Steven Saltzberg Communications Director SoftChalk
Mitchell Levy Marketing Chair, College Open Textbooks CEO and Author, Happy About At 1,000 members!!!
Paul Stacey Director, BCcampus Cable Green Director of Global Learning, Creative Commons James Glapa-Grossklag Dean, Educational Technology, Learning Resources, and Distance Learning College of the Canyons
1) How do OER projects and programs get started?
Foundation Funded OER (e.g. Hewlett, Mellon, Gates)
Publicly Funded OER
Partnerships Increase Access & Credentials Sharing & Reuse Publicly Funded OER Strategic Goals Accelerate Progress for Low-Skilled & Other Workers Improve Retention and Achievement Rates Build Programs That Meet Industry Needs Strengthen Online and Technology-Enabled Learning Promote sharing & reuse of learning resources Provide reputational benefit to UK HE through promotion of high quality learning resources worldwide
“…as a condition of the receipt of a Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College and Career Training Grant (“Grant”), the Grantee will be required to license to the public (not including the Federal Government) all work created with the support of the grant (“Work”) under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (“License”).”
Institutional Support
OER fits with institutional goals and mission Promote excellence in teaching and learning. Expand open access to higher education. Gain buy-in across the institution Faculty IT Campus Store
2) How are OER projects sustained?
Common Attributes of OER Free Open License (e.g., Creative Commons) Access & use is explicitly expressed upfront – not dependent on copyright clearance, payment of fees, proprietary owner permission Easily & quickly adapted Customization & enhancements don't require large investments Errors, improvements, & feature requests are openly shared & managed Development, distribution & use is community/consortia based Sustainability relies on sharing - resources, development, hosting & support Users are developers
Annual fund 8 years running $9 million total Operational funds Repository Reuse share-alike enhancements – working with int’l partners NANSLO Work with Electronic Library Network Maintaining Publicly Funded OER $2 billion for Fiscal Years (FY) 2011 – 2014 ($500 million annually) No permanent funding - applicants must ensure effective innovations are sustained after the grant period ends Creative Commons, Carnegie Mellon Open Learning Initiative (OLI), CAST (Universal Design for Learning), and the Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges (SBCTC)
Maintaining Publicly Funded OER
Expanded OER project with public funding We gratefully acknowledge the support of a U.S. Department of Education FIPSE (Fund for Improvement of Post Secondary Education) Special Focus grant
Develop Partnerships and Collaborations
Cable Green reframes “sustainability.”
3) Where are these funding resources?
TAACCT No central place… yet… DOL working on it
4) Where are the threats to OER?
House Appropriations Committee draft FY2012 Labor, Health and Human Services funding bill SEC None of the funds made available by this Act for the Department of Labor may be used to develop new courses, modules, learning materials, or projects in carrying out education or career job training grant programs unless the Secretary of Labor certifies, after a comprehensive market-based analysis, that such courses, modules, learning materials, or projects are not otherwise available for purchase or licensing in the marketplace or under development for students who require them to participate in such education or career job training grant programs.
Publicly funded resources should be open educational resources. We should collectively advocate this be a requirement in all publicly funded government grants… in all countries. Paul, anyone want to add
5) Where does OER go from here?
Paul Stacey BCcampus Cable Green Creative Commons James Glapa-Grossklag College of the Canyons Mitchell Levy College Open Textbooks Steve Saltzberg SoftChalk
Paul Stacey Director BCcampus 555 Seymour Street, Suite 200 Vancouver, BC V6B 3H6 web site: blog:
James Glapa-Grossklag Dean, Educational Technology, Learning Resources, and Distance Learning College of the Canyons Santa Clarita, CA COC OER Repository
Cable Green Director of Global Learning Creative Commons
Mitchell Levy/College Open Textbooks Mitchell Levy is the Marketing Chair, and CEO, Happy About®, a publishing and training company – If you have questions about College Open Textbooks or any of the content presented today, please feel free to reach out to: College Open Textbooks, funded by The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, is a collection of colleges, governmental agencies, education non-profits, and other education-related organizations that are focused on the mission of driving the awareness and advocacy for open textbooks.