Get it WRITE: Building Writing Skills in the World Language Classroom Debbie Espitia, Coordinator of World Languages Leslie Grahn, World Language Resource Teacher Howard County Public Schools
Foldable: 3/4 book Future goals for writing Challenges I have experienced Kinds of writing activities I have used
TODAY’S OUTCOMES Participants will… Build on background knowledge about writing standards, writing skills and writing process. Examine how to build writing activities. Share ideas for writing activities. Explore resources for incorporating writing into lesson and unit plans.
What do students need in order to write well? Purpose/Context Enough vocabulary, language Format Structure- focus questions, bullets Clear evaluation criteria
Frameworks for Writing
FL National Writing Standards: Communication
Evaluated for: Appropriateness and range of vocabulary Grammatical accuracy Idiomatic usage Organization Style AP Exams
6+1 Writing Traits
Writing rubrics
Designing Writing Tasks
Developing Authentic Writing Tasks
Writing Activities: Gallery Walk Using your graphic organizer, do a gallery walk of writing activity ideas
Writing Activities: Gallery Walk Now share what you found with your group.
Writing Products: Make A Continuum Thank you note Friendly letter Journal entry Proposal of an idea InvitationLetter to the editor Interview questions Newspaper article Business letter Lists, labels EssayAdvertisement BrochureGreeting card WebpagePoem Set of instructions C.V. Job application SpeechBook/film/ play review Want/ personal ad Dialogue Guided? Structured? Independent?
The journey to a finished product… Think about the series of activities in which a student must engage in order to successfully complete a writing task. How might you scaffold the learning for your learners?
Take a break from WRITING…
Look at your steps series Where in your step series might you incorporate a differentiated activity?
Differentiation & Writing
Writing & Differentiation: Choice Boards
Writing & Differentiation: R.A.F.T.s
Writing & Differentiation: Tiered Assignments
Writing & Differentiation: Learning Centers
Look at your steps series Where in your step series might you incorporate a differentiated activity?
Knowing Our Learners Multiple Intelligences Writing Activities Brainstorm
Meeting the diverse needs of our learners … scaffolding & support move from short to longer writing passages work from whole class to group/pair to individual differences in interest & motivational levels varied learning preferences
Writing & Multiple Intelligences Work in teams to complete the chart of WRITING ACTIVITIES that appeal to two of the MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES.
Digging Deeper into Writing
Time to make a choice! Read All About It Get Inspired with Inspiration Write with Wikis
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More sharing time
Personal Goal setting for Incorporating Writing
Write On!