Statewide Community Infrastructure Program “SCIP”
- 1 - SCIP Overview Program:Statewide Community Infrastructure Program “SCIP” Purpose:Financing of Development Impact Fees - Building Permit Fee Reimbursement Program - Impact Fee Pre-Funding Program Security:1913/1915 Act Special Assessment Obligations - Established Statewide, County-by-County Finance Team:RBC Dain Rauscher – Bond Underwriter Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe – Legal Counsel Bond Logistix – Program Administration MuniFinancial/Willdan – Assessment Engineer Wells Fargo – Trustee
- 2 - Impact Fee Reimbursement Program: Impact Fee Pre-Funding Program: Reimburses property owners for Impact Fees collected when a Building Permit is Issued SCIP Programs Provides advance funding of Impact Fees required as a condition of land entitlements Funded when Tentative Map is approved
- 3 - Street and Roadways Freeway Interchanges Pedestrian Malls Sidewalks Storm Drainage Flood Control Water Supply Street Lighting Parking Landscaping Sewer and Pipelines Parks and Parkways Bridges and Thoroughfares Bicycle and Pedestrian Trails Opens space and Greenbelts - Infrastructure costs to be publicly owned by a governmental agency (except school fees) - Improvements identified in the 1913/1915 Assessment Act, including (but not limited to): Eligible Fees and Improvements
Simple SCIP Applications submitted when Building Permit is issued, together with Building Permit Fee $150 SCIP Application Fee - Building Permit (Impact) Fees Deposited to City’s SCIP Account - City may withdraw funds from SCIP Account immediately /1915 Act Assessment Bonds are issued each year in July Bonds will be issued more frequently depending on program growth - Developer or Property Owner is Reimbursed the SCIP Eligible portion of the Building Permit from Bond Proceeds Impact Fee Reimbursement Program
- 5 - Sample Impact Fee Schedule (Residential) Amount that can be Reimbursed from SCIP
- 6 - Sample Assessment Lien
- 7 - Sample Impact Fee Schedule (Commercial) Amount that can be Reimbursed from SCIP
- 8 - Sample Assessment Lien
- 9 - Impact Fee Pre-Funding Program - Impact Fee Payment is negotiated as a condition of Land Entitlements - SCIP Application Submitted by the Developer/Property Owner at Tentative Map - SCIP Application is more extensive, including MAI appraisal - Qualified Projects must have 3:1 Minimum value to lien ratio requirement /15 Act Assessment Bonds are Issued by CSCDA - Impact Fees funded by the Bonds are deposited directly to City’s SCIP Account - City may withdraw funds from SCIP account at anytime after the bonds are issued
Must be a member of CSCDA Adopt resolution consenting to the use of the SCIP program (contained in SCIP Manual) Submit SCIP Applications - Building Permit Fees go to City’s SCIP Account When tax-exempt bonds are issued, the City executes one bond closing certificate, which confirms that: - the Infrastructure financed through with bond proceeds, is public infrastructure - Property being assessed has valid entitlements - Funds will not be spent in violation of federal tax law Local Agency Requirements
Conducting the Proceedings - SCIP Prepares the Engineer’s Report(s) MuniFinancial/Willdan engaged by CSCDA for the SCIP Program Benefit Findings based on payment of fees for project - Assessment Districts are established by SCIP on County-by-County basis - Assessment Proceedings Conducted by CSCDA - Statewide Hearing and Landowner Vote conducted by CSCDA - CSCDA Authorizes the Sale of Bonds - City or County does not issue Bonds or levy assessments
MuniFinancial/Willdan is the Assessment Administrator for SCIP - Prepares Annual Levy Reports - Submits Annual Levy Reports to each County - Identifies Delinquent Properties - Initiates Foreclosure Proceedings (if necessary) - Apportions Assessments on Subdivided Lots - Administers Prepayments - Prepare Notice of Assessment Assessment Administration
Bond Logistix serves as Program Administrator for SCIP - Establishes a complete accounting system for each City’s Building Permit Fee Program - Allocates Impact Fees received to sub-accounts as required by each city - Provides Monthly Accounting Statements to cities - Manages the Investments Conservative, liquid investment policy Handles all required arbitrage calculations and payments - Prepares continuing financial disclosure (as required) to the purchasers of the Assessment Bonds Program Administration
Credit Requirements - Discretionary development entitlements must be in place - All environmental approvals must be completed - All property must be owned by the SCIP Applicant - Minimum 3:1 value-to-lien ratio including overlapping debt - Assessed value is used for Reimbursement Program - Appraised value is used for Pre-Funding Program - Clean credit and title report - Bond Reserve Fund must be funded at maximum amount allowed (usually about 7.5% of the lien)
Credit Entitlement Requirements High Risk Raw Acreage Does not Qualify $30,000 (Land Costs) General Plan and Zoned Entitlements SCIP Program Amount Invested Lien-to-Value Coverage 2:1 Land Development Stage Moderate Risk Entitled Acreage Final Subdivision Map Impact Fee Prefunding Program (Typical Bond Project) $45,000$60,000 (Land and Offsites)(Onsites) Tentative Map/Development Agreement 3:14:1 Finished LotBuilding Complete BuildingCertificate of PermitOccupancy $90,000$275,000 (Building Permit)(Finished Home) 18:1 (Investment Grade) Safe Impact Fee Reimbursement Program 6:1 Approved