ASC 0910 Presentation n Please keep ???? to later. n I am available for Q & A’s up to the 3/7 from tomorrow. Pls not on pool deck. n This presentation + a YouTube link will be on the ASC web site tonight so you can go over it again. n For the most up to date ASC info check – n Please check every Monday, Wednesday and Friday coz all program information will go on the site.
Pricing Arena Swim Club Membership Season ALL PRICES ARE INCLUSIVE OF G.S.T.
Competitive Member Ages 7-12ys* participating in Juniors and Surf Program Family Member $ nd Family Member $ Subsequent Family Members $ Ages 13yrs upwards and all other training programs Family Member $ nd Family Member $ Subsequent Family Members $ Non-Competitive Member Family Member $25.00 Partners Membership $40.00 A fundraising levy is included so there is less work for all thru the season. Non-competitive membership does not include SWA capitation. * Age of family member at 30 June 2010 will be used to define membership age grouping
So what’s happening n My leave will be from 8/7/09 to early n LTS Levels = will be using lane 0 from 21/7 n I have written a program structure for 0910 though due to extended leave and coaching position tenure still to be arranged I wont present it as the new coach may want to run their program with stakeholder involvement.
All Teams Training Times n General AM weekday sessions start time for all teams = 5.20AM with finish at 7.30AM. n This may change if the new coach wants it to. n Due to school bookings the weekday AM sessions may revert to the 4.50AM start for February and March in 2010.
Season Timeline SWA M’ship Season closes after the PM session on the 30/6/09. SWA M’ship Season starts at the AM session on the 1/7/09. n The Competition Pool (50m) will be closed for repair from Saturday 27 th June to Wednesday 15 th July, opening again on Thursday 16 th (all going to plan). n I have placed a booking to access the lanes in the 25m pool for training for the time leading into State Open & Junior SC Champs (4- 7/7/09). n This space will be allocated for swimmers who have entered the State Open & Junior SC Champs and will be prioritised accordingly. Swim teams may be blended if appropriate due to swim team numbers. Team fee credit of 50% will be provided for July 09 due to pool closure.