Public Relations Writing Chapter 13
Writing for PR serves many A press release is targeted towards The client News managers Newspaper, Magazine, TV Knowledge of newswriting helps the people you are trying to reach Be professional Be realistic Avoid Hype
Forms of Delivery Online Newsrooms Company web space dedicated to news releases Reporters can browse E-mail alert subscription Images of people in releases (with identifications) Blogs Also gaining popularity as ways to get news updates PR Wire services prnewswire
Skills for News Releases Target your audience Make sure info is relevant Send it to the right people Avoid duplicates to same place Find a newsworthy angle Timeliness, local interest, new information Identify elements in headline & lead Don’t make reader look for newsworthiness
Additional Skills for News Releases Consider a visual element Relate info to the audience Keep information Factual Provide diverse sources Allow lead time Use active voice Use present tense Check grammar and spelling
Structure of News Releases Style One sided, keep it brief One maybe two pages Use AP style when sending to print news orgs Number of pages Write “more” at bottom if multiple pages Number the pages Timeliness Send releases out PRIOR to publication date
Major Elements of Release Company Name FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Date of release Contact information Headline Dateline Lead Body Ending
Video News Releases AKA – “VNR’s” News stories produced for TV Include Footage Soundbites/quotes Often developed well enough to be aired unedited Advantages Cost effective for news stations Don’t have to use resources to create story
Format for Video News release Disclaimer giving news outlet permission to use material without editing A list of the contents (including the time of each item) B-Roll Video footage and natural sounds that can be inserted Interviews & soundbites from sources Contact info Sample VNR
Public Service Announcements Messages TV/Radio will air without charge Non-commercial/Non-political content Usually very brief (since no charge) Broadcast 15 sec – 1 minute Format From: Contact: Length: Message: Disclaimer: Sample PSA
Media Kits Often used to promote corporate products A good media kit includes the following Attractive cover Brief letter or note News release Fact sheet Backgrounder Story ideas
Corporate Publications Used to target Management Employees Shareholders When creating a proposal Know your audience Make a list – What does the audience want to know? Envision the result – What will the reader do? Make a checklist of What & Why I want to tell you… This is important because…
Corporate Web Sites Top 5 reasons journalists visit a company website To find a PR contact To check basic facts about the company Name spelling, location, etc To get company “Spin” on events To check financial info To download images