JOINT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 2 (MERIDIAN) Proposed Annual Budget Ada & Canyon Counties
Annual Budget DIRECTOR OF FINANCE Alex Simpson BUDGET & FINANCE STAFF Gloria Rolland Lohrea Hatch SUPERINTENDENT Dr. Linda Clark BOARD OF TRUSTEES Tina Dean - Zone 1 Juan (Mike) Vuittonet- Zone 2 Carol Sayles – Zone 3 Anne Ritter– Zone 4 Janet Calinsky – Zone 5
State Education Budget for Steps/lanes for all staff 1% Increase to the base for all staff Certified minimum increased to 31,750 from 31,000 (2.4% Increase) State Professional Development Funds - (New) State Leadership Fund – (New) School Net Support – (New) Safe & Drug Free – (New) Technology Staffing – (Cont.) Content & Curriculum – (New) Classroom Technology – (Cont.) State of Idaho Advanced Opportunities Programs: 8 in 6, $200/$400, and Dual Credit for Early Completers
General Fund Revenue for Total estimated state funding increase: $7.095 million Based on a projected increase of 650 students for fall 2014 Increase in support units – 24.8 estimate Discretionary revenue is up $2, per support unit Total attendance average is close to 95.8% 1% increase to base salary for administration, certified, or classified Certified minimum increased to 31,750 from 31,000 Estimated fund balance carryover from the budget: $6.65 million (includes savings of $3.5M) Emergency Levy is projected to be the same as Supplemental levy passed March 2014: $14 million (expires after )
Other Funding Sources $765,750 State Professional Development Fund $1,946,656 State Leadership Fund $238,050 School Net Support $226,250 Safe & Drug Free $211,600 Technology Staffing $491,739 Content & Curriculum $1,018,603 Classroom Technology
Transfers In to General Fund from Other Funds Funds transferred from other funds if indirect costs are allowed to cover general operating costs. Transfers from Medicaid has also helped with General Operating Costs. In and the State of Idaho allowed districts to vote on moving funds from Capital Outlay to General Fund. The districts patrons voted to move $4,000,000 for two years only.
General Fund Revenue Amended Proposed
General Fund Budget Changes for Estimated Changes in General Fund Expenditures $1,989,430 Add 33 FTE - Certified Staff $266,866 Add 2.5 FTE – Administrative Staff $132,842 Add 3.5 FTE – Classified Staff $1,303,386 Increase 1% to Base for All Staff $1,985,132 Step for all Staff $45,000 Career Enhancement (1 step for all staff-1 yr) $25,000 Increase for SRO $860,078 Health Insurance Premium Increase (4%) $52,878 Utility Increase $367,304 Eliminated Early Retirement Incentive $41,810 Decreased Short Term Disability 12% * Red indicates increases in expense
General Fund Expenditures By Function By Object
General Fund Revenue Compared to Expenses Revenue Sources Compared to Expense * Chart does not include transfers in * Transfers in are included in revenue
Joint School District No. 2 Ending Fund Balance Summary The District’s fund balance at it’s peak in was $18.5 million. The District has been using the Fund Balance to balance the budget since One time monies from the Federal Jobs Bill and the State Maintenance Money helped replenish the Fund Balance in 2011 and The District has been using Fund Balance at an unsustainable rate. The District may need to remain flat or even cut expenses in in order to balance the budget unless we have more growth unit funding from the State or budget savings & 2015 are estimated fund balances
Projected Rough Seas Ahead in What is making it hard to right the budgetary ship… The District will only be able to count on growth due to rolling up grades for another year (kindergarten and 12th grade enrollment will then equal). The Emergency Levy Revenue is based on growth and the “roll up” number is smaller. Currently expenses are greater than revenue and the district is using fund balance to balance the budget. At the current funding and spending level it is projected that there will not be enough fund balance to cover current expenses. The current $14 million supplemental levy expires after school year.
How to Avoid Capsizing in Growth Increased State Funding per Unit Savings in the Budget Reduction in Expenses Or A combination of some or all four
If the Ship Begins to Sink in The life preserving options are… Since the District’s General Fund Budget is over 90% salaries and benefits the District would need to consider the following options in order to balance the budget: Furlough Days Reduced Benefits Reduction in Force Others?
Market Values *Estimate
Joint School District No. 2 Total Levy Rate Per Thousand Taxable property value of $100,000 will pay $ Taxable property value of $50,000 will pay $ Includes Emergency Levy and Tort Levy Estimate
School Plant Facilities Levy This levy has been adjusted from year to year in an effort to maintain a consistent levy rate. Some of the major projects scheduled this year from school plant: Meridian High School Remodel Construction of Willow Creek Elementary Computer Equipment * is projected
Capital Outlay
All Funds Revenue
All Funds Expenditures By FunctionBy Object
A copy of this presentation is available on the District’s website at If you have any questions please contact: Alex Simpson, Director of Finance Or