Good Morning Please be sure to sign in at the round table and take care of your belongings. Turn around and face the back ready for announcements. If you come in late, just have a seat. You may sign the tardy log and take care of your belongings AFTER announcements.
Intro to IT Hybrid 1/28 & 29/15 Essential Question: How does utilizing Word improve the productivity of the workforce? Literacy Objective: (aka – bell work) LA Strand: Standard 8: Research to build and present knowledge. Prepare your workstation for your timed writing activity. I will demonstrate effective and efficient keyboarding skills. I will demonstrate proper keying technique and improve my knowledge of the keys. I will demonstrate correctly keying a business letter with letterhead in block style. I will write a business letter with letterhead in block style.
Intro to IT Hybrid 1/28 & 29/15 Standards: 1.0 – Develop keyboarding skills to enter and manipulate text and data. 2.0 – Demonstrate comprehension and communication skills 3. 0 – Use technology to enhance the effectiveness of communication skills – Practice quality performance in the learning environment and the workplace – Participate in work-based learning experiences – Demonstrate proficiency using common software applications.
Intro to IT Hybrid 1/28 & 29/15 Timed Writing Activity Table of Contents #14, Lesson 99D Skill Check, book pg 304, score = _____ MS Word Business Letter Test DUE DATE: Due date was 1/22 or 1/23; cut off date of Tuesday, 1/27 Review questions for Writing a Business Letter with a Letterhead – be sure you answered these questions!! Default Line Spacing – read the entire “lesson” and respond to the questions at the end Headings and Styles You will need to open the document “Expectations” and save it to your H drive BEFORE you start the lesson. Read and follow the lesson directions for HEADINGS AND STYLES Headings and Styles > Headings and Styles (cont.) Format Painter - Quote Style - VIDEO –shown in class Monday Change Styles - Everyday Uses of Headings and Styles QUICK QUIZ NEW ASSIGNMENT: Portion of Final Exam: Key a Business Letter AND submit in eMarion Exit Activity: When keying a business letter you should not leave any blank lines at the bottom of the letter; why?
Web Design 1/28 & 29/15 Open the website and take a look at the slides for your class. Exam View Test – If you are ready to retake the quiz, see me FIRST!!! After you finish the bell work, work on your assignments. Notice the need for certification prep. CIW online activities AND mastery activities MUST be completed for each lesson.
Foundations of Web Design 1 1/28 & 29/15 Essential Question: What skills and knowledge is needed when using frames to create an informational website? Literacy Objective: LA Strand: Standard 8: Research to build and present knowledge. In CIW Lesson 7, Video, Audio and Image Techniques, review the lesson and write a summary paragraph about the lesson and what you think is the most important part of the lesson. Be sure to use correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
Foundations of Web Design 1 1/28 & 29/15 I will define associated terms. I will become familiar with key steps in building the first page of a web site. I will complete the home page for my web site. I will build four pages profiling a president and include a photo of each. I will build a page that will help convince tourists to visit Mt. Rushmore. I will make additions and revisions to graphics within the web site. I will prepare for Dreamweaver certification. Standards: Demonstrate language arts knowledge and skills. Demonstrate proficiency in website planning and design process. Incorporate images and graphical formatting on a webpage. Create basic webpages. Describe frame structures and their usage.
Foundations of Web Design 1 1/28 & 29/15 Assignments: Terms to define: Frames, frameset document, dynamic, frame tag, Noframes, target, base target, inline frames, Iframes CIW Lesson 7 – Video, Audio and Image Techniques Complete the following activities View movie(s) Complete on-line exercises Complete the mastery exercises Practice the quiz You should be able to answer both the pre-assessment questions AND the review questions when you are finished with the lesson. (There is a QUIZ!) CIW Lesson 7 Quiz – see me if you need to retake the quiz Edulaunch: Dreamweaver CS5 Mt. Rushmore Project – due date February 6, 2015 Project Lessons 1-5
User Interface Design 2 1/28 & 29/15 Essential Question: What skills and knowledge is used to employ technical tools to expedite workflow when finalizing your website? Literacy Objective: LA Strand: Standard 8: Research to build and present knowledge. In CIW Lesson 10, Multimedia and the Web, review the lesson and write a summary paragraph about what you think is the most important part of the lesson. Be sure to use correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
User Interface Design 2 1/28 & 29/15 I will use various drawing tools to create the floor, walls, and door of my room. I will use the Insert Symbol feature to make various objects for the room and place them in the library. I will add a photo or image in the library as a graphic symbol. I will add sound in my movie. I will insert a short video clip on the screen of my television. I will animate my arm being raised and lowered to turn on the tv and use the frame by frame method. I will use a motion tween to make a newspaper fly through the window while it is spinning along a curved path. I will make a movie clip symbol of a fish that will be constantly swimming in a bowl or tank. I will mask a movie clip of moving clouds so they can only be seen through the window. I will make a movie clip of a lava lamp using a shape tween. I will place symbols in the library of the same type into folders. I will make thought bubbles fade in. I will prepare for FLASH certification.
User Interface Design 2 1/28 & 29/15 Standards: Demonstrate language arts knowledge and skills. Use oral and written communication skills in creating, expressing and interpreting information and ideas. Solve problems using critical thinking skills, creativity and innovation. Use information technology tools.
User Interface Design 2 1/28 & 29/15 Assignments: Terms to Define: Style magnification, cross hairs, stage, bitmap, script assist,.fla,.swf,.html,.exe, sound settings, play head, sync to stream, registration point, deployment, embedding, encoding, global function, scene menu, frame actions, up state, hit state CIW Lesson 10– Multimedia and the Web Complete the following activities: View movies Work through on-line exercises for review Complete Course Mastery assignments Practice the quiz You should be able to answer both the pre-assessment questions AND the review questions when you are finished with the lesson. (There is a QUIZ!) CIW Lesson 10 Quiz - see me if you need to retake the quiz Edulaunch: Flash CS5 Drawing and Animation Project – Project Lessons 1-12 due February 6, 2015
Web Scripting Fundamentals 3 1/28 & 29/15 Essential Question: What skills and knowledge is needed to modify a website so the accessibility issues meet standards? Literacy Objective: LA Strand: Standard 8: Research to build and present knowledge. In CIW Lesson 8, JavaScript Security, read and take notes from pages These notes should be a reflection summary and thorough enough for test notes. Be sure to use correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
Web Scripting Fundamentals 3 1/28 & 29/15 I will distinguish between browser and operating system. I will define signed scripts.. I will discuss browser security issues relevant to JavaScript. I will use cookies and passwords to restrict entry to a page. I will define properties and methods of custom objects. I will create functions and methods for manipulating client side arrays. I will identify steps and methods for changing X/HTML on the fly. I will prepare for Dreamweaver certification. Standards: Demonstrate language arts knowledge and skills. Design, write, debug, and incorporate a JavaScript client-side script into a webpage. Incorporate basic JavaScript form validation and form handling using pre- built validation scripts. Use advanced JavaScript techniques.
Web Scripting Fundamentals 3 1/28 & 29/15 Assignments: Prepare for Dreamweaver certification Terms to define: Helper application, accessibility, infinite loop, frame to frame URL change, same origin, BOM – browser object model, signed script, digital certificate, cross site scripting, XHTML entities, cookie CIW Lesson 8 Complete the following activities: View movies Work through on-line exercises for review Complete Course Mastery assignments Practice the quiz You should be able to answer both the pre-assessment questions AND the review questions when you are finished with the lesson. (There is a QUIZ!) CIW lesson 8 Quiz