Room 140 Orientation Night
School Day School hours 8:25-2:50 Students may enter the building at 8:05
Absences Please call the school at 330.486.2034 by 9:30 Must be fever free for 24 hours without medicine Please report communicable diseases to office.
Orientation Schedule Students arrive at 9:00 Dropped off by parent(s), take bus home Students will eat lunch at school Please see me for schedule
Bus Tags Please double check address and PM bus number All students will wear a bus tag If your child is being picked up please send a note PLEASE do not take home bus tag!!
Lunch and Snack Lunch is at 10:55 every day Lunch is $2.60, milk is $.50 Lunches are prepaid by cash or check Please put snack in front pouch of backpack NO NUTS! No drinks No utensils Snack will be eaten on carpet
Schedule Computer Lab-Mondays 9:45-10:15 Library- Tuesdays 9:15-10:00 Red Day- Art with Mr. Tait White Day- Gym with Mr. Sanders Blue Day- Music with Mrs. Bensie
Birthdays Non-food treats preferred-pencils, stickers, bubbles, etc. Please mail birthday invitations, do not send to school Summer birthdays celebrated at end of year Lunch with child week of birthday
Star Student Students are selected at random Complete a Poster Other various tasks
Homework Average time 10 minutes Please have a quiet area set up for homework Homework will be in the weekly newsletter Please assist your child with homework
Clothing Comfortable, weather appropriate Avoid sandals, clogs, Crocs etc. Label EVERYTHING Please work on tying and zipping with your child Change of clothes and extra shoes
Newsletter Sent home every Friday Available online Homework, Star Student, Birthdays, News etc. Great talking point with your child
Safety Please help your child learn their address and phone number, parent(s) names and 911!
Behavior We use a clip chart and behavior calendar Daily feedback in child’s take home folder Please discuss any notes with your child and review the class rules. Consequences will vary depending on level of behavior.
Folders Review contents of folder EVERY DAY! Have child practice filing and empty folder All written communication is placed in this folder Send to school EVERY DAY!
Contacting Mrs. Hanna E-mail A note in your child’s folder Phone- does not ring during school day 330.486.2081 Twitter @MrsHannakinders
Yellow Pages and Forms Has all information and more covered tonight Papers will be copied on yellow paper Please return Ziploc Bag with signed papers on child’s first day! Snack paper-if I don’t have this your child with not receive a special treat on their orientation day!!
Before you leave Write note to your child and put in mailbox Double check bus tag-don’t take home! Sign up for conferences Put away supplies Check orientation schedule