1. Has your county adopted an ethics code that is different from the state ethics code contained in chapter 112 of state law?
1.Palm Beach 2.Seminole 3.Clay 4.Duval 5.Miami-Dade 6.Broward 7.Indian River 8.Lake 9.Escambia 10.Sarasota 11.St. John's 12.Orange 1. Has your county adopted an ethics code that is different from the state ethics code contained in chapter 112 of state law?
2. Does your county have its own Ethics Commission?
1.Palm Beach 2.Duval 3.Miami-Dade 2. Does your county have its own Ethics Commission?
3. Does your county require lobbyists and their principles to register?
1.Palm Beach 2.Pinellas 3.Duval 4.Leon 5.Miami-Dade 6.Broward 7.Lake 8.Hillsborough 9.Orange 3. Does your county require lobbyists and their principles to register?
4. Does your county require lobbyists to report their compensation?
1.Leon 2.Okeechobee 4. Does your county require lobbyists to report their compensation?
5. Has your county adopted an ordinance regarding voting conflicts for elected officials?
1.Seminole 2.Miami-Dade 3.Hillsborough 4.Orange 5.Liberty 6.Okeechobee 5. Has your county adopted an ordinance regarding voting conflicts for elected officials?
6. Has your county adopted any ordinance regulating the financing of county campaigns?
1.Miami-Dade 2.Broward 3.Sarasota 4.Okeechobee 6. Has your county adopted any ordinance regulating the financing of county campaigns?
7. Has your county adopted any ordinance regulating procurement practices such as a "cone of silence" during bidding?
1.Palm Beach 2.Seminole 3.Walton 4.Pinellas 5.Dixie 6.Clay 7.Leon 8.Martin 9.Miami-Dade 10.Bay 11.Broward 12.Indian River 13.Escambia 14.Sumter 15.Hillsborough 16.Sarasota 17.St. John's 18.Manatee 19.Polk 20.Orange 7. Has your county adopted any ordinance regulating procurement practices such as a "cone of silence" during bidding?
8. Has your county adopted restrictions on gifts from lobbyists to county commissioners and county employees?
1.Palm Beach 2.Seminole 3.Hendry 4.Pinellas 5.Hernando 6.Clay 7.Duval 8.Martin 9.Broward 10.Indian River 11.Lake 12.Hillsborough 13.Sarasota 14.Brevard 15.St. John's 16.Hardee 17.Manatee 18.Polk 19.Orange 20.Okeechobee 8. Has your county adopted restrictions on gifts from lobbyists to county commissioners and county employees?
9. Does your county offer ethics training for elected county officials?
1.Palm Beach 2.Monroe 3.Seminole 4.Hendry 5.Pinellas 6.Duval 7.Leon 8.Martin 9.Miami-Dade 10.Bay 11.Broward 12.Lake 13.Escambia 14.Sumter 15.Sarasota 16.St. John's 17.Manatee 18.Polk 19.Orange 20.Okeechobee 21.Levy 9. Does your county offer ethics training for elected county officials?
10. Does your county have its own independent Inspector General?
1.Palm Beach 2.Pinellas 3.Miami-Dade 4.Broward 5.St. John's 10. Does your county have its own independent Inspector General?
11. Does your county have a designated point person for ethics issues?
1.Seminole 2.Hendry 3.Pinellas 4.Duval 5.Leon 6.Miami-Dade 7.Broward 8.Escambia 9.Sumter 10.Hillsborough 11.Sarasota 12.St. John's 13.Hardee 14.Manatee 15.Orange 16.Okeechobee 11. Does your county have a designated point person for ethics issues?
Bay Brevard Broward Clay Dixie Duval Escambia Flagler Gilchrist Hardee Hendry Hernando Hillsborough Indian River Jackson Lake Leon Levy Liberty Manatee Martin Miami-Dade Monroe Okeechobee Orange Palm Beach Pinellas Polk Sarasota Seminole St. John's Sumter Taylor Union Walton Washington Survey Responses Received
Alachua Baker Bradford Calhoun Charlotte Citrus Collier Columbia DeSoto Franklin Gadsden Glades Gulf Hamilton Highlands Holmes Jefferson Lafayette Lee Madison Marion Nassau Okaloosa Osceola Pasco Putnam Santa Rosa St. Lucie Suwannee Volusia Wakulla Survey Responses Not Received