Bessemer City Schools 4.7 Mill Renewal Presentation Dr. Fred D. Primm, Jr. Superintendent
What is an Ad-Valorem Tax Renewal? This is NOT a new tax but a renewal on a CURRENT tax… Ad valorem taxes, commonly referred to as property taxes, are taxes levied based on the value of property. Property are measured in millage. One mill is equal to 10 cents on each $100 of assessed value. Municipalities can levy property taxes for educational purposes. Once a property tax is levied, it usually has a time limit. Before the expiration of the tax it has to be renewed by vote the citizens in that particular community.
How much revenue does it generate for the school system? 1.2 Million Annually
How is this money spent? Maintenance (e.g. roof repairs, heating & air conditioner repairs, etc.) Utilities (lights, water, gas, etc.) Supplies (cleaning, classroom, etc.)
When is the election? Tuesday, September 27, 2011 Polls Open from 7:00 am – 7:00 pm
For More Information Town Hall Meetings Monday, September 19 – City Hall 6:00-7:30 Thursday, September 22 – Lawson State (Old Wachovia Bank Building) Contact Person(s) Dr. Fred Primm, Jr. – (205) Ms. Terri Sharpley – (205)
How can you help? Cast your vote…