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G UIDANCE C OUNSELORS Mrs. Froelich - A-G Mrs. Esakov - H-O Mr. Preusser - P-Z Guidance Secretary - Mrs. Smith


G RADUATION R EQUIREMENTS English 4 credits Math (equiv. Algebra 2)4 credits Science3 credits Social Studies3 credits Fine Arts0.5 credit Health0.5 credit Physical Education0.5 credit Econ. & Financial Literacy0.5 credit Electives8 credits Total 24 credits Pass all 5 sections of the OGT Class of 2017

G RADUATION R EQUIREMENTS English 4 credits Math (equiv. Algebra 2)4 credits Science3 credits Social Studies3 credits Health0.5 credit Physical Education0.5 credit Business/Technology/Fine Arts/1 credit Foreign Language Electives8 credits Total 24 credits Pass all 5 sections of the OGT Medina County Career Center

W HAT IS CONSIDERED A F INE A RT ? Drama/ Theater Music/ Band Visual Arts – e.g. Art 1, Ceramics

E CONOMICS & F INANCIAL L ITERACY Everyone must take this course during their 11 th or 12 th grade year.

O HIO G RADUATION T ESTS March 16 th – 20 th Intervention class to help pass OGT if you fail a section. Don’t stress, do your best!

G RADE P ROMOTION – J UNIOR S TATUS ? 11 credits by August 1 st

W HAT C OLLEGES L IKE T O S EE 4 credits of English 4 credits of Math - Algebra II or higher 3 credits of Science – with significant lab experience 3 credits of Social Studies 2 or more years of a Foreign Language (3+ is nice!) 1 credit of a Fine Art Competitive Colleges: AP, honors or accelerated courses (most rigorous courses) Class rank (top of class) Cumulative Grade Point Average Good ACT or SAT scores Attendance Letters of Recommendation Essays

A CADEMIC D IPLOMA WITH H ONORS MEET 7 OF 8 CRITERIA BELOW 4 credits of English 4 credits of Math – must include Algebra II or its equivalent 4 credits of Science - including chemistry and physics 4 credits of Social Studies 3 credits of one foreign language or 2 credits of two foreign languages 1 credit of a Fine Art 3.5 Cumulative GPA (minimum, unweighted) 27 ACT or 1210 SAT score

C OLLEGE C REDIT P LUS (CCP) F ORMERLY KNOWN AS P OST -S ECONDARY E NROLLMENT O PTIONS P ROGRAM (PSEOP) Mandatory meeting for Student and Parents on Monday, February 9, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. in the HS Gymnasium. Write a “CCP” in top right corner of registration sheet. Sign up to take the ACT or SAT as soon as possible if you plan to do CCP next year. Must meet college CCP requirements in order to participate in program. Guidance website has local CCP institution requirements. CHECK IT OUT!

ACT AND SAT I NFORMATION S CHOOL C ODE : April 18 th, 2015 June 13 th, March 14 th, 2015 May 2 nd, 2015 June 6 th, ACT DATESSAT DATES * NOTE: Registration deadlines are approximately a month before test date! * See your guidance counselor if you qualify for a fee waiver for either of these tests. (free/reduced lunch) * As of now: Ohio schools that require scores sent directly to the university are: OSU, Miami, U. of Cinn., Case Western, NCAA, NAIA – put codes in! Save money!

NCAA OR NAIA E LIGIBILITY If you are planning on playing Sports in college make sure you take a look at the NCAA and NAIA websites. Communicate to your guidance counselor that you want to play sports in college!!! Know the criteria needed to play sports at each level. NCAA – NAIA –

A LTERNATIVE C REDITS Summer School – 3 credits (maximum) Correspondence – 2 credits (maximum) NOVA NET – no limit –placement by counselor Options for Failing Classes:

P HYSICAL E DUCATION W AIVER Waive P.E? Must complete 2 seasons of a sport, cheerleading and/or band. Once you have completed the 2 seasons you can obtain a P.E. waiver form from your guidance counselor. Signatures from student, parent, athletic director or band director are required.

A DVANCED P.E. C OURSES REMINDER - Advanced P.E. courses now require: 1. “B” average or higher in P.E. I and P.E. II classes. 2. Students must maintain a “B” average or higher to continue in an advanced P.E. course – any grade lower than a “B” students will have those courses removed from their schedule. If you have waived your P.E. credit please place a W and an X in the box next to the Advanced P.E course you would like to take. Examples: X-W or 1-W

M EDINA C OUNTY C AREER C ENTER If you are a student that plans on attending the MCCC write “MCCC” in the top right corner of the registration form. Also please write – on your form you will need to enter this number in for online scheduling. The number is the only number you will need to enter if you plan to attend MCCC. Applications to attend the MCCC are due: 1 st round – Friday, February 6 th 2 nd round – Friday, February 20 th

R EMINDERS Academic Letter Awards – Must have a 3.5 GPA for 1 st and 2 nd trimesters Athletic Eligibility – Must pass a minimum of 1.7 credits each trimester and maintain a 1.0 GPA. (pass 4 of 5 classes with D or higher)

P RE - REQUISITES Pre-requisites (PR) are courses that you must take in order to take the next course. Examples: Ceramics 1 - PR – Art 1 (102) Algebra 2 - PR – Geometry Acad. Algebra 2 – PR – Acad. Geometry w/ C average Chemistry - PR – Biology and Algebra 1 with C average. Sequence charts in registration guide will help.

R EGISTRATION I NFORMATION Select the required courses by marking the course selections with an “X” in the “Student Request” column: English Math Science Social Studies Economics & Financial Literacy Sign up for additional elective courses to total 15 trimester classes. Make sure the “#of Tri’s” column equals 15 for all courses marked with an “X”.

R EGISTRATION I NFORMATION (C ONT.) Select 5 additional elective choices by writing “1”, “2”, “3”, “4”, “5”, in order of preference in the “Student Request” column. We will use the additional 1-5 choices if there is a scheduling conflict with your elective choices. (Do NOT enter this in the computer while online scheduling.) Discuss your course selections with your parent/guardian and make sure they sign the course selection sheet. Go online to and follow instructions stapled to your course selection sheet. Username and password is provided. Return the course selection sheet and online scheduling request sheet to the guidance office by: FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 20 th See your guidance counselor if you have any questions!

ONLINE SCHEDULING Everyone received a yellow form. DO NOT LOSE THIS!!! You will go to the website listed: Use the Username and Password is on this form to log in. Process is the same as last year. Read the directions as stated. Parents need to sign the printed requests copy as well!

ONLINE SCHEDULING CONT. Username and Passwords are case sensitive. You will search by course code. STEP 3- Using “ course code” you need to enter multiple numbers for courses that are 2 or 3 trimesters. You must repeat the first 5 numbers. EXAMPLE: English trimesters Course # , 2 = , EXAMPLE: American Government– 2 trimesters Course # , 2= , Each person should have 15 numbers listed. Marching Band -16, unless you have a special situation. (MCCC, CCP, Marketing Ed, etc.)

F LOW C HARTS English Math Science Social Studies Arts See registration guide for flow charts. Go to Click on Schools Click on Cloverleaf High School Click on Guidance Click on Course Registration Guide

C OURSE REMOVALS / A DDITIONS / C HANGES Course Removals: Bach to Rock Consumer Economics Desktop Publishing English 11 and English 12 (General) - only Academic and Honors tracks Academic American Government – now Honors

C OURSE REMOVALS / A DDITIONS / C HANGES Additions: Honors American Government English Composition 1 and 2 (Dual Enrollment) -The University of Akron CCP requirements Allusions in Literature – English elective Video Production – (11 th /12 th ) Art course - PR - Art 101, Drawing 1, Digital Art 1 or Graphic Design 1 Sports Nutrition – (11 th /12 th ) – PR - Health Leadership – (11 th /12 th ) –PR - Health

C OURSE REMOVALS / A DDITIONS / C HANGES Changes: Art 1 – is now Art 101 and Art 102 Drawing 1, Painting 1, Digital Art 1, Graphic Design 1 –PR - Art 101 Ceramics 1, Crafts 1 – PR - Art 102 Reading for Pleasure – now can take 2 x’s 9 th – 12 th grade (no longer 1 and 2) Symphonic Band now called Wind Ensemble Jazz Ensemble now called Jazz Lab

A DDITIONAL I NFORMATION All current sophomores – Need English 10 teacher’s signature for their English course selection next year. Honors/ AP Courses must have teacher signature. NOTE: All courses that require a signature will be BOLD AND ITALICIZED If attending the MCCC- Enter Intermediate Guitar must have Mr. Timm’s signature. Concert Band - EVERYONE WHO WANTS BAND WILL SIGN UP FOR THIS COURSE! Students will then be placed in Symphonic Band after auditions.

A DDITIONAL I NFORMATION (C ONT.) Students taking Marching Band or Flag Auxiliary will need 16 trimester classes. Marketing Education students will need to select at least at total of 12 trimester classes. (minimum of two trimesters) NOTE: New prerequisite for Senior Composition – English 11 Academic or English 11 Honors Swing Choir – tryouts – do not put in schedule, will be entered in later. (Sign up for Concert Choir?) Choir students can sign up for 2 or 3 trimesters. Please cross out 3 and replace with 2 if you only wish to take 2 trimesters. (enter in the right sections when online scheduling if only 2 tri’s)

A DDITIONAL I NFORMATION (C ONT.) American Government –Academic - requires a current history teacher’s signature. Course verification forms will be given to students in the spring. (Last chance to make changes to your schedule for next year.) Teachers will be available the rest of this week for signatures from 7:20 am to 7:30 am, if you do not have them in class this trimester. Cell phone number on form.

R EGISTRATION F ORM Junior course selection sheet SAMPLE.xls

S CHEDULE C HANGES Course selections should be FIRM! Selections determine: How many sections are needed of that particular class Number of teachers needed Number of textbooks or supplies needed Schedule changes must be requested within the first five days of each trimester based on course availability. All schedule changes will be completed by the seventh day of the trimester. Reasons for schedule change: Correcting incomplete schedules Resolving course selection conflicts Meeting graduation requirements Accommodating special needs students

Q UESTIONS ? Thanks!