1875 Municipal corporations-- Cities over 5,000 may have limited home rule charters.
Sources of Government in Nebraska The Nebraska Constitution of 1875 Miscellaneous corporations-- No corporation may own land that is used for farming or ranching / does not apply to non-profit corporations or Indian tribal corporations.
Sources of Government in Nebraska The Nebraska Constitution of 1875 Militia-- Legislature may provide for a militia of the State.
Sources of Government in Nebraska The Nebraska Constitution of 1875 Miscellaneous Provisions--All office holders shall take an oath support of the Constitutions of the United States and Nebraska. No person can be bared employment because of union membership. Governing bodies of counties and cities may deny liquor licenses. Legislature may merge counties or local governments.
Sources of Government in Nebraska The Nebraska Constitution of 1875 Amendments-- may be done by legislature with 4/5s vote with approval of majority of voters. Legislature may call for a Constitutional convention by 3/5s vote.
Sources of Government in Nebraska The Nebraska Constitution of 1875 Term Limits on Congress-- position that no person may serve in U.S. House of Representatives for more than 3 terms and no U.S. Senator for more than two terms. Candidates for House and Senate must pledge to work for passage for U.S. Constitutional amendment stating the same.